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  • Anticapitalist
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  • Yelling At Clouds

This. NYC hated Trump for years before any of the rest of us even knew who he was.

Lol "Id like to push back by linking two youtube videos, one from the hill and the other from RNN."

We only accept infowars and parler links as legitimate sources, sorry!

edit: And pornhub links!

At best he's been inoffensive. He's a "great" president only in comparison to the last guy.

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"Biden initiates performative finger waggling with no real consequences or expectations for anyone involved, on twitter."

This is the first time in a long time where you can say "no matter who loses, we win," instead of the other way around.

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Yes its a real leap to link the people carpet bombing the area with a hospital being bombed.

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Our two-party system ensures that as long as one party puts up the worst candidate imaginable we have no choice but to vote for the other. It's only in times where both candidates are at least average that we can afford to split our votes and potentially elect a candidate from a third, smaller, party. There aren't enough, or any, protections on our electoral system to keep the two main parties from doing everything they can to hold power, since after all, they would have to be the ones to approve such protections.

Every election year I see people talk about voting for "better candidates" or third party candidates, and I just roll my eyes because our system is working exactly as the two parties intend, and it's institutionalized to the point where there isnt really any way to change it, short of armed insurrection. I always want to ask if that's what they are suggesting.

Lol they might as well just shut down at this point. Without extensions Tachiyomi is basically a non-app.

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hey you know you can just type "fuck," nobody will get mad at you.

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This is going to make his campaign rallies fucking fabulous. Armies of chuds wearing red hats and shiny gold shoes descending on whatever hee-haw hellscape is hosting Chudcon that week.

Ernest I can't read my memes this is an all hands on deck emergency

Whenever I see a story like this I always wonder why I'm not fleecing maga. It's mostly a question of infrastructure and laziness, I guess.

It depends on

  1. Where you are in the world.
  2. If you're talking about mobile or home internet (or both)
  3. What provider you have.

In the states, I've never hit a wall of any kind on my home internet. I'm on fiber now, but when I was on cable it was the same, in several different states. In general, as soon as one of the (usually only two, because USA broadband monopolies yay!) providers for the area tried to implement some kind of cap, everyone in the area just jumped onto the other provider and the cap eventually went away because they were hemorrhaging customers.

For mobile, its vastly different. There are only a couple cell providers in the whole united states that actually offer uncapped unlimited data, and both of those still come with stipulations, usually things like "During peak hours your bandwidth may be throttled" or something similar. They also cost $80 to $100+ per month. Most cell providers in the states throttle you hard when you go over a certain cap, usually 15-30gb depending on the provider, and what kind of contract you got. You can still connect, but you're now running at 256kbs or something terrible. So technically, its still unlimited, just useless until next month when your cap refreshes.

The chances of an mkv or mp4 containing malware are not zero, but might as well be, imo. You're much more likely to encounter moviefilename.mkv.exe or which contains an executable of some kind. Basically traps to take advantage of dumbasses. If you even sort of know what you're doing using tpb for purely media is okay. Hypothetically, of course.

You keep saying that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.

This. It's not like 3rd party anti-piracy firms can't get in if they want- which is why you still need to use a VPN on public trackers- but they exist to make money with the least amount of effort, just like every other corporation. They can trawl public trackers with almost no effort, and that's where the vast majority of users are anyway, so they're much more likely to go after the lower hanging fruit.

Orcs doing orc things.

Yes yes, they're undesirables after all. Hopefully, they give them sweet factory-like jobs and maybe even stylish tattoos!

key resellers have office 2021 pro plus (the non subscription one) for $30.00ish (earlier versions are even cheaper) and that is what I recommend if you absolutely have to get office.

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I use this to both keep track of current shows im watching, and also to get notified of new shows i might want to watch.

Jesus christ, Politico.

meh. Fan fiction. Not a real book. not a real author.

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Wow, trying something new, huh? I definitely haven't heard this exact same material every election since the 80s! How fresh and new! big ideas! If only somebody would have come up with "more social programs" and "tax corporations and the wealthy" before! I guess nobody thinking of these concepts must be why none of it ever happens, and not because the executive is just one of three branches of the US government so candidates for president can just vomit whatever hopeful fever dreams they want to, knowing full well none of it will ever make it past congress.

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