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Joined 12 months ago

I believe stateside it's called 'manslaughter' in a case such as that. Manslaughter is "the crime of killing a human being without malice aforethought, or otherwise in circumstances not amounting to murder." So no, it wouldn't be deserving of a murder sentence... Edit: Unless the jury or judge deemed it so, of course.

Anyone else notice how happy everyone looks? Crazy how your happiness goes through the worth when you're not trying to control what everyone else does...

Eh, not really sure what she is suing taco bell for. They fired the people involved, who then harassed her (but they're fired so..). Some of the people she still worked with were pissy that she narced, so they then harassed her. Taco bell then offered to move her to another location. Sounds to me like taco bell did what they could for her..

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Hey so kind of off topic, but did anyone else read this and think this might be a problem? - "Police arrived to the scene around 45 minutes later."

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Any one else notice that we keep having 'news' stories about peoples opinions? I was watching the actual news (don't do that much lately) and the 80% of their 'reporting' was getting peoples hot takes on what happened. Like, wtf do I care what some random fuck who was filling their gas tank up while you were on site 'reporting' thinks about some kids stealing shit from that gas station?

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So, for my two cents: REDDIT was my go to for very biased but usually non-corporate info. For example, Baldurs Gate 3. In the past, I would research 'BG3 builds reddit' and just check out different builds people tried. It was always much better than going to a crappy corporate owned 'gaming mag' type website, where most of them just copy/pasted info from reddit anyway. It was a pretty good repository for info like that, and reddthat (or lemmy I guess) has not reached that level yet. I tried doing some searching on here for bg3 builds, almost nada.

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They keep a record of complaints as part of their CAPA. Any food related issues should always be reported, helps quality dept.s push for more funding.

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Huh, this wasn't even on my radar. Well, like the rest of the folks said, we can hope!

Yeah man. I can say I would like to think I would be that forgiving of a person, but I probably wouldn't.

Hahah! This was us way back with EverQuest. She would die and have to do a corpse run and want to quit. Now she's a video game addict...

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I don't have one, that's why I'm trying to look for one! But when I find a good combo I will be posting it, yes.

Yeah, I've run into this here. I posted a question to one of the posts asking why it was such a big deal, and all the sudden I'm a corporate defender. I don't think this is a reddit, lemmy, or anything issue, it's just internet and echo chambers. If you don't reply with a "OMG YES SO TRUE OMG" then you are a dissident.

Eh, who knows. You can buy a news story now so we'll never really know much of the truth. I know I haven't been back, and I don't even care about API stuff, I just disliked the way the CEO was so dismissive of what the reader/user base wanted.

That's not strategy bud, that's American workplace law. Not sure what you do in your country, but here when there are claims of harassment, you provide a safe work environment. Obviously since claims of harassment are hard to substantiate unless there are eye witnesses or video evidence, moving them to a location they couldn't be harassed was the best idea. Not sure how you equate whatever you are trudging up with the Catholics to this workplace issue. Sounds a bit idiotic to me but..whatever.

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Quality hasn't printed out complaint reports since the 90s in most places. But, yeah about the same impact by the end of the day..or quarter.

Headline could reach "Wealthy person found loopholes and illegal ways to keep more of their money." I mean, if you're gonna eat the Candy Korn, EAT EM ALL :)

I found this one, and checked it out a few times. It's not where it needs to be. Is there a way to maybe sticky or have sub-topics specifically for things such as builds, or quest faq, or things like that? I think maybe some nesting or stickied topics would help. Some type of sub-categorization inside the actual (not sure what we call these, topics?).

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Yeah, good idea. I did. Not sure if it's even possible with the lemmyverse though, as I have yet to come across a well organized 'page' like that yet.

I'm pretty sure you insinuated that Taco Bell should handle criminal harassment in another post, so I'm going to go ahead and just assume you're a troll and not reply.

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Yeah I enjoyed OW for a bit. Me and the gf would play mayhem mode when it was up. We stopped playing when they forced the change to OW2 and took some of the skins. I miss ow, but have no desire to play OW2.

Morally wrong? lolwut? Please don't ask the internet moral advice...

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Umm, no. Someone being forced to move to a different location based on accusations is about as silly as firing them over accusations. They can and will file a complaint with the state labor board. Have any of you actually worked before..?

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As opposed to figuratively a discussion forum for talking about whatever you want?

I always enjoy when people lash out with 'you must be smarter' troll bait from a simple observation. Side note; I've stayed in Strongsville many times when traveling for work in Cleveland. It's not a huge burb by any means, and it's also not 'empty' or completely devoid of life. I certainly wouldn't think there were areas I could crash my car and not have anyone report it over half an hour. FYI I'm only replying to you to hopefully educate you. If you pop your mouth off with more trollish bullshit it's just going to be insta ignore. But by all means...

It has nothing to do with the suffering.. It is the most economical and straightforward way to deal with the punishment. If I had personal ties to it, I would probably want them to be alive and suffer Clockwork Orange style...

Yeah, I said that.. Those would be the people she still worked with that were pissy she narced... Taco bells job is to provide a safe work environment, which they did by offering to move her to another location to combat this.

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That's cool. When you do get into the workforce, you'll find it's never as black and white as it seems. I've run into just as many people claiming victim when in reality they are the problem. Not saying that is the case with this person, but moving everyone that they claim is harassing them is foolish and leaves your company open to retaliation claims. Now you know.

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It doesn't make your terrible ideas any less terrible. So far I've given you several reasons why they are terrible, and you have replied with nonsense about your age as if it's relevant. Hint: It isn't EDIT: Also, I asked you in my post (it was the only question that was asked in the entire post) "Have any of you actually worked before…?" To which you *replied * "Umm, no." So tell me again how I made an assumption and don't know shit about your experiences. I will make one assumption, you've been having trouble with communication ever since you started working at 12.

I ran out of popcorn kid, my give a shits meter of what some rando on the internet thinks regarding my life is at 0. But hey, you do you fella! Ever wonder why you get passed up for any promotions that involve managing people? Because your decisions are a liability to your company! Now you know.

You know what's crazy is I am pretty sure I remember that thread...

Should be pretty easy to find on their packaging or website, as it looks like someone else here pointed out :) Also, we can't tell what the hell it is so not sure how you could think we could tell ya.. :)

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The BBB is a non-profit company that only has as much power and influence as given them by the public. Tell me, do you check the BBB often to decide on how you spend your money? No one else does either! The BBB is about as toothless as they come. FCC like you said..nothing to do with this. FDA would be who you would contact if the product required recall such as was 'adulterated' and made you sick. Or I guess if you could prove the company didn't follow FDA GMP's. I guess if you want to try to tattle you could find out what quality and food safety schemes they follow. This is 'sometimes' proudly displayed on their website. You are looking for SQF, AIB, BRC as those are the big 3 GFSI schemes right now. Lol I am giving you waaay too much info probably. Anyway..there isn't a manager you can ask to speak to on this one. It's report it to them, or possibly their certifying GFSI body (which will probably get you nowhere).

My hard disagree wasn't with the actual gov murder of innocents, it was with dragging that into the debate.I did reread how I worded it and even confused myself so I can see I didn't express it correctly. I guess a better way for me to have worded that is, if we're going to wax apathetic about government murder of innocents, fix that problem separately. It has nothing to do with cases where there is obvious guilt.

This is indeed the correct thing to do, if the harassment can be verified or is at a level that merits such termination. I once was involved in a disciplinary case where a group of unionized employees claimed one employee was harassing them by having a bad odor every day. They put to their steward that this was a hostile work environment. I documented several times where I personally talked to the employee, never smelt a thing. Should I have fired or moved that employee? A lot of people here make quite a few assumptions on the extremely limited info provided..

So you believe it's taco bells responsibility to get the authorities involved, not the victim?

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Well, I'll go ahead and stick with my own experience over some random dude on the internet. You jumped from harassment, to criminal harassment (yes, these are different levels of harassment), saying taco bell needs to handle criminal levels of harassment, to now not answering the question completely about who has the responsibility to take criminal harassment to the authorities. BTW, my experience is about 15 years in mid and 10 years in upper level management. I'm guessing you read something or talked to some buddies to get your levels of experience.

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CORRECT, certain levels of harassment ARE CRIMINAL. Then guess who gets to deal with that level of harassment? *Hint- It's not taco bell EDIT: I had to come back on this one and ask, did you even read your own post? Are you really saying it's taco bells job to get involved in criminal harassment? Are you trolling..?

Murder and justice are two different types of killings, in my opinion.

"It’s never the answer because we can never be 100% correct." The only argument I partially concede to. We as humans abuse systems to achieve our own goals, and 'truths' are all a matter of perspective. "And the government putting innocent people to death is horrific." Hard disagree. They do it all the damn time and at least it would be under the guise of justice in this case.

"It’s also more expensive so the ONLY reason to put people to death is to satisfy bloodthirsty vengeance." You seem pretty biased here. Any time someone tries to debate a point with the words 'only' or similar but then base it off perspective, is a flawed debate.

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That sounds like a system issue and a cause of groups attempting to make the death penalty less attractive. Once there is irrefutable proof that a horrific crime such as this has been committed, there is no argument thus far that has convinced me death isn't the most logical punishment. I've heard them all, for..a long time. The only thing that keeps me from the 100% point is that, like I said, humans have a history of abusing it when it comes to minority's or the 'irrefutable proof' part.