15 Post – 104 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Be careful or you might get a job offer from reddit

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Serious question: I know that there are tracking cookies and the user should be able to decline those,but most sites have an auth cookie that stores you're credentials. The devs can store it in a different place like local storage but thats really unsecured.what can the devs do in this situation when the user decline all cookies?

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It was the same with lies of P.. I think it's becoming a trend and someone needs to stop it, it's false advertising. None of the reviews are credible, they're not reviewing the same game

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My high school teacher never liked me and most of the time she ignored me and the times she didn't, looked at me like I'm a loser.

I didn't do very well on the big exams (similar to sat) and after few tears I served in the army, I did some courses to raise my grades.

These exams happen to be in my high school with all the 12th graders, and so I was sitting there and waiting for the exam to start and then I saw her peaking from the door after years I didn't see her.

She got in and called my name with a huge smile on her face saying "I knew I would see you here some day".

I'll never forgot this mean smile and I have to say, this smile really helped me on hard times at the university. It kept me motivated.

This was 13 years ago and today I have a bs.c. In computer science and working at as technical team lead in a big software company, managing engineers.

I sometimes remembering this and smile to myself. I don't think she knows what I'm doing today, but the fact that I know I made it, gives me comfort

I swear to god, you can't scroll all in lemmy these days.. Every other post is about Twitter or elon musk.. I don't understand why people stay there, talk about it and giving this man child the attention

fuck this platform and fuck this guy

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They kidnapped a mom with her 3 and 5 years old and filming themselves with them laughing. Young kids seeing thier dads in Gaza.

Thank you good riddence

But what about context? Hamas infiltrated to Israel killing hundreds of people and taking hundreds more hostages including little kids, elderly people and young ones who's been in a party in the desert. All this while lunching thousands of missiles

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I generally don't like meta episodes like the jokes in the show reflects on the real cast and writers. The self awerness usually ruin it for me. R&M did it well with the train episode, but I didn't like it too much here. Not only that, the entire advertising if Hulu was a bit much.

I mean the idea is great, they tried to tell us, the audience, that times are changed and the world have changed with all the pc, me too, gender awerness, etc. And showed even a bit of concern. Also that they laugh at themselves with all the reboots and breaks. But I just didn't like how it was served. I wish it was an interview and not an episode (they laughed about that as well with the "that's too smart joke) and just write an episode like the know, without being afraid of all the pc and do on.

It wasn't bad I still enjoyed it, but as I said it felt to meta and self aware for my taste.

Any one feels the same?

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If a moderator team unanimously decides to stop moderating, we will invite new, active moderators to keep these spaces open and accessible to users

That's insane he really thinks the content and subreddit who were create by the community for the community and is being moderated by the community is his. Not only that, he basically say that mods are sucker's and he will find new one to do his job for free.

I really hope reddit will die now so it will always be his legacy. What an idiot

Did anyone noticed the disenchantment easter egg?

No body knows him but I yesterday I went to the pharmacy and asked the pharmacist where do I get a ticket for the line. Some old guy behind me said its over there, I said thanks and went to get it. When I got back, I saw that the person who answered me was a very famous guy in my country, who hosted talk shows and have multiple gold record from the eighties and now run commercials.

That was wild to me lol

This season was great a lot of original content and this one topped all of the..I really loved this season and I feel like it lives up to the old episodes. I really don't understand the bad reviews.

I didn't know it's in Java. I never contributed to an open source before, do you mind if I take a look and see if I can assist?

Lol no.. I fell for it the last time and bought the vase game, I'm done.. Diablo will never be what it used to be, fuck blizzard never going to buy any of their games

It feels like I'm the only enjoying this season. I think they're doing great job and the episodes really funny! I agree that this one was a weird one and trippy as fuck but it was really original and I caught myself laughing several times. The main story was less good, but I feel like they wanted to put weight on the short ones. Also this is the second time that we see that a character is cheating and it's starting to get annoying. This is the only criticize I have

It's called a memory leak smh

I think you can't see starfield the same way you saw skyrim is because several years past and this level of dullness and jankiness is unacceptable

Haha beautiful, that one made me laugh

First of it's ubisoft, everything they show or advertise is just straight up lie

Second of all it's ubisoft so prepare for a bugfest shit show

Third if all it's already missing ship boarding,recruiting etc... It's already not in a good place on my books

I can see it being loved by the certain communities, like deep rock and such, but come on, you have the biggest and most popular fantasy world ever made and this is what you get out of it?

Although I agree that giving useless internet points and sticker is am embarrassing rewards for that type of job, the incentive is great, reward people (both mods and regular users) who contribute by adding areal value to society. I know most lemmies would disagree but these type of things (people for Godforsaken reason do care about the internet points) makes some of the content in a quality that that you don't see here

Your notion is just wrong. First of all engineers can't push back on something like this. They can try to push back on stuff that might be wrong for the product, that is not performant or potentially break stuff, but not on something that can make the company so much money. If this is the roadmap, they must align, they are being paid (tons of money) to implement the company's vision.

Second of all, you are looking at this as a consumer perspective. They are part of the company and most likely heavily invested in it. And if such thing will increase the company's revenue, it will icrease theirs too. They won't feel bad trust me, they know where they are and what they're doing.

I think this is the most important feature I'm missing. I want to see NSFW stuff but not porn

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I thought I'm the only when. Every game I played / watched a review and saw those C/D/A/S whatever I immediately say nope and uninstall. I have enough performance reviews in real life.

If I was Microsoft o wouldn't let you run xvid as well are you living in 2010?

Their child made charges to a credit card without parental knowledge or consent between January 2017 to November 2018

How can you prove that the purchase made by your child and not you?

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Yeah that's a valid point

Great answer and idea, I hope your community will become the main one

They're going to fuck it up anyway

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I don't understand something else - why every article say that threads us a Twitter rival if meta themselves say it's a slack competitor and it's an exact copy of slack

Edit: oh OK that's what op was talking about. Turns out there's already an app called thread which is slack copycat and was created before meta's threads lmao what a shitshow

I really hope you are right!

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Did you really think he is it off stupid ideas? I'm pretty sure he has a file cabinet full of stupid ideas

But... Why?

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Oh wow! A quick look on it and I saw its a massive data source.. Thank you!

"I wish you could see me! I'm missing 3 limbs and I'm kicking your ass!" Lmao, this guy's amazing! Some people are incredible.

That's a weird way to say that he is waiting for a call from Microsoft to make pillars of eternity 3

I started using bitwarden half a year ago and this is what I did. But once again moved, I Figured it worth nothing if I have weak and shared passwords across apps and sites. so eagrly I changed all the password on accounts that hold my financing details (bank, google, PayPal, etc..) and then lazily, every time I had to go to a site like lemmy for instance I changed it on the way

Google: Google remains deeply committed to growing Waze’s unique brand

Also Google: And how are we going to achieve that? By decreasing the workforce that works on waze

Yup came here to say something similar. As long as there's quality they'll be fine and in this specific case - if they'll deliver what their showing and not over promising they'll do way more then fine, the gameplay video looks awesome. I hope this what we get