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Joined 1 years ago 's alt used to see vote totals and other potential differences in Lemmy instances.

And crop out all the other scattered "fuck spez" messages?

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This post mirrors similar posts made in /c/ and /c/ where the user making the post was trying to assert that Canada welcomes Nazi soldiers. You can skim my profile for comments I've made on those posts within the last 24hs if you want a bit of context.

Both of the original posts were deleted from their respective communities so trying to follow the comments leads to an error page informing you that the post could not be found.

Here are some screenshots I have of the users' partially censored usernames and the associated post titles which are very similar to the wording in the title used here (I'm using censored names because I'm unsure if naming users is against the rules).
lemmygrad user posting to /c/
lemmynsfw user posting to /c/

I'm guessing that this is getting pushed due to a recent incident involving a Canadian House of Commons speaker, and trolls have been trying to push Ukrainians as Nazis since then.

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A lot of the comments I've seen promoting AI sound very similar to ones made around the time GME was relevant or cryptocurrency. Often, the conversations sounded very artificial and the person just ends up repeating buzzwords/echo chamber instead of actually demonstrating that they have an understanding of what the technology is or its limitations.

I'm not sure if just deleting/GDPR an account is enough to get all of their comments removed.

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Should have used an everlasting pill if they didn't want to be tracked by their poop.

Text is federated between instances while images are hosted on the home instance assuming you didn't just embed an image from somewhere else like Imgur. I dont believe lemmy hosts any videos, but that might just be an instance admin thing.

The issue is with conflating people from an event which occurred in the 1950s and associating it with groups of people alive currently, to me these two things are distinctly different from each other, and I wouldn't link these two things together.

Events related WWII feel irrelevant anything going on today, it's been ~75 years since then and the majority of people from that time period are already dead or >90 years old. Their actions were not influenced by people born decades after the fact, and it feels incorrect to link the two groups together. Multiple generations of people have been born in that time span further distancing people from older ideologies.

By David Pugliese Over the years some Ukrainian Canadians have staunchly defended the 14th SS Division Galicia. They have falsely claimed that Ukrainians who served in the division were conscripted, when in reality 80,000 volunteered and 13,000 were selected. Other apologists argue that the divisio...

With the title of the article/post, and the summary shown on desktop, it looked like this was just another post associating Canada with accepting Nazis/implying that people with Ukranian nationality are Nazis due to the phrasing of the title being similar to the titles used by the lemmygrad/lemmynsfw users.

It's my fault for skimming the rest of the post body, it looked that was a generic image caption crediting a photographer, followed by a short paragraph copied from the article.

I probably inferred too much from the post's title, especially after I had seen previous posts with very similar titles framing Canada as being supportive of Nazis.

While I don't agree with OP's stance of associating people today with people from +70 years ago, people have differing perspectives on things and my opinion is going to be based off of how much I perceive the two things to be relevant. To me, their stance would be like holding a person accountable because their grandparents destroying a building long before they were even born.

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Kind of surprising that the Bloodborne Demake doesn't seem to be effected, I figured that if they went after Bloodborne Kart that Sony would also try to go after that game too.
Renames project to Nightmare Creatures Remake at ~5:25, should be the same video from the POV of the person on the machine gun. (going by what their shin looks like post explosion)

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There are lots of reasons for for wanting to delete comments without wanting to delete any replies.

For example in this comment, I bring up the use of macros as a solution to fix a mouse issue. If someone brought up a point that this software was against the games TOS, I would want my comment removed as fast as possible because I view my comment as potentially harmful (and from context, it would have been obvious what the deleted comment would have contained). If there were other replies giving advice on how to solder (one of the other solutions I give), I would want those replies to remain visible to anyone else viewing the post. Some people, like me, might not have been aware that deleting a comment would remove all other replies, I've never seen a warning message that this would happen when deleting something.

Deleting the comment on mobile instead of editing out bad information is also a lot more likely because it's a "one button fix", and a lot more convenient than trying to edit the post (some apps don't render markdown correctly, and may not display strikethrough text). With the above example, quicky deleting my comment would have been an appropriate way to remove harmful advice, and a reply warning about the use of macros and advice on how to solder would still be helpful without the context of the original comment they were replying to.

The grandparents are still being held accountable for what they did, I don't believe in descendants inheriting crimes, this is where I disagree with OP. Celebrating the grandparents in this example would be the same as celebrating the Holocaust and the people responsible for it.

I consider society to be "dynamic"; it will change over time, and it makes more sense to make judgements of a general population based off of currently living people and how the newer generations are trending. Basing observations on a generation that is dead/will be dead within the next 15 years does not feel like it can be used to represent the current population. The changes are gradual but when you're already generalizing large groups of people, it's easier to break it up by what generation has done/are doing and if they are still around. There is going to be some bleed over between generations, but looking at how the newer generations are changing seems like a better way to see how a population will be changing in the long term.