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Joined 1 years ago

Look the issues with java.util.UUID and Postgres.

This is not the kind of ad most people are talking about though. This is like Amazon trying to get me to buy insurance whenever I purchase electronics (which I never do, of course).

How do people who have gained hearing feel about it? It seems like hearing would be important for a number of things besides communication, but maybe modern life doesn't require much?

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How do you feel about Kotlin?

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How do you write tests?

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"Okay Todd, looks like Steve is working on auth, so you'll be on the blacklist today-... ahah I mean, working on the blacklist today ahem..."

They also claimed that the touch-based psychotherapy technique that Lykos used for the trial ties to dubious cult-like new-age psychospiritual therapy, which, among other things, intends to bring about a "global spiritualized society" and suggests suicidal ideation stems from suffering that occurred in the birth canal. This therapy has the potential to allow for abuse and exploitation, the researchers claimed in their public comment. At least one participant in the trial has accused a therapist involved with the trial of sexual assault during the trial's therapy sessions.

Well I would hope something like this gets shut down.

ITT: People who haven't tried Kagi.

Edit: Not shilling, Google just doesn't do what I need/want anymore.

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I've always done this but when I google my name I still see a website with my full name and birthday next to my family tree :/

As someone who switched from another domain to tech, I suggest trying to reason through your hesitation to switch away. Do you want to stay in tech because you like tech or because you're afraid of "giving up"?

In my other domain, I worked hard and did OK, but not stellar. In tech however, it's a completely different story. The other domain was "cool", and I don't regret what I learned along the way, but tech clearly comes easier to me compared to someone doing well in the other domain.

You need to be honest with yourself before you make the decision to switch. Are you running away from tech or towards something else?

I won't be recommending that anyone use Dart or Flutter on new projects.

You seem to think Google cares at all. Android has been languishing and Flutter is lightyears ahead. KMP is junk compared to what Flutter has accomplished with a fraction of the bells and whistles.

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Well the current deprecation is the Android APIs. You can still use the web APIs.

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I've worked in both android and spring boot and rewriting your security to use a filter chain is nothing* compared to the shenanigans google likes to pull. Keeping up with the deprecations and imaginary "best practices" is half the job. It's like someone combined the worst parts of react with the worst Java timeline and forced people to write inscutable spaghetti that's completely impractical/impossible to test.

*there are valid criticisms of spring security, but I think this particular change improved things, even if it felt pointless

Wow this is awful on mobile lol

Do you have any range issues? Forget to charge it?

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This is a stupid answer, but you could buy a cheap android phone. The carrier-locked phones are very inexpensive.

Germany uses a comma, and you can check this by setting your phone to en_DE.

If someone posts an angry rant about your company and you email them to say "you're wrong and I'm sorry you feel that way" that makes you an "unhinged ... freak?" This is not the president sending the secret service to your college dorm room lol.

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What I mean to say is that Google isn't invested in native android either. It's been repeatedly strip mined by first-timers looking for a quick promotion and left to burn.

Things got so bad that Google gave up on native Views and created Jetpack Compose, which has been a source of many complaints related to performance.

In 2024 Flutter has instant hot-reload, and the "native" (but 100% bundled) solution still requires a complete reinstall on the device. In fact, Dart can compile to native code (or JIT) without an issue, yet Kotlin Native is barely in GA in the new compiler support has been lagging while the new compiler isn't out of beta and is still poorly supported by tooling.

Consider the absurdity: React Native is the only true native framework out of RN, Jetpack Compose, and Flutter. And all of this barely scratches the surface of the tooling problems that Flutter 99% avoids by allowing development on desktop, web or iOS simulator.

That's interesting. So if your brain isn't developed to cope with hearing, it's overwhelming similar to someone with autism?

There are two kinds of Google APIs when it comes to Android: those already deprecated (stable), and those yet to be deprecated (early alpha)

I just hate reading it. I wish it looked more like Kotlin and less like JavaScript 😭

I recall an issue that started with windows 8 and UEFI where the bootloader would get installed on any HDD instead of the SSD where the operating system would live.

I found the if-blocks more concerning than the lack of parentheses. Although I would've preferred parentheses for better parity with Kotlin for the if-else blocks (instead of then).

AI bad now?

Frontend for AOL that looks like regular desktop AOL but without all the ads and popups. If only because it's something I doubt anyone would make before the EOL of Windows 10.

No you have it wrong, we just haven't implement clean architecture with usecases, it'll be different this time I swear, just wait until Google IO...

How do you feel about line breaks?

I worked on a team that did, and it was the second-worst application I've ever touched.

Have job

Get paid to suffer

Based on the sparse information in the article, they're training the model based on actual data points, not just feeding the data in human-readable format to a LLM.

You can also use Intellij Ultimate, the only big missing features are project config if you have mismatched versions of Gradle/AGP/Kotlin as well as the profiler.

Can you elaborate on this? Who maintains the list and how does one end up on it?

Are there any windows programs you've had to set up through wine?

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Not to be that person, but in the USA, companies are people.

I've even seen people saying that any brand mention will be compensated, even slightly negative. I think some sort of web of trust is the only answer.

That is not accurate. There are plenty of apartment buildings far away from commercial areas. They can be surrounded by rural areas or suburban areas (SFH zoning).

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No, i just don't want to see misinformation period. The reason the printer wasn't working is because they were on a managed printing plan, not because HP was trying to pull one over on them.

Why would there be? Electric cars are luxury items bought by people who own homes.

Well, forgiving a bunch of debt without fixing the problem isn't going to stop the leak. You can fully expect that bailing out debtors will result in lenders offering riskier loans they expect to be forgiven. With schools turning into a debt-selling industry, buying that debt from private lenders using public money would be robbing not only the tax payer, but also the next generation of the opportunity for an education. You can't buy your way out of problem that isn't caused by cost (hint: greed).

All that to say, there should be debt caps on education before any kind of broad forgiveness. Or just federally subsidize up to a certain amount and then no one will go to pricier schools except those who can afford to without hardship.