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Joined 1 years ago

Do both. Then the US is a spider. Or maybe a funky crab?

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I just checked. The comment section of that video really is nothing but anti-Semitic comments, with a Kirby coat of paint. Enjoy, I guess?

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While that may be true, they are probably also weighing that this has been a long strike. I don't know about you, but if I had to go 100+ days without working, my finances would be a wreck. Reality is, people gotta eat

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I don't get it?

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To all the people downvoting: "Law of Attraction" is not a lay person's way of saying "Law of Gravity".

It's the belief online that "if I give off good vibes, good vibes will be attracted back to me. You know, because everything is, like, made up of vibrating strings, and stuff" (that last bit is just the connection to String theory OP mentioned)

OP is not endorsing these beliefs, just observing them.

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It sounds to me like you are talking about what Steam is doing, with the geolocking and refunds (not fraud), while the other person is talking about what Sony is doing, with adding PSN requirements after the fact (maybe fraud?).

Sorry, American here. Did WW3 start and I missed it? Is it Ukraine/Russia? Israel/Palestine? Horrible though they are, they seem pretty contained this far, unless something new happened I haven't seen anything about.

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I believe their point is that for previous vice presidents people could say "I think X is ready to be president because they did A, B, and C as vice president", but we don't really seem to have that for Harris.

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Dang, that's hilarious. Thanks for sharing, I needed that this morning

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Don't know if this is just something that I'm seeing on my side, or maybe you did it intentionally, but most of the top portion is transparent, which makes it hard to parse when viewing in dark mode. Otherwise, pretty solid graphic 👍

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Moe is hard to define (I can't do it), but if you just switch it for "cute" no one will probably know the difference. So: Fit-cute, kimono-cute, smol-cute, etc. Also, it's used as an adjective, so some is more, not is a moe.

For a minute I mixed up Gary Bowser and Doug Bowser, and was left wondering what beef the president of Nintendo of America could have with Nintendo as a whole :P

Oh, shoot. House House were the people behind Untitled Goose Game? Suddenly I'm a little more interested in this, honestly

Have you checked the authors? Maybe it's just one, really exhausted, parent who's super done with the whole thing :P

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I think you might have that concept backwards, so the fediverse would have the least entropy out of all the social networks

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Can't decide if serious or copypasta, but username checks out, kinda

Morpheus: What is I told you this wasn't gaslighting either?

In the context of the article, they're talking about the fact that news outlets aren't getting enough ad revenue to sustain themselves, and people don't really buy classifieds in papers anymore.

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If I'm following the logic from the other guy, I think that it would be "Microsoft ecosystem", not "XBox ecosystem", since they're removing the specific platform, and adding the company. Which I think works.

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That's Bebop, my dude, not Donotello /s (Edit: Changing :P to /s, for clarity)

Well, that's true as well, I suppose. my point was that as entropy increases, useful energy decreases, and vice versa. Your comment made it seem like the opposite

I feel a little bad for such a short response, but fair enough. Good points all around.

What's weird is that my first thought was "Huh, they do kinda look similar", and my second was "Huh, every individual part of their faces looks pretty different" (Edit for typo)

In Unix shell scripts 1 is false, so there's that

Zach Woods' Tips for Surviving in the Woods, I think. I found it through Google, but I'm too lazy to watch the whole thing and make sure this scene is in there. The humor seems right though

Did they change their profile picture? That was the cause the last time I saw an article like this

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Thankfully, the difference is that One Piece is still releasing new chapters regularly, and is apparently in its final arc. So, if nothing changes, the live action will almost certainly not finish before the manga does.

Is this loss? /s

I think is referring to how a certain golf entity (league, tournament, company, I don't remember exactly) asked golfers associated with them to not also play in a certain Saudi Arabia sponsored league, for which they would have been pretty well paid. Their reasoning was that their golfers should be "loyal" to who they were playing for, and their golfers agreed. This year that league decided "You know what we should do? We should partner with that Saudi Arabia league, and get paid handsomely for it". Their golfers have rightly pointed out the hypocrisy.

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Saving this for later, as I want to hear responses as well.

Honestly, I've been enjoying playing Dead Cells. I'll probably also play Hades when it gets here.

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We'd probably end up with a situation where wild deer don't have the gene and city deer do, excepting any cross-breeding.

I literally have no idea, but I assume that the strike cannot go on forever. Though, since I made my previous comment I've learned that the striking members are still able to work, so long as it isn't WGA specific stuff (which seems fairly obvious, and I feel dumb for not realizing it). So, while it's lesser paying stuff, those who really need it can still get work to hold them over.

Not looking to debate about the situation. Just trying to explain the connection between your post and golf

Ah, missed that. Yeah, I see where you're coming from.

I think you're right, but also I think OP was more thinking mass shooters, or maybe serial killers.

At some point Japanese video game titles just start to feel like the Asian equivalent of all those Chinese tattoos that white people get that just say something like "Hot Waterfall Oven"...

No idea. I've never used a controller on mobile for anything, sorry :(

I've been thinking it's just a rebranding of the idea of karma, which is old as dirt. "The Law of Attraction" is just the way I've seen it discussed online in its most recent manifestation (pun intended)

Update: Just tried with my Nintendo Switch Pro controller. It works, so the support is there, but it was a little janky. Button mapping didn't show the button names, just "?", but an Xbox or Playstation controller may work better. Movement was also janky, but that's probably because I was using Bluetooth.