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Like Wallace and Gromit but instead of cheese it's biscuits.

I have two phones. A personal one and one provided by my company. I like being able to turn off my work phone when on holiday, etc and keep my personal life separate.

I do know a lot of people who sold their personal phones when given a work phone and use it for both. Saves some money I guess but no thanks.

I also know people who have two phones but install all the work apps on their personal phones to make it easier for them. No thanks!

I know somebody who does this and accidentally racked up a £3,500 phone bill while on holiday. He was accidentally using the wrong SIM for data.

I don't know about personality and soul but it does appear to make it more relatable.

I didn't realise you had horse generals.

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I work for a company which used to have 13 financial periods. It was great. Then they switched to 12 and we now have a couple of 5 week periods thrown in to balance the year out. I don't know why they decided that but it's not as good now.

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They tried years ago to copyright the use of the letter 'i' and failed.

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What does baddie mean in this context?

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My wife is Asian and we live in the UK. Quite often when we meet people who instead of simply asking "what sort of job do you do" they ask things like "Do you work in the NHS", "Are you a nurse", "Do you work in a care home".

Some random person outside a shop asked me how much my Asian bride costs.

My wife and son were getting off a bus and somebody asked her how much would she sell her son for.

Probably a bunch more but that's all that comes to mind atm.

The pink oboe.

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A few years ago I installed Ubuntu on a laptop, used it a bunch of times then it got put away for a year or so. When I booted it back up it told me the OS was out of date and needed to be updated. When I tried it gave me some errors. I searched online and basically I couldn't update because it was too old. I needed to update in stages but the next release was also out of support.

I realised I don't use it enough to care. I installed windows on it.

I do use Linux at work and on things at home like routers, retro gaming, etc. They're not really comparable though.

I felt like I needed one this morning. Instead I got the longest turd I've ever seen. It hit the water before it left my arse.

There was a short period after I heard the term Third World where I thought there was more than one world in our solar system and this is where Africa was. That was a strange few days.

That's why I stopped using it at home (apart from stuff like like NAS, routers, etc).

This was a few years ago so perhaps it's been addressed now. I installed Ubuntu and downloaded Steam to install. It wouldn't. I can't remember exactly why but I had to find answers online and quickly gave up.

I turned that laptop on over a year later and Ubuntu was out of date and needed upgrading. It couldn't install the latest version because it needed to upgrade to versions in between, some of which have been moved to archive. I installed Windows 10 instead.

I'm responsible for a couple of Linux servers at work so I'm sure I could have addressed these issues at home, but I really couldn't be bothered when I have better things to spend my time on. I just wanted a working Laptop that gets used occasionally.

Then plug in a DVD player which will probably do the same thing.

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The fishing thing is a good example of how Brexit was handled. Fishing has been stirred up by the media for decades causing some strong feelings against the French and Europe. While fishing is pretty meaningless for the average person it became important because people who read certain newspapers thought it was important. That, to me, seems like the backbone of Brexit. Shite from newspapers.

I'm convinced all the talk about fishing was to stir up these feelings in the public and use it to the politicians will. Raising it with the EU was a message to the people that their concerns are being addressed. Illusion of the people having power.

Speaking to people who voted to leave I had answers like fishing given. Other answers were that people didn't like talking orders from Brussels, that was more common than fishing. Some racist comments (some REALLY racist). And one person claiming after Brexit he will get gold capped milk back (apparently the EU banned his favourite milk, and that alone was worth leaving the EU...). I know a few people who didn't know what to vote for so went with the "default" to leave. I'm assuming they meant they just followed the crap in the news and didn't apply proper thought.

This media bollocks is still happening now. I saw the other day an article about being able to buy wine in pints. Sigh.

It really was a shit show and still is!

Hey Garth.

I got exactly the same. Firefox on android and in the UK. Perhaps it's regional.

I maintain a Linux server at work which has our ERP on it (I wouldn't say I'm great at it but know the basics). I use Linux at home for a few projects and things like routers, etc. My daily PC at home is Windows. I like Linux but the issues I've had in the past, while they can be resolved, generally take up more time that I'm willing to put in. I don't want a hobby just to keep my PC working.

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I just searched the same words and got the same text.

Ive had lag once using the Raspberry Pi variant and that was due to using a poor quality usb cable, it was under powering the unit. Aside from that it's been surprisingly fast on ethernet and WiFi.

It's also the ease of it. I travelled to Indonesia a while back thinking I could pick up a SIM card once there. I didn't realise you have to register the phone itself for tax reasons (?) to white list the IMEI of the phone before buying a SIM card. It was loads easier just to buy a roaming eSIM after I arrived. In hind sight I probably could have got a better package had I shopped before hand but it got me out of a tricky situation.

I'm not a Scouser and I hate the Sun.

They missed Shitterton off the maps.

I have three pairs of wired earphones (plus more regular headphones) and a portable DAC amp. I know what you mean though, Bluetooth headphones really are the norm these days. The tech in them also make them hard to repair.

I'm the same. I even stopped wearing my wedding ring not long after getting married.

Welcome to the fold, brother.

Somehow reminds me of the old cluedo characters... But with boobs.

I've not noticed any problems with Google myself but I just did the same search you did. It brought up Google maps at the top, quite helpful as it showed local photographers. But as I went down to the results the only one in my local area was the top result. The rest were things like photographers in Majorca, Peterborough, a random motorcycle website.

I've never noticed how broken Google is until now.

I remember that sale and annoyed I didn't buy one. At the time I thought I'd never use it. Fast forward a few years and I occasionally use Steam Link on a Raspberry Pi, so I would have used it. Oh well.

Must.... Keep.... Scrolling

Replacement batteries should be a legal requirement. My 5 year old android phone needed a new battery and people kept telling me to get a new one as the phone is old anyway. It still does what I need so why should I get a new one just because of a battery.

I ended up taking the phone apart myself and replacing it. Wasn't easy and took me over 2 hours.

I'm up for anything which keeps phones working for longer. Such a waste of money and resources for what should be a simple job.

I'm responsible for our databases and work with our BI guy a lot. Changing from 13 to 12 periods was a right pain. We had snapshots, budgets and loads of forecasting data, all of which needed to be updated to reflect the new calendar. It wasn't as easy as dumping a new calendar in, well it perhaps could have been if we were given ample time to plan it.

In regards to week, period, year, quarter, etc that's all easy for the user to switch to their preferred view in the BI system. The ERP system will use the financial calendar but reporting is done against whatever the user sees fit.

I had the same model but in black. I still have it somewhere.

That would have been good!

Bombay Bad Boy Pot Noodle for breakfast when staying in a hotel.

Also being English and not liking English breakfasts.

Kilroy was here

We also had one extra day holiday this year because of something king related. I'm not into royalty but a free day off, I'll take it.

They get eaten by a bunch of different animals like foxes and owls.

I gave up using Piped. It was really good when it worked but sadly most of the time it was frustrating. Takes ages to get a video going then breaks up multiple times.