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Joined 1 years ago

Are we going to pretend they're not just going to jump to the latter without feigning an attempt to do the prior?

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So they’ve been removed from their positions and are under investigation for conspiracy to commit treason. Right?

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That’s a very light sentence for treason.

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Yo mama so fat, yo daddy checks her for change.

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Actually, you found an idiot that didn't read the sentence that precedes the image you shared. I deserve the downvotes, because it is me who stinks

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Cool how do I put myself on the do not call list

Or 4 Calling Birds

Not that im challenging what you’re saying, I’m having difficulty understanding how that doesn’t directly counter the Gish Gallop technique effectively.

Could you elaborate? And what would be the ideal way to combat that technique in your opinion?

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Right, there's no way they would do something super unethical and try to apply their words differently to a sitting president above reproach in comparison to the convicted felon running for office.

I think you meant shnippet

Yo mama so fat and nasty, they film casting couch videos on top of her.

Honestly having Trump swear on one of his stupid red hats with MAGA would probably be the equivalent to his version of swearing on the Bible. After all, his word is gospel to his mouth breathing cult.

Ok, now we found the Tankie

If I gave your post a second glance instead of jumping straight to being snarky I could have avoided looking like an asshat.

It beats the alternative of internet strangers thinking that I'm a fascist, besides to err is human

What are these "social programs" you speak of?

PrOtEsTiNg Is NiCe AnD dAnDy, BuT hOw EfFeCtIvE hAs It BeEn LaTeLy?

Looks pretty effective.

Call me naive and ignorant, all you want. Many of the policies that have positively shaped anything over the past 50 years are being undone, in a quick and dramatic fashion like Roe v. Wade. We're governed by chriso-fascists, anti-intellectuals, or the elderly in every branch of government. The only things that happen slowly are the things designed to benefit the many and are only passed because of concessions to benefit the few. It's an open secret you can bribe congress and Supreme court justices without consequences. Appointing unqualified judges to supreme and federal courts gets you a get out of jail free card.

How can the working class hope to influence policy if everyone they elect (by overcoming voter surpression and gerrandering) or who is appointed can be "lobbied", bribed, blackmailed or given gifts to further their respective billionaires agendas?

Given the results of the encampments and the results of our elected officials it looks like hitting the poles is > just misguided energy.

One quick edit to say that everyone should still vote because we're all fucked if that fascist mango colored felon gets elected.

The youth are more than capable of understanding politics, and that’s a large reason they don’t engage. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the system is flawed and their votes in gerrymandered districts aren’t going to have a significant impact on elections, policy, laws, or the illegitimate court that subverts the will of the people.

If protesting is what needs to be done to get politicians attention and potential change then that already is the more effective option.

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Your username isn’t the only thing that stinks in this comment thread.

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