2 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

But they won't though.

Why can't they pre fill in the form and ask us if it's correct. The cast majority of us have pretty straight forward filling is.

12 more...

But but that's socialism

Man I never thought of it that way, my whole world just shifted 180 degrees

21 species removed from the endangered species list


due to extinction


You think he would do that, go out in the world and lie /s

Of course it's Ohio.

I've had the flip side of this, my team interviewed a candidate and I swear that they were reading a Chat-GPT prompt response for all of the questions we asked.


I don't understand how you can abuse giving kids a meal at school.....

5 more...

To tendies you say

My heart hurts reading this list, I love it!

1 more...

Woah woah woah, that's a little to sane

If you're worried about speed, there are better options for your backend than JavaScript.

Where my springboot homies at?

1 more...

DDD boob jobs

My brain: Man I can't wait for Dinners Drive-ins and Dives boob jobs. I wonder how they will get the frosted tips just right.

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I don't know man, I live in Iowa and we have balltown and cumming (not sure which is better)

To expand on this: every website that you go to online (i.e. is backed by an IP address.

Man, I have all of those cons at in an org that has 20,000 people.....

Haiti (no government anymore)

What's wrong with a government deciding to regulate and tax a previously illegal substance that is less harmful than many legal drugs at the moment, thus reducing revenue streams for cartels and gangs along with getting more money that the government can use?

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I've got the best of both worlds! Love the taste of my black coffee, and it keeps the monkey that bangs a hammer against my temples at bay.

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Forever and always

Just took a look at their pricing. Immediately comparable with Spotify (same price for both individual and family). Looks like I'm trying a new streaming service!

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Clojure, it's a lisp that runs on the jvm and would be quite the shakeup for ya.

And also a standard date time type!

4 more...

You don't know how accurate this is

Eh, if there was an automated taxi service that was really cheap (since there isn't a driver) I have a feeling that the need for individuals to own cars would go down.

There are people out there that can't drive or that have limitations on driving that this could help, and in the long term it may be cheaper to pay for a service rather than own a car which needs maintenance, costs generally 20k+ new, and is a liability from a financial view.

Yeah, but the leaders that can make the change today won't be alive then. So why would they care?

U wot mate

....What The Fuck.....I...I can't

My best guess is that it's "boring" and not trendy.


I started using comic sans mono ironically, but have come to realize that it legit is easy to read.


Yeah in those situations I choose to not show up. They gonna not show me respect, I'm not gonna show them.

Ingredients: 1 potato


Cut into 30 prices and serve

No shit