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This is gonna be an unpopular opinion, but Linux mint. It's great if you're just getting into Linux, it's absolutely terrible when you know what you're doing in Linux. The old package base and kernel just kills me sometimes. I get they want a stable base and use the lts versions of Ubuntu, but my goodness it's always so far behind it's not even worth using if you're on AMD. Thankfully they've realized this after so many years and are releasing an EDGE iso with updated packages and kernel and LMDE is getting a version upgrade.

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Legend of Zelda breath of the wild is the absolute worst Zelda I've ever played. I've played and beaten the following: OoT, MM, SS, ALttP, ALbW, LA, Zelda 2. I've almost beaten wind Waker and twilight princess, so you could say I've played a few Zelda games.

BotW is a mix of assassins creed, Minecraft, and Zelda characters with shit dungeons. The divine beasts are garbage replacements for dungeons and shrines are not a replacement for dungeons either, it's just a terrible Zelda, but a decent open world game.

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Not really true at all. If all you care about is raw performance, then that's debatable, but if you're talking ease of use then Linux is fine. Just grab a distro with an Nvidia ISO like pop_os and install, nothing else left to do.

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EndeavourOS, it just works really well and never breaks. The only time I had an issue was when I was using the Zen kernel and it locked up installing league of legends and watching a YouTube video at the same time. Using the mainline kernel though gives me no issues.

That's great, but as long as the master sword "drains energy", shields and other weapons break, and dungeons are lacking I'm gonna pass. The merging and crafting mechanics are cool, but I'm not playing Zelda Minecraft edition, I'm trying to play a legend of Zelda game. Building makeshift helicopters and hover crafts aren't really what I'm looking for in a Zelda.

1 more... yep, a code typo broke the alien AI. Unfortunately for that game though no amount of delays could've helped it, there were many more problems besides the AI. The AI was just the biggest problem.

Package base is always up to date since it's rolling. The AUR is absolutely fantastic and gives me any obscure application I could ever need. You ever tried installing the marathon trilogy with alephone on fedora? The AUR makes it a single button install. I'm currently running endeavour OS plasma, such a smooth experience.

Can't up vote this enough, Nobara is great for gaming.

Probably a fine that's simply justified as "operating costs". It's actually kinda bullshit, they shouldn't be allowed to buy up all the NA competition. Next is probably EA. Thankfully Sony saw this coming and started investing in new studios and IP.

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Final fantasy tactics war of the lions, the dragon quest games, really anything square Enix.

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I honestly don't know, I've had people tell me it's BotW 2.0, so I've stayed clear. The weapon degradation system is what truly pushes me over the edge with these games, and from my understanding TotK still retains that mechanic, so it's a hard pass for me. I've also heard there are real dungeons also, so idk what to think. I'm probably going to skip TotK altogether, I've currently been playing baldurs gate 3 and powering through the guild wars 2 story so I've got plenty of games to play and I don't feel like I'm missing out.

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For what it's worth, I've been using an 8bitdo controller for years. I have one that was destroyed by my kids, and my other has been experiencing some odd issues with using rechargeable batteries draining even when it's turned off. I'm not sure what has caused the battery issues, but this is after probably 3 years of constant use so I've gotten my money's worth. I'm considering a new one but I have so many controllers as is it's just not worth it.

I want a statement on the apparent lemmygrad connections and supporting human rights violations. The recent blog post was a PR non-answer, free speech is important, but human rights violations are just not acceptable.

Edit: it's obvious at this point there will never be a proper statement. I just want to say that regardless of the country of origin, US, China, EU, South Africa, India, it doesn't matter to me, all human rights violations are violations and unacceptable. This isn't a communism vs capitalism debate, this is a situation of whether to support the guy creating this software if that individual supports genocidal tendencies.

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I wouldn't call that a proper repair mechanic. They had that in BotW but it had to be a certain type of weapon from a certain type of octorok at a certain place at a certain time of day only once per blood moon. I'm guessing this is a slightly less restrictive system but it's still not really an improvement if your weapons disappear from your inventory like BotW.

I keep seeing people mentioning NixOS, what's so unique about it that people like?

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Does this mean cutscenes work with vanilla proton? It worked fine before except for the cutscenes, even proton-ge had some issues running the cutscenes.

How is MX? What do you like over other distros? I see it at the top of the distrowatch list all the time but I've never really found anything special or stand out with the distro.

I feel like that was by design, make your numbers look better than they actually are. The thing that zuck the cuck seems to always forget is that Facebook grew organically by word of mouth, not forced through tricks and metrics. That's the main advantage of lemmy and kbin right now, their growth is by sheer word of mouth, completely organic.

I used connect for a while, it was ok, then liftoff, it was a little better, but I've been using voyager as of late and it's been really nice.

Fedora is ok, idk what it is but I have never had a good experience with Fedora. If you need to install anything outside of the default repos it can be a major pain and while yum is ancient and rock solid, it's replacement with dnf, is terrible and slow. OpenSuse is also rock solid but I didn't like the install experience and while yast is good, you're still limited by the repos. Also OpenSuse is getting rid of, I think it's called leap or something, which I think tumbleweed uses as a base. It's unfortunate but I think the best option for most new Linux users is simply the latest Ubuntu. I hate snaps as much as the next guy, but their packages are fairly up to date. Outside of that you have the niche distros like MX and Garuda, but even those are just Debian and Arch. The other option is LMDE by the Linux mint team but idk how often that's updated.

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I would hate to use Bluetooth, would prefer a dongle. The latency of Bluetooth is awful.

"The numbers Mason! What do they mean?!" Seriously though, there are so many great quotes I can't think of any specific one.

Perfectly understandable, I honestly would love to hear their statement. Especially if it's something specific they've been supporting.

Every time I use Manjaro something horribly breaks. It's odd though because I daily drive endeavour now and it's been rock solid with no issues other than my own stupidity in partitioning my drives. I would stay away from Manjaro personally and use endeavour if you're dedicated to arch. If you want a rolling release distro then rhino Linux just released their first major version and it's a rolling release Ubuntu distro. Either way my opinion is the same, Manjaro was good for it's time, but it's been overshadowed and buried by other arch distros that are way more stable.

Well I'm not really concerned, I have pixel pass and currently have a 6a. So far it's been incredibly reliable compared to my iphone 11.

This is good information! I tried to give OpenSuse an honest try, and while I would recommend it over RHEL any day in enterprise environments, I just don't like it as a daily driver workstation.

Aliens invading my planet, I sleep. Aliens invading my spacecraft, real shit.

Yeah there's just not really a big enough reason to move away from Ubuntu unless you're really wanting to avoid snaps (which I completely understand)

The remaster of wind Waker helped out, the sail you could get to go faster and always be sailing with the wind makes a huge difference. The original release though I would agree.

Any weapon durability system without a repair mechanic is terrible. There is no strategy to the fights just go down the list of weapons you currently have and hope to kill the enemy before you get to the end of the list. Sure you can use a weapon for the right situation but it'll break regardless and there's no way to reasonably get a new one. I essentially speed ran my way to the master sword because of the weapon durability only to find out that even the master sword "breaks", what a crock of shit.

As for the divine beasts, they weren't complex at all, they were a shitty representation of a digital rubrics cube and the Ganon bosses were copy/paste with a few changes here and there, nothing complex. The only challenge were the lyonels and even those could be cheesed one way or another.

The building is just too gimmicky for me, it's so out of place for a Zelda game it ruins the whole experience. I get that it's the feature and a lot of people like it, but it's just not for me.

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What do you think flatpak and snaps are? They're at the very least containerized applications. Why would I install distrobox when I can literally install the same apps without having to screw around with installing a third party tool from a GitHub repo? That just seems like more trouble than it's worth. Not to mention you have to trust the GitHub author which really is no different than trusting the AUR package maintainer.

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I'm not trying to start a communism vs capitalism debate here, capitalism has its benefits, but that doesn't mean I support every sick and twisted thing the US does.

This is simply a request for a statement on alleged ties the developer has to human rights violations. I don't support the incarceration of African Americans one bit and think it's absolutely disgusting what we've done. I don't support those systems at all. I'm not sure what point you're trying to prove here. I honestly commend your efforts. You're clearly passionate about your united states hate boner, there's nothing wrong with that and that's the beauty of free speech. However, when you say things like "capitalism bad communism good!" but then turn around and support things like uyhger genocide and slave labor of North Koreans for lumber camps in syberia we have a problem. All of those situations, even the situations that the US has participated in is bad, that doesn't mean I support them, that's what I want to hear, do the devs support those human rights violations that they specifically have been tied too.

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Well then, hexbear troll account, makes complete sense now. I hope you have a good day.

All of those situations are unacceptable, but come on, none of the articles you posted other than the CIA Wikipedia page and the Syria article (to which I absolutely don't condone) lists the US as the sole country responsible for those statistics. Regardless of those sources, it's important to call these things out, which I commend you for trying. Which is why I want a proper statement, not some PR nonsense answer that avoids the subject.

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