2 Post – 78 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

How dare you imply most software devs aren't all three simultaneously

To be fair, what type of renewable resources could you even use in the sunshine state, or along the windy beaches of Daytona. The state just isn't a good fit.

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He was the US secretary of state in the 1970s who finally died today after far too long living free. The 3 page rolling stone article is about as quickly as somebody could summarize his more notable war crimes. Admittedly the article is pretty biased, but also fuck hearing the other side of the story about a man responsible for so much death and pain.

Tldr: he extended the Vietnam war for about 5 years because it benefited him personally, he convinced Nixon to bomb Cambodia and laos which were not involved in any combat with us, he was involved in the coups that overthrew the democraticly elected governments of Peru and Argentina, he encouraged the use of nuclear bombs in battle on numerous occasions, and that's just for starts. The rolling stone article claims he is indirecty responsible for about 4 million deaths. They don't list the directly responsible number, but its likely in the one million range.

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Don't worry, next year (assuming it's not another el ninio) they'll accept this years temps and use it as proof that the climate change is fake since "it's colder than last year".

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Basically all we know about him is that his name is Maximus Decimus Meridius. Father to a murdered child, husband to a murdered wife, and he will have his vengeance; in this life or the next.

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500 kilodollars

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That's why psychologists have such repressed feelings toward him

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It's been a pleasure knowing you DumbKid.

Though I would watch one that was a contest between surgeons. I imagine it'd start pretty tame, but the first time a girl with cat ears wins, were only like 5 years from the really crazy shit

We just need to be better about simplifying the explanation. Don't tell people "it's a federated website using an activitypub backend to communicate like mastodon, but only links to federated lemmys not including mastodon instances...." Tell them "it's a fourm that shares posts and comments with other fourms that agree to work together". If they want more detail they can easily find it themselves.

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It seems pretty cash money of you


I joined lemmy. Two months later I'm seriously considering getting tested...

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In general yeah, but let's not blame the farmers. They're shit on from so many directions it's wild - they're often locked into deals with specific companies with contracts that can sometimes cost them more money than they make. Tyson is especially notorious for this, requiring the farmers to build specific chicken houses that the farmer pays for, on land that the farmer pays for to raise chickens they're only allowed to sell to Tyson, all while Tyson can and regularly does choose not to buy the chickens if they're not selling enough. Farmers have managed to find themselves indentured servants on their own land.

Is that an Allen Ginsberg quote?

As a robot, finding bikes in pictures is really hard, okay

They're for the clit mouse. The bottom of the touchpad still has a physical click option

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Dude this is sick! I've grown up my whole life in the US and never realized how many other countries do this. Wikipedia has an incredible map:

I feel like your mixing up Julian Assange with Snowden.

Personally I think both started off doing what they believed was right, and both fled to the non-extradition of russia; but Assange not Snowden kept doing shit and it stopped feeling genuine.

I could be wrong - if Snowden has done things far worse than I'm aware shoot some links with credible sources.

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That's the disease that may qualify you for financial compensation

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God can you imagine the shit show if millions had tried to come at once this last time? We'd accidently ddos the fediverse to the stone age.

That feel when log4j is still on your server

Eh, we were pretty baked in public school too

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If this was about data collection on users I'd agree, but the UK government is saying "remove encryption on private messages". That only increases the ability to harvest data

It's highly unlikely. Cloudflare is (I think) the biggest CDN provider and one of the biggest domain registrars. Whatever is paying them it's inconsequential to their books. For a sense of scale, they own the IP address (as an aside, is a DNS host, but unlike the other popular ones it has a webpage so it's very convenient for checking if your internet is down or if you're having DNS issues)

Basically, the cost reward is way out of whack for them to consider ddosing such a small site.

This has been my experience. I was still using Reddit on my computer and lemmy on my phone until last week. I'm at the point on my computer now that I was at with my phone four weeks ago where it's pretty much split between them. I really need to figure out a search engine that captures lemmys since I still have to end most my searches with "reddit" to get useful answers.

Edit: I know I can use "" but that only searches the one instance

If you call it an affogato you can even pretend you have your life together!

post hoc, ergo propter hoc

It should about right, but the French revolution was generally speaking not about income inequality. The women's march on Versailles is the most economic influenced part of the revolution that I can think of. That was primarily about not having enough food.

The parts of the revolution that we like to think of as being "the" revolution were mostly about getting basic human rights. The two most important treaties were "the rights of man" which is about... well, the rights of man, and "what is the third estate" which is about the importance of the peasant classes to the nation and their lack of political power in relation to it.

As for the major events: The storming of the Bastille was about political prisoners (ironically there were none in the Bastille at the time). The tennis court oath was about voting by head rather than by acre. The sans culottes, the girondins, and the mountain were all about giving the people more of a voice. The murder of Louie was a direct response to the flight to varennes, and the terror was just the mountain losing it's grasp on political control and doing whatever it took to keep it. Even the guillotine itself was designed to give peasant criminals a clean death. Before it was invented nobles would be put to the sword but peasants would be hanged.

Everything I've just said is personal opinion, but my source for all of it is season 3 of Revolutions by Mike Duncan

A glass of water is an absurd notion. If you tried to make glass out of water you would just evaporate the water. It would never solidify into glass.


I did a fair amount of hitch hiking along the west coast last summer. A shockingly large number of people in SoCal told me about their 15 minutes of fame. One guy was one of the CGI pirates from pirates of the Caribbean 3, another had done fairly well in some game show I can't remember, but the wildest was Jake and Logan Paul's dad. North of the Sierria Nevada those stories dropped off quickly.

Weird, you could totally spell G as jee. I wonder how many letters you can accurately spell without using the letter itself

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I'm always down for a femboy bbq

I'd always heard that it was because the ancient sumarrians thought there were 360 days in a year combined with the fact that their holy number was 60 so it divided cleanly.

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I love so much about Utah, and would highly recommend visiting, but will never live there again. The church isn't that influential within salt lake City, but go outside and you're just hoping for LDS instead of FLDS people. What really made me leave wasn't the low abv beer or the mormans. The environmental inversion is truly hell

That's a steaming cup of mouthwash

I can't imagine that most women would feel more comfortable having a big bearded man in the bathroom who was born female than they would a prototypically feminine woman that was born male.

I suspect most people that feel this way are unaware of how well most trans people pass.

Why is it that every time I hear this conversation people on your side are only talking about MtF people and acting like FtM isn't common? I suspect it's because the existence of FtM people nullifies your argument and you know it.

I say this as a cis man, so I'm not claiming to speak for either group. Just applying basic logic and making a guess about the kind of people that would feel threatened.

Edit: I know I'm coming off aggressive, I truly believe everything I'm saying to my core, and don't, on any level, understand why everyone doesn't. If you actually have a counter to this argument, I would be curious to hear it.

If you don't like bananas, potatoes have a lot more potassium by both weight and calories

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You can't trust those stats! My cousin's friends sister is a nurse and she said....