
1 Post – 65 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Everywhere this pops up, the users have decided:

Fuck meta. Fuck threads. Fuck the zuck.

Do not associate. Defederate now

14 more...

Just think:

Meta has literal billions of users.

The entire fediverse has about 1.5 million.

Less than a fraction of a percent.

Why in THE FUCK would meta notice, or care, at fucking all? The entire fediverse of traffic ported over to meta wouldn't budge their advertising bottom line.

But, it's a comparatively small group of smart people, having conversations, and profiles they don't have tabs and near total control over.

There's news about cop city and gaza I have seen here that I've seen NOWHERE else.

Don't let them control the narrative here

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It really isn't though.

A day or two or even a week to get the hang of something isn't a 40-year mortgage

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Pounded in the Butt by My Own Gun

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Ah, here he is.

The reason for warning labels on everything

Are you planning to pay for the extra bandwith to deal with all the additional traffic?

Meta will.

And then when they own the servers amd all the traffic, lemmy will be quietly murdered.

Quietly, because they'll control the traffic, and therefore the narrative

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JC Penny, some years ago, tried to change their pricing scheme, from the typical "$29.99 +tax" to flat "$30, tax included"

Their sales dropped so hard they reverted in two months.

Americans are born, bred, raised to be fucking stupid, and forcefully shoved into shitty educational systems that make them that stupid. The design of American cities is built for people to be stupid and isolated.

There's a reason other countries refer to the people that live in them as citizens, and we get branded as consumers.

There's a level of respect from the top down that is sorely lacking

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I've seen this before, it's great.

Is it real? Who's it from? Who's it to? Where's the letter that followed?

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Dumb used to mean mute. The phrase meant deaf and unable to speak.

Of course, not being able to communicate leads a lot of people to think someone is stupid, and I imagine that's why dumb is now synonymous with it.

I once met a lady with some severe disabilities, no idea what, in a powered wheelchair at a bar. She couldn't talk, and had a massive keyboard she would sort of flail at until she spelled out the words she was trying to say. It audibly spoke for her.

This lady has two college degrees, writes books, and does art to help promote the concept that disabled people are people too.

Pretty damn impressive. Her and her husband's main gripes were how infantilizing most people are to them. And how expensive good wheelchairs are, lol

The fuck is wrong with you?

Why are people letting that piece of shit do rallies?

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Man. I zapped all my cookies the other day, and when I re-loaded reddit, it forced me into a new new version of the mobile site.

Now almost every single comment that isn't top level is hidden behind the 'more comments' button. When I click it, the whole page reloads, with the top comment and the one response. And a button for the next reply. And so on.

I've noticed since this change, almost no posts have any discussion any more at all. Which honestly. Why would you bother?

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I really don't think that's the case.

This is a nice little place, meta barging in Will fuck it all up

The scenery is great, the culture is not worth sticking around for

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Well, google And the fbi

Yep, I dabble in blacksmithing.

You get it going -smokey as shit at first-and it melts together into a lighter, more solid piece that burns hotter and cleaner. That's called coke.

Then you toss your irons in

Peta is a front by the meat industry, to discredit vegans and environmentalists.

To hell with tankies, but where do I buy a ticket

Yeah those shots look super weird.

I assume the cops there had a guy or two who fancies themselves a photographer, and fucked with the angle and lighting until everybody looks like a cartoonish villian

You can totally carbonate non-water. But be careful.

Wine is pretty nice, rum and whiskey will take ten times the amount of gas and then explode all over, 'fallen soldiers' will still taste stale...

Fruit juices are good too, but also will take more gas than they can hold

Driving a truck is extremely more difficult than that.

I'm continually boggled by the fact any jackass can walk into a uhaul and drive out with 30 foot box truck, because those are wildly different to handle than a regular car.

Massively larger stopping distance, something almost no one leaves in their regular cars, massively wider turning radius, and heavy enough that if you make a mistake or lose control, there's a whole lot more destructive capability that you clearly are not appreciative of.

Going down a hill with a loaded box truck requires multiple different braking methods than just pushing the left pedal. You engine brake as much as possible, and use what's called stab braking, to keep the pads and rotor cool enough so they don't fail.

All of this is multiplied when you go from an automatic transmission, straight box truck to an actual semi truck, which weighs another order of magnitude more, has usually has a ten speed manual transmission (and three pedals, not two) and the whole trailer aspect.
And despite the extra weight, heavy winds can still blow the things over.

Frankly your cavalier attitude about how easy it is to drive anything is exactly why the roads are so dangerous.

Because nothing I said really mentions how people driving cars interact with trucks or buses on the road. It's a constant stream of getting cut off and having to slam on the brakes because the dipshits don't even know where the edges of their own vehicle are, let alone where mine begins, or the wildly longer stopping distance, or my extremely limited maneuvering capabilities , especially at speed, or the simple fact the larger vehicle will absolutely crush their whole car and everyone in it completely fucking flat.

Driving is absolutely a skill, and like any other, it will atrophy without use.

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For some reason I can't dowvote this, so: this is a fucking stupid take

Please let the door hit you in the ass on the way out

So when this first 'broke' I looked into it a bunch.

Like, a whole 20 minutes or so.

I found no images that had the same person in it as another, not a single 'person' in two separate pics.

One of the very commonly posted pics had a row of sheds that were identical, with different colored roofs. Not impossible, but odd, and pretty ai-y.

I checked ground.news, and it said the only sources were heavy left-leaning, and of semi-dubious legitimacy.

The real test though, was looking for stores selling daipers and shirts with that shit on it, and brother, let me link you to my etsy:

Wow fuck that guy. Worker's unions are one of the best things in the country

So when they steamroll this place so hard you only get their side of the story, what then?

8 miles isn't too far to bike! I used to ride about that to commute. When I started, it took me around 40 minutes to get there, and an hour and a half back. Slight incline one direction.

About six months in, I was down to 20ish there, and less than 40 back.

Winter sucked pretty bad, someone got me gore-tex mittens though. Still had my eyelashes freeze

If you like meta so much, why are you here?

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I mean, they fucking killed a guy. So you know. Probably wouldn't murk a dude if their shit was up to standard

Do you understand what corporations do?

Well I can't afford to pay for that much server traffic, can any of us?

Where will we be when meta own all the servers?

Well now I want a gas-powered vacuum

I'd rather not build a bridge to the land of festering pustules to begin with

Xmpp's popularity isn't the point.

The point is google intentionally killed it

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This is pretty rad, thank you!

If you're gonna do dumb shit, do it smart

This was overtly happening and reported on a couple weeks ago

Wow, rockstar is a whiny bitch.

Who's got a copier at home?
Or at the library!

Aw, what? They had a more butthole policy?
