2 Post – 115 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


"Arr, this āŒ marks where I buried 44 billion doubloons!"

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It's like, come on AntiWork, you had one job. Or none job. You know what I mean.

Me, I wish more games respected my time like that, instead of costing 40$ and going on 20% sale every few weeks, leaving me to hunt bargain bins to be able to get it at its "efficient" price.

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Well, inflation is real. And they are using sales income to fund current development. That's as fair as it gets.

Would you be happy if they released it at 60$ and had periodic 60% sales?

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Longtermism is a cardboard halo. A thin excuse to act in complete self-interest while pretending it is good for humanity.

The further into the future we try to think, the more different factors and uncertainty dominate. This leaves you room to put in any argument you feel like, to make any prediction you feel like. So you pick something vaguely romantic or appealing to some relatively popular opinion, and hey you're golden.

I am approached by a beggar. What do I - the longterminist - do?

I feel like being kind today. My longterminist argument is that every bit of happiness and relief today carries compound interest into the future, and by giving this person some money today, they are content and don't have to resort to thievery, which again makes another person have a safe day and have mental energy to do a lot of good tomorrow. The goodness becomes bigger every step, over time. I give them $100. It's pretty obvious, really.

They smell and I don't want to deal with that right now. My longterminist argument is that helping out beggars actually just perpetuates a problem in society. If people can't function in society without random help, it's just a ticking bomb of a humanitarian disaster. Giving them money just postpones the time until the crisis is too big to ignore, and allows it to grow further. No, this is a problem that society needs to handle right now, and by giving money to this person I'm just helping the problem stay hidden. I ignore them and walk on by. It's pretty obvious, really.

My wife left me and I want other people to hurt like I do. My longterminist argument is that unfortunately, these people are rejects of society and I can't fix that. But we can prevent them from harassing productive citizens that work hard to create a better future. If fewer beggars make commuters sad and it gives a 1% improvement in productivity, that's a huge compound improvement in a few hundred years. So I kick him in the leg, yell at him, and call the police on him and say he tried to assault me. It's a bit cold-hearted, but it's obviously good long term.

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No, that was pretty much how email worked for a long time. And IRC.

I remember someone even making a song "I am going to ban your domain" to the tune of "they're coming to take me away" to mock sysadmins who took this drastic measure too quickly.

Some university servers would block all email from abroad except for some whitelisted servers. My school blocked emails from another school because the students were badly policed and would just harrass other schools.

Some domains were universally blockdd because they were used by spammers and scammers.

This mostly softened into spam folders and increasingly sophisticated filtering, which is dominating today.

Atrio: The Dark Wild - has you control a clone with a limited life span. When you die and resume from a new clone, the old clone corpse is lying around and you can harvest it for parts necessary to continue the story.

Sifu - when you "die" your character ages and gets stronger before trying again.

Karateka - plays a lot like a regular game with lives, but it's not the same life. Every time you have to resume from a new life, it's a different person attempting to get to the end.

Shadow of Mordor - when you are killed by an orc, you resurrect from a spirit. The orc, however, gets high-fives from all his mates and gets promoted, plus some new skills. Next time you see him he will call you out.

Hades - the entire story is based around you repeatedly failing and dying.

Super Meat Boy - well basically you die and restart, but when you finally beat the level, you get an instant replay with all your failed attempts simultaneously playing on top of it. The effect is more glorious the more you struggled to beat the level.

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It did have an effect. Remember the context: Reddit is trying to look šŸ“ˆ big and growing now, because they will start selling Reddit shares. If no visible protest, buyers would just see the reality that Spez is showing them like "ad revenue remains stable" and "app adoption is skyrocketing!"

Even if temporary, that amount of outage made the news, which means potential buyers get to see a bit of dirty underwear sticking out of Spez's drawer. Business Insider reports on "Reddit's falling IPO valuation" already.

It is costing them, which may cause change. Clearly too little too late for too many people, but hey at least the assholes lost money.

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I did not think that through.

Oh well, exclusive Lemmy access promo I guess. I'll throw the Escapist an extra $10 on their next donation-enabled stream as an apology.

This sucks.

Can't ditch it completely due to family, but got a few more contacts over on Signal after this announcement.

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Black & White

It has a mechanic where you bless a stone, then throw it across the map, and you get to build and influence an area around the rock. Basically it is the only sane way to expand.

I did not know. I spent painstaking hours slowly growing my village trying to get its area of influence to spread into where I needed to go.

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So in legalese, it basically says "we are scared but not sure why. GRR!"

Same here. Reddit had me going only on inertia for the past few years. Whether they revert their API lalala doesn't matter - the communities are broken and I don't feel like getting up again.

And even if through some divine intervention they manage to repair the communities, I'm like... eh. I went to sit over here now and it's comfy.

And hiring people up to the last second. Last few hires probably barely have time to sell their old apartment and pack their families on the plane to California before being laid off.

Your soundcard works perfectly!

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Completely agree.

It's just a popular quasi-religion for rich people to keep doing what they do while coming off as megabrain angels.

Maybe Iā€™m wrong about this, but it feels to me like most people coming over from Reddit are viewing federation as multiple people helping run parts of a larger single site instead of viewing each Lemmy instance as its own entire community and site

I think you are right, and I think a major contributor to this is how Lemmy is communicated. We are inviting people to a concept when they expect to be invited to a place.

"Join Lemmy!" indicates Lemmy is the site. A site. One coherent system. Then "and pick a federated server" just seems like random frustration.

"Join <the instance I am using>! It's on Lemmy so you can easily contribute to the communities on Beehaw,, toupoli, ... without creating separate accounts there." is how I think we should go about it.

Most chatbots are speed bumps. Like phone menu trees and hold times, they slow you down on your way to get actual help.

Sometimes that means you give up before getting to the real help, which saves money on support.

Whether it's the intended effect or not, it is so well known at this point that we shouldn't excuse anyone using this tactic. It's malicious.

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I do love the "it may do so later" part. It reads like the journalist was writing this via speech-to-text from the shower, just rambling off whatever thoughts came to mind.

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Having to build roboport bridges across large bodies of water for no other reason than that, was so annoying

I love that game. I think it's the only game that presents dissociation and "functional depression" if that is even a phrase. There is a feeling of an unreliable narrator, but not to the extent of outright lies or hallucinations. Just everything looks out of place, disgusting, ugly and stupid.

Playing the game I feel like I am pretending to be functional in a world I despise, among people I find disgusting or irrelevant.

It's something.

I question:

People who are unwilling to put in a mild amount of effort to understanding something.

Are they going to improve or impair healthy online discussions?

Just finding a bittorrent client without giving my machine digital herpes gutworms is non-trivial these days.

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Yesterday's solution is today's problem.

::: spoiler hint: unofficial motto The Factory Must Grow :::

::: spoiler answer Factorio :::

Oh man, it's time to give this game a replay one of these days.

Stronghold, the castle simulator with a lot of charm but a dev team that lost their touch after a few sequel attempts.

Feminists cancelled by plumber union

::: spoiler hint Released on Commodore 64 and Amiga 500 :::

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That's far from a good faith interpretation of their complaint.

While we disagree severely, I am grateful to hear the "other side" in a civil discussion. I suspect the no-downvote policy of Beehaw enables this discussion and hope to find more of it.

I may have misunderstood, though. This is my vague memory of a friend trying to explain to me how I was supposed to have played the game after I gave up and uninstalled it long ago.

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3 fucking premium currencies?!

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The only plausible use case I could come up with is if a game company earnestly and legitimately wants to allow but outsource a real-money marketplace. As a cost saving measure for their own benefit.

If e.g. Diablo allowed legendaries to be owned based on an NFT, offered zero opinion on its legitimacy, said "whelp nothing we can do" to customers losing their items to scams or accidents, and didn't add any smart contract taxation or other shenanigans, it could work.

It wouldn't improve the game for the players, but it would finally be a legitimate use case that improved something for someone without being a pixellated ponzi scheme.

Airdrop spiders on the loud party down the road.

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Yeah we should! Most games listed here could have switched the character gender without making changes to the plot as such.

But it does make a difference, so I think they should be included. Even in the extreme example like Satisfactory, where you barely see what your quiet protagonist looks like, it's make a lot of people happy that the character just is female without it being pointed out or sexed up. It's also made a few people from the Expected Crowd confused and annoyed, which is healthy.

I hope the fake engine noises are a voice recording of someone going "vrem! vrem!"

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::: spoiler Answer Diablo Immortal Immoral :::

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