1 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"AI model unlearning" is the equivalent of saying "removing a specific feature from a compiled binary executable". So, yeah, basically not feasible.

But the solution is painfully easy: you remove the data from your training set (ie, the source code), and re-train your model (recompile the executable).

Yes, it may cost you a lot of time and money to accomplish this, but such are the consequences of breaking the law. Maybe be extra careful about obeying laws going forward, eh?

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To receive the free TV, Telly users must submit detailed demographic info (such as age, gender and address), as well as purchasing behaviors, brand preferences and viewing habits, and they must agree to let their data be used for serving targeted ads. Telly’s TVs include a sensor that detects how many people are in front of the screen at any given moment.

So what’s the catch? Telly users must agree to several conditions under the company’s terms of service. If someone doesn’t abide by the TOS, Telly reserves the right to demand the TV be shipped back — otherwise, it will charge up to $1,000 to the credit card associated with a given account.

Among the Telly TV requirements: You must “use the product as the primary television in your household”; you must keep the TV connected to the internet at all times; and you are not allowed to use any ad-blocking software. In addition, users may not make “physical modifications to the product or attach peripheral devices to the product not expressly approved by Telly,” the company says in its terms of service. “Any attempt to open the product’s enclosure will be deemed an unauthorized modification.”

Why don't we just invite big brother right into our living rooms, eh?

Also, I guess you need approval to connect an Xbox, Playstation, or set-top box? What about my htpc?

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Musk says he’s unbothered by the criticism. “Frankly, I love the negative feedback on this platform,” he tweeted on July 22. “Vastly preferable to some sniffy censorship bureau!”


What censorship bureau is he talking about? A purely theoretical one (where is that coming from?) or one he's actually had to deal with in the past?

And of course griping, powerless plebs are better than a "censorship bureau" that can presumably force you to do or not do things by penalty of law 🙄 tell me you're rich and powerful without telling me you're rich and powerful.

I would say "humiliation kink confirmed?" but this is just a guy enjoying being able to do things that other people don't like, with no one to stop him.

Two things can be true.

So we just let them break the law without penalty because it's hard and costly to redo the work that already broke the law? Nah, they can put time and money towards safeguards to prevent themselves from breaking the law if they want to try to make money off of this stuff.

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I will forever wonder how these companies actively choose $0/mo over a cut of $XX/mo and everyone in the decision chain thinks it's the right decision.

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I always thought it was supposed to reference market sentiment.

If your company is focused on X, but is also doing Y, and the market is really taking up with Y, you need to focus on keeping Y alive and well. Makes for a successful company to respect the market's wishes, and allows you to pursue X while Y is subsidizing it.

If you insist that X is the future, and put Y on the back burner to focus on X, well, the market will find a competitor who is doing Y better than you, and the market will abandon you.

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For anyone wondering how this will "make high earners play by the same rules":

Seemingly not everyone will be stoked to see the IRS go totally paperless. The Treasury Department said that combining paperless processing with "an improved data platform" will make it easier for data scientists to extract and analyze data—potentially detecting tax evasion that the IRS has long overlooked due to a lack of resources.

"When combined with an improved data platform, digitization and data extraction will enable data scientists to implement advanced analytics and pattern recognition methods to pursue cases that can help address the tax gap, including wealthy individuals and large corporations using complex structures to evade taxes they owe," the Treasury Department said.

In April, the Treasury Department said that "improving enforcement among high-income and high-wealth individuals, complex partnerships, and large corporations that are not paying the taxes they owe" could end up flagging $160 billion owed but evaded annually.

"Due to a lack of resources and loss of top talent, audits of the wealthy and large corporations have plummeted over the last decade, and the amount of taxes evaded by the top 1 percent has exploded to $160 billion per year," the Treasury Department reported in April. "Audit rates for millionaires fell by 77 percent, audit rates for large corporations fell by 44 percent, and audit rates for partnerships fell by 80 percent between 2010 and 2017."

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said that updating the IRS technology was crucial to reduce the tax gap and ensure that "high earners play by the same rules as working and middle-class families."

Anyone taking bets on Congress shutting this down?

If you'd like to support entertainment workers during the strikes, check out the Entertainment Community Fund.

And 15 confirmations in, once they've got the "click OK" rhythm going, we can put one that says "would you like to keep your subscription active?"

I've seen a few lemmy discussions on this so far, and honestly the best option I've seen is to just ignore Place.

To participate, even to advertise lemmy, we would have to engage, which is what reddit is looking for. Even then, admins will likely take the reigns and prevent any serious effort from being fruitful. There's just not that much benefit and plenty of downside.

It's attention seeking behavior. Ignoring it and letting the event fall flat (or at least as flat as is in our power) would send so much more of a message than "join lemmy" or "fuck spez".

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What kind of network traffic and disk usage are you seeing with 3500 incoming communities?

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Once upon a time, we had OpenID. You could host your own identity server and log in to websites with it.

Then the social giants introduced third party SSO buttons and OpenID kinda fell by the wayside.

I don't know about "be successful", depending on how you measure success. All of these examples have been subsidized by cheap money for years, undercutting competition - and taking year after year of losses while they do it - for the purpose of capturing the market and driving out competitors, so that they can subsequently enact monopolistic behaviors to start actually turning a profit once customers have no other choice.

The problem is money suddenly got expensive, so now they're scrambling to find a way, any way, to turn a profit, before full market capture was achieved.

Can services like this be reasonably priced and user-friendly? Sure. Can they "succeed" / become sustainable while remaining so? Current examples indicate that's where the problem lies.

A SaaS startup I used to work for tried to implement on-call rotations for their salaried engineers. No additional compensation was offered for the time you were on-call, and if you did get called, the policy was going to be essentially "take the next day off" - when we already had unlimited PTO. I was not happy, and made it known at the time. My manager mentioned that, being in a senior role, I might have the opportunity to excuse myself from the rotations. Ew.

The effort didn't end up going anywhere, but that's been my sole experience so far with on-call efforts in software engineering.

I mean, define "too big". and are funded from's OpenCollective account:

They seem to be doing alright atm, though who knows how much of that is a byproduct of recent immigration.

My last employer also asked us to put up glassdoor reviews, but that was when they generally had a good image on the site and had received a few (honestly undeserved at the time) negative reviews.

As things changed for the worse, my colleagues and I watched their rating slowly decline over the course of a year and a half. The higher ups quickly stopped mentioning it. They... do not have a good image on glassdoor anymore.

Are you able to submit a new review? I didn't leave my own review until after I was laid off, so I haven't bothered to "update" mine.

Too many negative words for chatgpt, imo. "isn't", "not", etc, chatgpt is usually positive and friendly to a fault.

Maybe you could provide a prompt that would output something substantially similar to what they wrote?

Consider a worse fate: they do exactly as we tell them to, until we become incapable of existing apart from them.

And then they break with no one to fix them.

I play minecraft on a private server via steam on my htpc with an Xbox One controller. I have minecraft set up as a non-steam game in steam, steam configured with the controller. Minecraft is set up to use the fabric client with a number of client-side mods (the client itself tells me I have 87 or so mods, but that has to be client patches or something, as I only have a dozen or so mods installed). When it works, it's fantastic, but the problem is that it's very inconsistent.

When I open the game from steam, the controller works in the launcher as a rough approximation to a mouse and keyboard - exactly what I want. But when I launch the actual game, it's a complete toss up whether that configuration will carry over to the game window. More often than not, it won't, and sessions often begin with me opening and closing the game many times before the configuration will carry over and I can play.

I've tried turning on and off steam's "allow desktop configuration in launcher" option, which doesn't seem to have any effect. I've tried enabling and disabling the minecraft launcher's "keep launcher open when games are active" setting, which similarly seems to have no effect. Annoyingly, I've noticed that if I alt-tab back to the launcher after starting the game, the controller is still working for the launcher, just not in the game itself.

At this point, I've installed the Controllable mod and Glossi - this configuration "just works", and is perfectly consistent, but it's an imperfect substitute for the steam solution that I prefer. But I feel like I'm out of things to try for getting the steam solution to work consistently, or at least often enough to not frustrate me before I even get into the game!

Any thoughts as to why it behaves this way and other things to try are appreciated.

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Once the herd settles, they'll suffer just about anything to avoid having to move.

As the late great Thomas Jefferson once wrote:

all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed

Funny how we keep seeing this same tendency play out in soooo many ways in so many contexts.

If you'd like to support entertainment workers during the strikes, check out the Entertainment Community Fund.

A company is creating unauthorized derivative works of copyrighted materials for profit.

I feel like most traditional situations that would fall under that description would be clear-cut copyright violations. Why does AI get a pass?

Rather more realistically, they just have to reinterpret the constitution, a much lower bar.

Here's the deal with Michael Farris.

Dude was (is, technically) a constitutional lawyer, and knew his stuff forward and backward. He's filed multiple briefs with SCOTUS on various cases, and IIRC he even argued a case or two before them. I followed him on Facebook, where he would post lots of political opinions and news, and elicit conversation from lots of people. I really respected the guy and his knowledge, and most of his opinions, once upon a time.

Sometime in probably 2012 (give or take some years), best guess, he had what he described as an epiphany / religious vision while on the treadmill at the gym. Like God or an angel had given him a clear vision of what he was supposed to be doing, and shortly after, he shifted his focus and efforts.

I can't find that post now, and I don't remember at this point what he shifted his focus to, but after that, the tone of his posts changed, and I was suddenly disagreeing with many, many of his newly espoused opinions. After a while of that, he decided to move his public political discourse form his personal account to a page, and I lost track of him after that.

To this day, I'm convinced he had a stroke while at the gym, and it tweaked something in his brain. It was really disappointing to see his sudden shift in position and watch his steady decline afterward.

I've only recently started diving into the code and working on standing up my own setup, but so far, as someone who has a bit of devops and architecture experience, the architectural decisions of the project seem less than ideal.

Hoping I'll be able to contribute some improvements before too long.

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Be me whose server is on Ubuntu 18.04 and needs upgrading to get Bluetooth into home assistant 😭

I recall that L4s' owner stated that the bot's purpose was to "jumpstart communities". Personally, having noticed how much it has posted, and what ratio of top posts belong to it over time, it's achieved just that.

I think it was a nice thing to have early on. But maybe its time has come.

I wasn't calling you out, just contributing my best knowledge to the conversation 😅

I'm OOTL, could you eli5 or link to some good reading?

I was part of a group of people who got laid off from a small startup a few months ago. Many of us formed a discord group and have been supporting each other through the job hunt.

One guy who's been at his job for about a week recently said this:

Many people have told me you shouldn't take a job doing something that you love... That's the main lesson I learned from getting laid off

You end up pouring all your energy into it. I wanna do something that I hate, and I'll use that hate and anger to fuel something else 😈

It feels kinda good to look evil right in the face and put on a fake smile and say "yes I will take money from you to do bullshit work"

It does have some weird crypto stuff it promotes/offers after a vanilla install, but you can hide literally all of it. Brave is my daily driver, and looking at my installs you'd never know it had crypto stuff integrated.

All credit where credit is due, it's an impressive project. Just some things where I'm like... "this isn't going to stand up to significant traffic as-is". I've legit considered starting a clone - not least because I'm just not as familiar with rust, yet - but that would be counterproductive to my goal of improving things.

As far as improvements, honestly, if you're just hosting a small instance with a small user count, you'll probably be fine. If you start getting significant amounts of traffic, that's where I see problems starting to arise.

Personally, the instance I'm working on, I'm trying to build to support scaling to multiple geolocated servers (and multiple processes on each server to support traffic) with centralized database and image hosting among them. The docker setup is... not suitable for such 😅 I'd love to see how some of the bigger instances have their architectures set up, to see how much they deviate from the standard.

Total budget is quite high comparative to those numbers.

I'm a little unclear what they're saying gives it away as being AI? Occasional choppiness?

The tweet link posted elsewhere in this thread doesn't give much to go on, but the "choppiness", while noticeable if I was really looking for it, did not stand out to me. What did stand out to me was the clarity of the audio. Every "on the phone with Trump interview" I've heard (which is few, but enough) has had really horrible, standard phone line quality. This had a "computer microphone picking up a computer speaker" quality. Which I suppose lends credence to the theory that they, themselves, are doing the duping, otherwise the faked audio would have come through the phone lines? Probably would have been more believable then, like how grainy pictures of Bigfoot are more believable.

Do not speak the deep magic to me, witch; I do not understand it.

It really only applies if success of the company is your primary concern.

Honestly, I've been loathe to do the whole uninstall-reinstall dance with the various components, especially when my setup works fine for every other game in my library.

This is what you might call a "public-private partnership".

The docker compose file in the lemmy-ansibe mainline still has postgres 15, so I'm not seeing any evidence of a downgrade.

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