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Joined 1 years ago

Professional audio engineer, specialized in DSP and audio programming. I love digital synths and European renaissance music. I also speak several languages, hit me up if you're into any of that!

Which would be fine at all, you know. It's their platform and their servers, and they can do what they want.

Except for the fact that the official app is several orders of magnitude more primitive, inefficient and uncomfortable to use. Even more so for Android than for iOS

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That's how it has always been for all places. Admins have the power to erase anything that goes against Reddit's ToS. Depicting spez under the guillotine is against their ToS, but writing "fuck spez" isn't, which is why one gets deleted and the other remains.

It makes sense IMO. It's just like admins having the power to erase swastikas, homophobic or transphobic content, blatant product advertisements and so on. Nothing wrong with it, IMO.

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I was already using the official Reddit app, and I own being dumb as a brick.

But I still decided to leave because of the IPO, which will unavoidably make the site cater more and more to a mainstream audience until it eventually turns to shit. I call it the Instagramification of all social media.

That's why I joined and now I'm thoroughly enjoying it here.

I don't think you're supposed to have your opinion swayed by what teens think but it is important to know what they think because they reflect future trends and ideals.

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I’ve never cared for furry stuff, but hell, I probably would’ve stayed if I’d gotten anything nearly as hilarious as “werewolf breeding zone” instead of all the religious and techbro crap I was getting through their ads.

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To be honest, I respect that position, but I don't hold enough contempt against them to do that, and on the other hand I do value Reddit as an archive of online knowledge and debate. I can just leave it if I don't want it in my life anymore. I would like any comments I made on specific topics I'm knowledgeable about to be accessible and used as reference in the future.

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That is legitimately how a lot of criminal gangs operate. They wage wars with each other in the night and usually avoid messing with civilians. These groups tend to have a bit of a Messiah complex and try to portray themselves as heroes that will protect civilians from other groups, the government or whatever other threat. It's very common with narco cartels as well.

I'm in my early 20's and I just changed my iPhone for a Pixel, actually. Got fed up with a lot of the Apple crap, and the Pixel looked sick. Then again, I'm not American and I don't use SMS anymore, so no one I talk to would ever know what OS I'm using.

The fact that Americans still use SMS is fucking bizarre. It's like the Japanese still using fax in this day and age for some reason

Then again, music streaming services pretty much removed music piracy from mainstream usage altogether. Obviously people in this sub still pirate music, but it's so uncommon nowadays, I'm sure many people wouldn't even know where or how to find it.

I wholeheartedly agree with this. Reddit has been slowly descending into becoming yet another Instagram/TikTok clone. You scroll a never ending front page of videos and pictures, and it gets somewhat overwhelming pretty quickly.

I think this might be the necessary distinction that will make this a unique space different from Reddit. The less doomscrolling I can have in my life, the better.

I'm relatively young and yeah, I barely ever party. Never did it much as a teen, and I do it even less as an adult in my 20's. It's just not all that fun to me.

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What? That’s absolutely incorrect. Cities are the number one most sought after and thriving alternative, especially among young people.

Maybe cities in the US, but that’s because they’re mostly poorly designed parking lots for suburbanites.

Cities are certainly not dying anywhere else on Earth wtf.

This is why educating people on what being trans actually is and dispelling a lot of harmful and ill-intentioned myths is key in combating transphobia.

People always say that there's no point in talking to bigots and that they won't listen to reason. But I actually think there will always be merits to open and honest discussion if bigotry comes from a place of ignorance and not of malice. And since we can't know that for sure, open and honest discussions will always have at least some merit to them in my opinion.

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On the one hand you're right, but on the other I feel like a lot of stuff has become browser based (like text editors, code editors, even music editors and perhaps video editors someday), all thanks to Web Assembly and how complex a lot of web apps have become.

It feels like people use everyday stuff through apps, and more complex stuff through browsers nowadays. Roles may slowly invert at some point if it keeps going this way.

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I'm 25, so nah, not really. I enjoy spending time with my friends, but more like, going to get coffee or playing tabletop games. Maybe playing online games and cursing each other out.

But I can't remember the last time I went to a bar or a club. I was probably in college. I don't find much interesting to do when I go to places like that, so I just leave work early and go hang out at my friend's place with a couple beers, or something. We rarely go out to clubs at all anymore.

That would be an extremely interesting turn of events, and one much better than I personally imagined, to be honest.

Yeah same. I’ve lived most of my life surrounded by cats, and I thought they were enough until I moved in with my partner+dog, and I realised I was wrong. Now I’m 100% a dog person, though I still enjoy a cat’s company, but it’s just not the same.

It’s better if you don’t mention them by name in the comments, though.

It’s not. I’m from a third world country and almost everybody no matter what has at least a smartphone, a motorcycle, a TV and booze.

People from developed nations tend to not have the slightest understanding of what third world countries look like and generally just think of those pictures of subsaharan African children starving near huts in the savannah.

The reality of it is that living in a third world country doesn’t immediately mean you have no access to commodities or modern items. It’s not living in the past. Usually it means you have to work your ass harder than anybody in a first world country to afford some imported or more globalised items. Your labour rights are poorer, your working hours longer and your career growth more limited, but I’m sick of all the American (and to some extent European) exceptionalism where people think citizens of third world countries can’t even have a smartphone.

You can even enjoy relative luxury without being part of corrupt government circles or even rich. Like… most people can at least afford to go to vacation to national parks or popular destinations. And sure, they go by bus, or they have to save longer for it, but this notion that third world citizens are necessarily in a constant state of misery and extreme poverty is actually quite harmful. It prevents professionals and highly qualified workers from being taken seriously or from getting rid of negative stigma surrounding their country of origin.

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A lot of people get paid by hours worked so not showing up means a lower monthly income. And hourly contracts don’t have sick leave in many cases. At least in several countries around the world.

0.5% for Weezer, at over 1200 minutes.

My PayPal account. Though I believe my undergrad thesis project may be another option from another perspective.

Actually, the discretisation will probably be like:

70% just download the official Reddit app and don’t mind

20% leave the site and don’t look for alternatives

10% look for alternatives

And half of them choose Lemmy

So we might get like 5% of Reddit’s entire 3rd party userbase across all of Lemmy. Which sounds tiny but is actually frighteningly large.

Sounds like a universal experience for pretty much all fields of work.

Government and policy? Climate change? A fucking pandemic?!

We’ve seen it all happen time and time again. People in positions of authority get overconfident that if things are working right now, they’ll keep working indefinitely. And then despite being warned for decades, when things finally break, they’ll claim no one could have foreseen the consequences of their lack of responsibility. Some people will even chime in and begin theorising that surely, those that warned them, had to be responsible for all the chaos. It was an act of sabotage, and not of foresight.

Hold on, someone gave Sonic blue arms now

Wouldn't that mostly depend on how long teleportation takes? But if it's instantaneous, you wouldn't need to account for inertia to end up literally a couple of feet away from where you are, right?

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Yeah my office rents a WeWork space downtown and we only go there a couple days every few weeks. I like it, it’s a change of pace.

I was playing Splatoon until like 10 minutes ago. It's 2:30am right now.

I used to do it a lot, but now that I share my shower with my roommate, I think it’s kind of gross, so I stopped. But it was nice, I really enjoyed it, especially with some good music.

I also did it while I was in Japan, since the bathroom layouts over there allow for showering while sitting and then simmering in the bath tub.

But that's not the point. I'm not saying I'm super important, but I believe I have helped several people with technical or academic questions on Reddit before, and anyone looking that up could access my comments and they might help other people in the future.

I don't hate Reddit as a corporation enough to erase what might be useful to someone else in the future, and they can profit off of it if they want, since I didn't make those comments with my profit in mind anyway.

I understand wanting to erase your data from Reddit, and I realize it's also a responsible decision, but I personally don't like the idea of wiping clean one of the greatest hubs of information in the entire internet, even if I disagree with their corporate practices.

I kind of agree that remote working every single day gets very socially deprived very quickly. Although the office isn’t a place for socialising, not having anyone to talk to day in day out at work drives me a bit mad.

But I also think 90% of the time, working from home is better. Maybe a hybrid model where you only go to the office once or maximum twice a week or something could work for most people. The introverts and the extroverts reaching a compromise.

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All my messages are still there, I just checked. But I had never even once used the chat feature, so I wouldn't even know about that.

That's what we did at !

Which is honestly not a spin-off of r/japaneselanguage because that subreddit was a complete mess. But so was r/learnjapanese. I don't get the optics of a Reddit spin-off because that's like tying your community to the expectations and behaviour of a previously community that could will be improved upon.

I’m pretty sure they can, they just don’t know it. It’s extremely obvious.

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Exactly. Just discuss anything else. Whatever. I don't care anymore. I don't want to know. I have absolutely no control over whatever happens in most countries, and I only have control over my own votes (if anything). Online discussion and politics always gets insanely toxic and dogmatic.

Ah yeah, I go to concerts pretty often. Radiohead, Green Day, Gorillaz, plenty of local rock, jazz and hip hop bands. But I don't really count that as "partying" as I usually go for the music first.

Is there any chance that we as users can destroy their value before they go public? I don't mind private businesses, but the moment they go public, I'm very happy to boycot them, especially if they're online social networks and similar businesses. Them going public always means destroying their communities and screwing over their users.

How much does it cost to run your own instance? Do you have to pay the whole domain, server, security package with a service like cloudflare and all?

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There are a few key things that you’d notice between high quality and very low quality audio. Mostly, a loss of information, which would result in a muffled audio, a lack of crispy sounds and a loss of general clarity, as well as unpleasant distortion and other made-up noise at worst.

For 99.9% of people, it’s not really an mp3 vs wav/aiff comparison, but rather a kbps comparison. High quality mp3 (320kbps) is usually indistinguishable from lossless formats for most people.

For a good reasonable idea, compare 128kbps vs 320kbps at the bottom of this page and pay attention to the cymbals and other high-pitched sounds. You should notice that 128kbps sounds a bit more opaque, like it loses a lot of its spark, whereas 320 sounds crisp and clearer.

That being said, it’s not a huge difference unless you go below 128, and there’s no point in listening to wav and lossless files if you use Bluetooth, since Bluetooth hard-caps all your rates at 320kbps anyway. But I think it’s fairly noticeable anyway.

No, I don't think you understand what instantaneous actually means. It literally means instantaneous. Faster than the speed of light (which is actually why teleportation is physically impossible but that's irrelevant).