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I was looking at the stars with my 8 year old the other night and said to him 'did you know there's at least a dozen stars up there?' It was lost on him.

It is body

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Not so much disagree, just that it's stupid. Wearing the Guy Fawkes mask after V for Vendetta became prominent. When they buy an official one, Warner Bros gets a cut. The mask was worn by a man fighting for a Catholic monarchy and a theocracy, and is a foolish symbol for this group.

Northern Irish, so apparently a Transatlantic voyage by this supposed fuckweasel, which is impressive. Also, it's not pedantry to correct errors. It's an opportunity to learn, which is always a good thing.

It's very much their choice (for the majority) in that they choose to be awful people in their thoughts, words, and actions.

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Apart from megaphones already having that name.

Per se. Vis a vis. Erudite. Juxtaposition. Elucidate.

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Cup of Yorkshire tea and half a dozen rich tea biscuits to dip first thing in the morning.

Is exct a thing or just a typo?

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That's a good thing. Less argumentative assholes and memelords rehashing the same tired old crap.

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Of all the things I would consider, this would be waaaaay down the list, probably between 'can they spell phlegm?' and 'can they tell the difference between different breeds of goat?'

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As a kid you were presumably playing near nettles a lot more frequently, and as a kid you're also a bit lax with being aware of your surroundings. Life was more in the moment.

I self published two books and am almost ready to do a third. No interest in being a famous author or making millions, just glad to get them out of my head and to know they are just what I intended them to be.

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These people are like a dog with a bone, except the dog is blind and the bone is just a stick.

Everyone seems to think the question says you get powers related to the animal that bites you, but it isn't worded that way. I'd get bit by a kitten and have the power of telekinesis, which is really multiple powers. I could fly, create forcefields, create cold or heat by moving atoms, hell, I could create all kinds of things by manipulating atoms.

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We need a list. Individual sales or small batches are more time consuming but you'll make more.

Les Burns would work. Or Moe Water.

Who says you stop playing video games in your 30s? I've never heard that and it's not true. If you like games, the number of years you've been alive won't change that. You also seem to be expecting some serious reduction in cognitive ability at an early age. Go and play Stray and Inside. I challenge you not to enjoy them.

I got a permanent ban for quoting a movie, in a post about that movie, because the quote contained a slur. My new account got a permanent ban because I made a joke that wasn't racist but happened to be about an Indian guy. Reddit sucks ass.

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Advanced calculus, on account of not knowing what it was.

A sequel to my first novel that people regularly ask me about 12 years after I finished it. I published it myself and sold to friends, family, work acquaintances. Two young kids and a busy job wildly delayed any free time I might have for grand modern fantasy. One of these years.

The Maltese Falcon is great, and if you like black and white, I can't recommend Brief Encounter enough. Excellent English love story.

Definitely 'Euphonic' meaning 'sounds good'.

Why would you put your thumb there?

The man from earth (2007). Low budget but a great movie, particularly if you know nothing about it beforehand.

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Umpire comes from the french nonper meaning not equal. Interestingly, many English words used to begin with 'n' but the letter was dropped through time because of blurring with the indefinite article 'an'. Examples include (n)adder, (n)apple, (n)apron, (n)orange, (n)uncle.

The best way really is to just start. You might chop and change, write and rewrite, many times but you will find a way to make it come together. Writing notes and a list of plot points helps, or even writing out the separate sections and then finding a way to make them meet. Don't get bogged down in the minutiae of sentences and paragraphs. Getting the bare bones down is your starting point. I used a spreadsheet and would add in new points and landmarks as and when they came to me. I still ended up spending ages editing, and adding, and amending until it felt right. Taxing but cathartic to get it all out.

I'd wager the MS and the daughter are reason enough.

Gmail and protonmail. Both give me no issues at all.

I was just utilising spare minutes here and there.

Tool - Aenima

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Didn't the main actor die? Also, he died in the movie, so a tough sequel.

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Hate w̶h̶e̶n̶ t̶h̶e̶ Reddit l̶i̶n̶k̶s̶ s̶h̶o̶w̶s̶ u̶p̶ f̶i̶r̶s̶t̶ e̶v̶e̶n̶ t̶h̶o̶ i̶t̶s̶ r̶e̶l̶a̶t̶e̶d̶ t̶o̶ l̶e̶m̶m̶y̶ n̶o̶t̶ r̶e̶d̶d̶i̶t̶

Please name, for the sake of argument, 3 good policies Trump has. He himself has been unable to mention one in any of his recent delusional rants. He has nothing but bigotry and narcissism.

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Ray Lamontagne, Trouble. Massive Attack, Mezzanine. Boards of Canada, Geogaddi. Aphex Twin, Selected Ambient Works Vol. 2. Royksopp, Melody AM.

Yes, twice. Both for inane shite. Once for quoting a line from a movie in a post about that movie (Glengarry Glenross) which contained a slur, and on my new account for making a joke about a guy who happened to be Indian and was in no way racist. My pleas fell on deaf ears. I can't say this strongly enough - fuck Reddit, it's a shit hole, full of bots and power-hungry mods. Stay away. Here is better.

Sliced bread.

The Rama Series by Arthur C Clarke

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Thanks. I've got two young kids and a busy job so not as prolific as I'd like. Maybe a book every 3-4 years, longer if it's a grand fantasy. My first one was a quarter of a million words in a world I created from scratch, so that took maybe 6 years.

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I wrote a book of short horror stories mostly on my phone in snippets, just using a notes app. Only the final edit was on a laptop.

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