4 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

I'd kiss Matt Gaetzs weird lookin bitch ass . He's so weird looking man... like dam

I put his face in a photo distort app and it actually fixed it LOL like how the fuck is that even possible

Yes. And not in a comical way either

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Yes, but it's predominantly if not all news and politics or political ideological soap box posts or posts about defederation drama and instance infighting.

Just after having used Lemmy for 3 years, all it really is, is a small platform, for people to create a space where they can freely be hateful and shitty and hostile to opposite political sides that they hate.

It's so they can experience feeling powerful over who they hate. In a sense, it's their way of serving 'justice' keeping people out, defederating, is purposeful and habitual. It makes sense to me honestly.

Keeping Lemmy small, it's easier to control and to continue to be able to have a place where they hate who they hate.

It's annoying when ppl try to deny that.

Just be honest about it. Be truthful, ppl appreciate honesty.

Growing Lemmy would not be ideal, bc different people with all kinds of different perspectives AND INTERESTS THAT ISN'T TECH OR POLITICS would make them a minority. That's purposefully being avoided.

I found myself telling myself, "Go on reddit today, don't go on lemmy. You need a break from all the extreme constant politics"

I don't engage in politics online at all for a while.

But that's all what is posted and talked about here. No one here even wants to have actual fun and be silly or have a good time enjoying themselves. What is the most irritating, is literally no one fucking engages if it isn't political. That stuff gets ignored and down voted. This is a political place that is the issue.

There's no light hearted fun silly cool niche interesting happy or positive shit here. Everyone is angry and political and people are not interested in that.

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Lol literally just blocked it like 6 times lol

Also agree

Crazy right ? Yes so far I've done that in reddit pretty good. I cut it out real quick. If I see any political word or name I mute it. Cause it will just keep on going. So reddit experience has gotten better bc of that.

With lemmy I'm constantly blocking most communities. What's weird though is I feel like I've already blocked certain communities and they keep popping back up.

I also use a few lemmy clients. So idk if the blocks are synced and carry over to each app.

From what I have seen, some apps do, and some do not. I think that is a factor for sure

Fuck it, McDonald me up then

I like the purple theme a lot


Thank you. Yea, I've heard bad things too about foster care. It's really a sad reality for some. Especially kids who have downs .I watched a documentary where they put the girls on downs on birth control because they get raped :/ that's...awful..

Thank you for all your input. Hope you have a good one

Thank you for responding. I appreciate it. Follow-up question: If I may, what cases or circumstances would you support the child being taken away?

Doesn't matter what your response is, I'm not gunna argue with you. I'm genuinely curious and would like to know that's it.

You don't have to answer if you don't want to.

Thank you

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Appreciate your response thank you

Would you be ok explaining further on why you think this? Just ignore my comment if you're not interested. Thank you for the reply

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I'm looking for your responses. I'll even take it a step further. I've commented on a few. But I'm not going to ask people who agree with my side of things anymore.

I'm only gunna to acknowledge yall I'm not looking for people whom I agree with.

I already know where to go to find those answers. That's not what I'm looking for here

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Videos are obnoxious

Gunna look her up lol

Alright lol


Boost app does but yea try to use pixelfed or similar

I guess the only reason is because there are so many. Let's say we lost most of those options, and those were the only two contenders line which would you choose. That's all

Sorry you feel that way. I'm interested in anything else you'd like to add pertaining to the topic, though.

Have a good night

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Video hosting man ...

Thanks a lot for expanding on all that. Yea I don't agree with conversion camps. like at all if your kid feels a certain type of way, they just do. Some people may be disappointed that their kid comes out as this or that.

But it is what it is. It might not be what you want as a parent but that is not for you to decide.

I mean, if knew someone considering conversion therapy? I'd have a sit down with them. Because I don't agree with that either.

Anyway, thank you for going into more detail ! Have a good one

I don't even know what sealioning is. If that's a term for 'rage bait everyone so I can argue my political points in a malevolent way with an alterior motive'

Then the answer is no to sea lioning.

Look, so here's the thing. I personally don't see how either side left or right can have empathy or compassion or understanding on the things they care about, if no one wants to hear eachother out.

Lemny is a prodominently left leaning platform. I get that y'all believe and support certain issues because they mean something to you personally and yall are very opinionated about certain things especially hot button issues like this.

That right there, peaks my curiosity. Not that it is an irrelevant topic. It is very relevant.

I feel like if neither side can't just hush their mouth and listen, then how will you be able to understand and empthathise?

We already know, and I know foe dam sho lol that we disagree on a LOT.

I don't want to argue, i want to skip all that noise and just listen. I know what type of space I'm in.

I know I'm not gunna change minds so why would I waste my time doing that?

People change on their own. That's not up to me and i get that. That's why I refuse to argue here, or anything like that it's a waste of both our times.

I'd rather just listen and see what I can I learn and why yall think what you think and that's it.

Unfortunately it's not up to you decide what I do or do not believe in. You haven't even asked lol

Assumptions are unopened windows that foolish birds fly into.

Chatgpts definition of Assumptions "Assumptions can lead to misguided conclusions, fostering misunderstanding and miscommunication. Relying on assumptions often reflects a lack of critical thinking and a failure to seek accurate information. People who habitually make assumptions may struggle with open-mindedness and may find it challenging to approach situations with objectivity, potentially hindering personal and professional growth."

Stop assuming. It will do you no favors.

Yes, the right does, in fact hammer the point home about detransitioning. I will not deny that.

In your opinion, is there, or what could be a 'good' middle ground on the issue of some people who detransition.? Do you think there ever will be middle ground on it?

I watched a talk with Blair white and some others who are trans talj about detransitioning. I don't remember the name of the YouTube channel that hosted it.

However, I can find it if you'd like for further clarification.

Anyway, that seemed to be the general consensus on detransitioning. That we don't know that much about it, and the only thing we can do is learn from it and add it to research.

In your opinion, do you think that is the only option we'll have ?

Thanks again for answering

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They should be able to take blockers until they decide but they must also as a condition be testdriving what its like to do other gender stuff (dress, name, vocal, etc).

Thank you for answering my question, appreciate your response. So for this part, would you consider any age appropriate for a child to get on blockers? Or do you feel more like there should be an age limitation? I know that's a hot issue, so I'm just curious what your thoughts on that are.

For the rest of your comment. If I think you're talking about what I think you are, then I do agree with that.

Are you at all thinking of Jazz and her mother? If so, do you have any thoughts on that specific case at all?

Thanks again

Thank you for your reply.

Dumb question. But since this is a very specific topic, can you explain more about what abuse from family towards their transgender children looks like?

Sounds like a no brainer. Abuse is Abuse. But maybe family members are doing things they don't consider to be Abusive. That's not excusing Abuse in this scenario.

Let me provide an example.

Some people think taking your kid or spouse to those Christian 'make you not gay anymore' camps, isnt Abusive.

I think doing something like that is not helpful. Only speaking of children and not adults, but I can see how that is Abusive.

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Thank you for your input. As I've said in another comment, abuse is abuse.

But in your opinion, is there something people should be looking for specifically?

Some consider denying to acknowledge their children by their perfered pro noun abuse. Is this for example a form of abuse?

Asking that for clarification. I just feel like abuse towards trans kids from their family looks a specific way and I'm not trying to lump it in along with other forms of abuse.

It doesn't matter what your opinion is on this and how you feel about it I'm not going to argue with you. I am just curious to know what you think and that is all. You don't have to answer if you don't feel like it thanks again

Omg lol

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Thank you for your input. Would you be interested in explaining your reasoning? If you don't want to, that's fine, just ignore this comment

I've seen more than enough in your matrix chat with other admins to know you're full of it.


Don't direct message me telling me to block your instance because you don't want anymore down votes.

Who tf do you think you are internet boy ? I don't care that you are an admin, I don't fucking answer to you.

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I agree and I'm happy for you. The impression for me is no one here is interested in or wants non political discussions. I feel the same.

Don't let anyone get you down.

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