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Joined 1 years ago

Demolition Man?? Can’t wait for this to go wrong.

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FWIW … Memmy is the only one so far that can save images to your device. I really need this feature so I can pass memes around to the guys in the group chat at work.

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“Pay yourself first”. My bank has a feature that allows me to setup automated money transfers to and from different accounts based on rules I setup. The most important one is when any deposit is received from my employer, 20% of the amount is automatically transferred from my chequing account to my retirement account. My paycheque is deposited overnight and the money is already “gone” by the time I wake up in the morning. Treat it like another tax on your income that you have no way to avoid paying. Then live off what’s left.

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Amen, sister!! I’ve wanted one of those since they first launched in Europe.

I hate screenshots cuz they’re almost always lower quality than the original, larger file size and always contain all the extra garbage that’s totally unnecessary (battery level, WiFi, time etc). Having the original image/video is just so much better.

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If they have airbags and ABS they know a shitload more than you think.

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iOS saves screenshots as PNG files that are significantly larger than the original file. Have a look at the two screenshots I’m attaching. I know, I know… screenshot of a screenshot. One is the meme saved directly from Memmy as a jpeg and the other is a screenshot that has been cropped as you suggest to remove all the unnecessary junk and borders. I don’t know about you but I’d rather have the original jpeg.

Well, if you think connected apps are the only way cars invade your privacy…. That’s cute, good for you.

Road speed, accelerator position, brake pedal position, number of seatbelts buckled or not, GPS position and heading, time since key on and probably at least a dozen other parameters I can’t think of off the top of my head are all being recorded. Those certainly are personal data that can and will be used against you in the event of a crash.

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I bought one of these a couple years ago and it still lasts 12+ hours streaming internet radio from my iPad at work. Sounds great for background music in a shop. I love how sturdy it feels and the handle is great. I call it “Nintendo plastic” cuz it feels indestructible like the OG Nintendo controllers.

Soundcore Anker Motion Boom Outdoor Speaker

Just to clarify… I work 12hr shifts and it still has about 40% battery left at the end of the day.

Yeah, just ask any Tesla driver who also has Tesla insurance. I’d be screwed HARD as I go to work when it’s still dark out and according to Tesla that makes me a huge risk.

I’m still running a DS414 filled with WD Red drives. I’ve only swapped out one of the drives as it was starting to have issues. I’ve considered upgrading for more features (Docker, Home Assistant etc) but can’t justify the expense just for “nice to have” instead of “need”. Realistically it only stores Linux ISOs that I get with Download Station.

Canada here. Professional communication at work is done via email. Sending coworkers nasty memes throughout the day is done by iMessage/FB Messenger. Outside of work it’s all iMessage (or SMS with the two people I know who don’t have iOS devices). I don’t know a single person that has ever used WhatsApp.

“Currently” is the key word here. I’m using the TestFlight beta of Mlem and it’s coming along quite quickly. I haven’t been back to Reddit since the day before the blackout. Admittedly I’m spending a ton of time just searching for the subs that migrated over to communities here.

I’m not 100% clear on the pricing. Do I get this for “free” as part of a premium subscription to Proton Mail/Drive/Calendar or is this a separate subscription?

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3 x bacon 1 x toast 1 x coffee

“To me, anything more than 4 hours is a 1 day drive.”

Wow, where do you live that 4hrs is such a big deal? To be fair, I used to work with a guy that had to pack a lunch and plan his trip days in advance just to “go into town” which was maybe a 45min (75km) trip each way on a 4 lane divided freeway.

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I just got here. Started overwriting all my posts and comments on Reddit this weekend so there will be nothing left when I leave on the 30th. Gonna spend the next few days figuring things out. I like the upvote and downvote buttons. Feels familiar.

Nice. Thx.