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Joined 1 months ago

For dickbags to exercise power and control over people.

The culture war, you know, the one where a lot of folks think it's great we have things like birth control and public transportation and stuff.

And then a few other folks that think -basically, boiled down the real truth of it- that everyone that isn't a white male should be a slave to white males.

Obviously the best way to fight this is education, which a particular side has been hellbent on destroying, and considering what I was taught in public school, has been pretty effective about it.

Does it get to their wet dream of wantonly murdering folks in the street like they fantasize about? Well, we lost more people on our side in the 2020 protests than they did.

Probably something to with believing people are humans, and should be treated with dignity.

So get some goddamn guns and go to the range. I'd rather have it and not need it, and know how to fucking use it

Once again, I understand the best way to win is education. My short patience and compassion is entirely spent on people near me, so if you can go around teaching ignorant morons right from wrong please do. They already know. Their in-group lets them get away with it

Sounds like it's as random as the list this sherrif's putting together, don't it?

Well the way things are currently, is that certain people get murdered and shit on for super arbitrary reasons, so uhh.

Yeah. Fuck em

I mean, I'm pretty sure that's a fistful of felonies.

Like if you or I had done that, we'd still be in prison

Test toot!

Shit, my panels were still kicking at 95% when covered in a layer of dirt so thick I had to hose them, and wash em twice.

Now they're back up to 99%, and they're about ten years old

Absolutely fucking never

Well sonofabitch.

That explains why my setup starts cranking early in the morning, but is kinda piddly in the afternoon, when, by my eyes, there's even more direct light on them.

Had honestly never heard temp mattered at all

I only ever played the demo, and I really dug it.

Would love to try out the whole game.

Did not hear any hype though

4 more...

I have never had one fail. Never even heard of one snapping.

The one on my stepvan doesn't pull quite hard enough on its own, but it works.

And's a cable? Like seven cents a foot?

Check out how much solar china's put up this year.

Solar is absolutely the future