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I post pictures with my other account

The twitter user is an actual commercial pilot, and ACARS messages do look like that. Not sure what's up with SKW2438/SKY2438 but otherwise it seems legit. I think faking it would be harder than actually doing this.

Edit: Here's a picture of a much longer message in a more professional, non furry rp context:

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Imagine not knowing your bearings at all times...

Also imagine not looking like a sailor...

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How's he being an ally here? He's just talking about some people who supposedly pulled themselves up by the bootstraps. Most likely in an attempt to prove that others in similar situations have only themselves to blame for not doing the same.

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It is a gender neutral pronoun.

Also when talking about people, it would be nice if they was a lot more normalized even in situations where the gender of the person is known.

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True, but it's also the name of the Roman godess, which does make it allign better with all the other astronomical names.

I'd say the correlation is pretty good even when accounting for population densities.

A per capita map would also be nice.

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Robots cost money. Sweatshop slaves work for food.

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What servers crashed? .^pleaseberealpleaseberealpleasebereal^

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That distance exists not only in space, but most likely time as well. Extrapolating from our singular data point, it would seem that the lifespan of a technological civilization is quite short. The odds of two of those being around at the right times for even one of them to detect the passing emission shell of the other is diminishingly small.

Undeniable DPRK W

[ˈbloːhaj] because that's how Blåhaj is pronounced.

Private weather station?

It's pretty much impossible to make reliable forecasts based on the data of a singular weather station. The initial data comes in from a variety of sources including satellites, radars, surface observation stations (weather stations) and upper air soundings around the globe. All of the above are maintained by public sector organizations who collaborate and share the data because the weather is an inescapably global thing. During WW2 the Germans actually set foot in Canada to set up a weather station in an attempt to spread the coverage of their observation network.

Nowadays all that data is used as inputs for numerical weather prediction models, running on supercomputers in the basements of meteorological institutes and agencies. Big global ones like ECMWF and GFS are used pretty much by all meteorologists around the world, who look at those and other smaller, more local models. They compare the different forecasts and critically evaluate the probabilities of different outcomes. They apply their own judgement selecting the most credible raw forecast and then edit that if needed. All in all, it's a very global effort.

At least where myself and are from, meteorologists at the public broadcasting company (where that title is a requirement for getting the job) collaborate closely with their colleagues at the national meteorological institute. Their job is to comprehend the situation as presented by the institute, decide which bits of it are important, and then boil that down into a smooth and easy to understand presentation.

If a weather reporter isn't an actual meteorologist, then there is an actual meteorologist behind the scenes who made the presentation for the reporter to present.

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I know that this is a joke, but an actual nihilist would just say "ok then"

If they get down on their knees, cry and wet themselves, they are not a nihilist.

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I know you're being sarcastic, but I just absolutely despise that mentality. People seriously think that it's best to just roll over to the side and surrender every symbol the nazis want for themselves?

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My thinking is that a technological species either goes into ecological overshoot so badly that it kills itself (or at least its capacity to conquer space) ((this is what we're doing currently)), or then it learns to live harmoniously as a functioning part of the wider planetary system, and thus has no need to spread into space.

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I agree. You can see the initial sketch overlayed there, so definitely a wip with multiple layers.

I wonder what makes me more mad: this, or the fact that we're not going to do shit about it unless there's money to be made.

Good thing The Expanse is a series instead of a movie.

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I had some very similar ideas. This could be tied into some sort of a base management survival game like Rimworld. Start off with some educated people and nice survival tech like solar panels etc., friendly neighbours and ample access to information and so on. Then try to keep things going as time takes its toll on equipment and people and the climate gets shittier and shittier. First all fancy tech starts to get scarce when global supply chains start to fail and foreign imports stop. The internet starts to go down and you have to get your news via radio, then by mail and then as hearsay. At some point the local government goes fash and starts sending raids to you, or maybe it's a nearby declining military power that rolls in with some rusty tanks. Neighbours start to get desperate as crops fail and savagery spreads. Or maybe it's you who will be doing the rading and the cannibalism?

If you get far enough in the game that your original population starts to be replaced, you'd better hope that you managed to preserve at least some of their skills and knowledge by writing books and teaching the kids, because rediscovering shit is a whole lot harder.

Violence is not an answer, but a question. The answer is yes.

  • Mahatma Gandhi

Cumulus humilis, the telltale sign of a nice and warm summers day. Why would anyone be sick of that?

Our societies aren't the only things dying.

To build on this: The technology to fake it didn't exist back then.

Nice schizopost

That is a good point.

Except that that might explain the slightly different alias on that line. Maybe it's a message just like the rest, sent for the sake of the meme, and the alias just happened to get typed incorrectly...

I'm no astronomer or astrophotographer, but this picture of the moon clocks in at around 320 meter angular resolution. That being said, a lot of post-processing goes into a shot like that, so some detail may be lost due to that. The atmosphere of the Earth is pretty difficult to deal with as its disturbances cause fuzziness and shimmering. Stacking multiple frames can help, but it's still never perfect. Earth based telescopes sometimes shoot a laser up along their line of sight to get an idea of how the atmosphere is messing with them.

For comparison, The Hubble space telescope gets around 90 m angular resolution for objects at the distance of the Moon.

Sure. If any are left alive after the IDF demolishes Gaza to the ground.

A moonlet moonette is a natural satellite of a moon without being a moon itself. A planet is also a natural satellite of a star. The use of the word "moon" as a common term for natural satellites of planets is well established in professional terminology.

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I agree that most of the imperial system sucks, but knots (and by extention nautical miles) have a good reason for being used everywhere when navigating long distances around the globe because both are based on the way coordinates work.

I agree with your first paragraph, but not your edit. People just get attached to their comments. Nobody wants to see their (at least in their opinion) meticulously thought out debunk slamdunk of a comment ending up hidden or deleted. Even more so if making said comment took time and research for sources etc.

You'd need either the biggest space telescope ever that doesn't yet exist, or a lunar orbiter. The latter is how other space agencies have taken pictures of the landing sites.

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It's nukes. An environmental catastrophe doesn't happen at those timescales :D

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The CO2 we breathe out is a rounding error compared to the emissions from our fossil fuel use. It's frankly laughable to even compare the two.

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This was me on friday except that instead of moss there were fantastic snowbanks sculpted into exquisite shapes by wind.

This is the 22° halo. A Corona is an entirely different phenomenon caused by diffraction and interference of light around tiny water or ice particles, or other such particles of similar size. Halos on the other hand are formed by refraction. Here's another great resource about coronae (and pretty much every other atmospheric optical phenomenon out there).

You're correct about halo phenomena being caused by ice crystals. As such, they are most often observed when there's Cirrostratus in the sky, and that in turn is often the result of an incoming warm front. The Cirrostratus may start to thicken into Altostratus and Nimbostratus, so overcast and rainy would be the safest bet.

Croatia sang about urbanisation and the decline of the countryside.

Israel was 100% a political show no elaboration needed there.

Finland sang about no rules - anarchism.

Serbia was anti war, which is also a political position.

Then there's all the feminist and queer themes like with Ukraine, Spain and Switzerland. Arguably not political, but then again neither should be Palestinians deserving human rights.

And these are just what comes to mind off the top of my head.

Yeah the number if immigrants is very little even by our standards, but our right wing government is doing all it can to stoke fears of a Russian hybrid operation, just so that they get an excuse to shut down the border. Ironically, that's exactly what Russia wants them to do because such disregard for human rights naturally inflames internal political tensions here.

There would be significantly less drama if we just took them in with due processing, but now that the racist nationalists party is in government with a spineless sack of shit as the PM, they're not going to do that.

I think most things going through the temple are fatal.