
1 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I agree - that's why we should not allow Presidents, Governors, or any other public figures to speak at any event because they clearly also come with a heightened risk to everyone there.

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Technically any unintended discharge of a gun is a negligent discharge because the user isn't following the 4 rules of gun safety. The trigger dongle makes a glock drop safe, but not safe from idiots putting their finger on the trigger (where most NDs happen).

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Wait, the problem in your mind with China is that it's not as safe for multinational companies to exploit their populace?

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Did you buy a brother instead?

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100%. Blue MAGA's going to come out in force on this thread. If you're in CA or similar "will go blue no matter what" state, there's no reason for principled leftists to vote for Biden. Same with "will go red no matter what" states.

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You'd think if they really believed their own bs that democracy was at stake, they would do everything to court votes in swing states, such as, idk, the enormous Arab population in Michigan? Biden clearly prioritizes dead Gazan babies over "democracy."

Great if it happens, but not holding my breath.

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Here's a pretty typical american pump: https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-shell-station-gas-pump-135764267.html You can select diesel with the green button, which comes out of the green handled hose on the left, but any other option for regular gas (87/89/93 in that picture) comes out of the right hose.

There are at least 2 other democrats in the running that could beat Trump that are polling >10%, but the DNC won't allow debates. If the DNC believed in Biden, they should allow debates to show all of us that he's competent.

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Re your third point - this is one of the main critiques of Capitalism, the reckless disregard for the bounds of growth.

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I would love it if that were the view that most Democrats had - then I could vote for the people I like in peace. Unfortunately, every day we get a new "vote blue no matter the genocide" post trying to shame people into voting for Biden. I pray to one day be a lost cause who isn't worth being yelled at (the earlier the better).

OK, 2 paragraphs of background: Currently (and for the past decade) people in Gaza have had no control over their land or future - they are entirely at the mercy of the Israelis. You might see references to this as the "right to self determination." Palestinians in Gaza cannot leave, cannot trade with other countries, etc. Israel controls all land crossings and has a naval blocade on the sea, inspects all goods coming into Gaza, including limiting what goods Gazan people are allowed to possess. Attempts to give Gazans goods have been met with extreme hostility - see, for example, the freedom flotilla in 2010: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_flotilla_raid

If a country controls every aspect of your territory, that is by almost by definition an occupation. This article talks in depth about the definition of an occupation: https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/menasource/gaza-israel-occupied-international-law/ (note atlantic council is a right-leaning source, https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/atlantic-council/). Here's a second source from the UN, back in 2022 before the current events. https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/10/1129942

So to answer your second question, "liberated" does imply the removal of an occupier. Under almost every definition, Israel is occupying Gaza and the West Bank.

To answer your first question, is it advocating for the dissolution of Israel? In general, no (yes, some people want that, don't "not all x" me). But if the real question is where do we go from here, how do we "stop the murders"?

If Israel relinquished control over the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, that would be what people generally call the Two-State solution. This is NOT the dissolution of the state of Israel at all, and in fact enshrines the state of Israel, but at a scale that give it by definition less than the entirety of Israel+Gaza+West Bank. While this has been the "liberal" position in the US, the US keeps voting against a real Palestinian state (https://apnews.com/article/un-vote-palestinian-membership-us-veto-8d8ad60d8576b5ab9e70d2f8bf7e2881). In other words, what we say we want does not match up with our actions. And Netanyahu has reiterated that this will never happen under his watch. https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-news-01-18-2024-73d552c6e73e0dc3783a0a11b2b5f67d

So if a 2-state solution is off the table by both the US and Israel, where does that leave us? Without a two-state (or one-state solution, with enshrined rights for Palestinians), the murders of Palenstinians will continue unabated. For example, in the West Bank (the other occupied territory), more than 200 Palestinains were murdered in 2023. https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/latest/palestinians-west-bank-2023-was-deadliest-year-record https://edition.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-12-16-23/h_b60eefa90fd1779f9b2b8cbf8d823c41

Apart from this, Israel would basically have to either push all the non-Jewish populations out of Israel (known as ethnic cleansing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_cleansing) or kill them all.

It likely won't be done at scale, but let's say you are wildly successful and are now in line for a high-value position, where vetting is common. Might look pretty bad if you fabricated your whole thesis. Recently, Bill Ackman basically bullied several schools into firing their head administrators on the pretense of not citing sources correctly in their thesis papers.

In addition, Democrats do everything possible to make sure nobody left of center wins the Democratic nomination: when there was a real challenge to the corporate Democrats (Bernie in 2016 and 2020), they did everything they could to rig the primary process in order to keep out any leftward movement. Similarly for 2024, instead of holding debates to convince Democrats that Joe Biden was still up to the task, they held no debates and even canceled the primaries in several states. In 2020, polling showed that Bernie would have a much more comfortable path to victory than Biden, but Democrats were more comfortable with Trump than Bernie.

Agree, depressing what gets upvoted - seems like any attempt to have a conversation other than 100% agreement is met with extreme hostility.

The sound of a teams meeting closing is what triggers mine.

Yeah no problem - not to get too deep in the weeds, but the glock trigger is intended to fire a round whenever you have your finger on the trigger and pull it. In other words, if you pull the trigger, it will go bang. The trigger dongle is not meant to function as a safety device if you are pulling the trigger partially.

In general, the only safety feature of triggers is a long and hard pull weight, commonly seen on "double action / single action" (DA/SA) guns like the Sig P226. The double action refers to 1) cocking the hammer, then 2) releasing the hammer. Glocks are all striker fired, which means they only have a single action (releasing the firing pin, no hammer). That means that each trigger pull on a Glock is the same, in contrast to DA/SA guns where the first pull is extremely hard, then each pull after that (because the hammer is then cocked) is very light. This is considered a safety feature because you have to be very intentional about your first shot, but once you know you're going to be shooting, other shots are easy.

What's weird, as the other commenter mentioned, is that NYPD makes glock install a super heavy trigger in their glocks so they all basically function as a safety. However, the dongle doesn't impact that at all - it's just a tiny little flap that instantly folds with no pressure.

The firing pin block is indeed a safety device too, but it's unconnected to the trigger dongle per se (there's no mechanical connection). A firing pin block does block the firing pin from moving forward. On a glock (and similar striker fired guns with trigger dongles), the movement of the trigger (let's say 50% through the pull) pushes the firing pin block up so that the firing pin is free to impact the bullet (once the trigger is pulled 100%). The trigger dongle's job is to prevent the trigger from STARTING to move at all, thus keeping the firing pin block in place - the difference in weight between the dongle and the trigger is what makes them drop safe (in contrast, see early sig p320 designs, which were not drop safe because there was no dongle).

Edit: btw, that's why good trigger discipline (example) is extremely important for glocks, since you have no external safety (and outside the NYPD, a relatively light trigger weight).

Obviously no countries' courts are sane then, because you have literally described protected "derivative works." See here for definition in the US Code: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/17/101 and see here for the copyright owner owning rights to derivative works (17 U.S. Code § 106 (2): https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/17/106

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I don't know USC's protocols per se, but I imagine there's actually a pretty decent list of people who all have 4.0s in a university that size. Unless you're going to have hundreds of "valedictorian" speeches, there needs to be some sort of selection process.

Yoo a lot of nostalgia for the Cybiko! My mom wouldn't let me get a gameboy but my sister managed to find one of these somewhere. That was my only way to do handheld gaming for years! The games sucked but it was better than homework =)

Yeah, 12lbs is crazy.

Yeah, it can be very exhausting to manage your manager.

In my personal opinion, seems like a number of factors are at work. First, the second amendment has become more republican-coded, so republicans are probably more likely to purchase more guns than they would have. Second, the media's sensationalism has constantly increased, so a lot of people consider a gun to be a prudent option - either viewing many cities to be hellholes, and the only way they would travel there is with a CCW, or seeing crazy people fighting over COVID supplies and thinking "maybe they're coming for my toilet paper, better get a gun." Third, a lot of firearm-curious people see the rise of the republicans arming up and feel like they have no choice but to also get a gun.

One concerning element in all of this is that even though there has been an increase in guns, it doesn't seem like there has been a corresponding increase in gun ranges, so people are likely not achieving competence with their guns.

In an ideal world, yes, we should build our own trains, but personally I think that's putting the cart before the horse. Let's get at least one portion of the track laid and functional before we start imposing more requirements. We can't support an American train building industry without tracks to put those trains. Any investment in infrastructure increases the likelihood that others build on that infrastructure.

Yeah, I also assumed Beehaw was just checking for spambots with their prompt, so I just gave them a few words about wanting to see memes and they rejected me 😱 . Shitjustworks I thought didn't approve me, but it was just that the confirmation email went to spam.

Although it's not that hard to unmount a weapon mounted light (WML), you typically do not - it's just how your gun is configured. Sort of like if you put new laces on shoes, you can technically take them off, but why would you? WMLs are used to help identify targets in dark areas - especially when the possibility of actually shooting is very high - i.e. if you know someone with a gun is hiding in a basement, you'd want your WML on to positively identify them so you're not shooting at innocent people. HOWEVER, based on everything we've heard about these protests, there's really no reason that the officer should have had his duty weapon out AT ALL. They have regular flashlights for use in regular scenarios (like here) where you need to see in the dark but are not going to be shooting anyone.

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Why would you = removing a WML. This guy is clearly a super huge idiot if that's what he was trying to do. I would think that this is super far from SOP, which should be to use his flashlight since he's surrounded by 999 other cops, this guy did not need his gun out at all.

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Does lemmy have a satire tag?

The main issue with Cornell West is that he's not really a politician. He's an amazing scholar, activist, and voice, but doesn't seem to be able to put together a robust campaign. He started on the working families party, I believe, then switched to Green, and has now removed himself from the Green party ticket.

Have you ever even been to a graduation? This is an extremely common occurrence. Here's a video of Obama giving a commencement speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImeOh36HVMw

So one of the most common handguns is the Glock 19, which can be found pretty easily for between $500 and $600 in any gun store. I have strong doubts that an extra $55-66 per gun is going to fundamentally reduce the amount of guns in circulation. The person who buys a single gun isn't going to not buy the gun, and hobbyists who have a lot of disposable income won't stop buying new stuff, but will grumble a lot.

Anyone with nefarious intentions (cartels, etc.) would just buy in Nevada, Arizona, or other states anyways, where there aren't as many restrictions on firearms. If you ever see crime photos of people with glocks, it's pretty common to see 30-round magazines, which have been unable to be purchased in CA for years, showing that these guns and magazines are all coming from out of state to begin with.

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I'm not the one downvoting you, but I think this is where you might lose me - I agree that people will buy housing and rent it out if they can make a profit, and we've had landlords doing that basically forever. But if the government gets involved and owners sell, I don't see how home ownership can be more unaffordable. Basically we have a hugely constrained supply of housing. If, say, there were 50 skyscrapers full of apartments that went up overnight in San Francisco that charged $1000/month, rents would have to go down everywhere else because there would be the introduction of so much supply that nobody would pay more than that cost (because that's the alternative to where they're living now). Obviously that's a fantasy scenario, but the various governments (city, state, and fed) all are not doing anything to move towards that goal, which would create supply equal to demand. If current landlords sell, then that would drive prices further down, not up - you're literally increasing the supply again, and also because they will be competing against each other to sell, it should drive down prices for those homes as well.

Yeah, but people also have blinders as to how the actual voting structure works. If you're in CA/NY for dems or AL/MS for repubs, your vote basically doesn't matter since those places will go blue/red no matter what, so you're 100% free to vote for the person/platform you actually like! Any insinuation that you might vote for someone other than Biden is met with immediate scorn and ridicule.

I've got one of those guitars too! Super light, really fun to play, looks awesome.

Correct. Anything other than full-throated support of the current Israeli government is anti-semitic now.

Yeah, even 3d printed frames are even "good enough" for occasional use, especially if you buy all the other internals elsewhere, especially the slide/barrel, which are not covered at all by this tax (or by any other law in CA that I'm aware of, other than threaded barrels for pistols).

Unfortunately, I think that capitalism is here to stay, so things will just get shittier and shittier for everyone. As others responding to the top level comment have mentioned, declining birth rates means more stress on the entire system, where we'll see more young people without any future to hope for since all their energy and money will be coopted for caring for old people, old people having shittier end-of-life experiences because there isn't enough money to support them, and countries will not able to support anyone because there's no investment due to lack of growth.

Biden didn't stutter when he was Obama's VP and his brain was still intact. Seems like everyone but you cares.

There's a few separate threads of people responding to your comment regarding what marketing is, so it's probably helpful to add what the guy actually said in the linked article (I know, who reads the article anymore🙄).

"Marketing is dead," he said. "Marketing is dead. It truly is—I can back this shit up, man. There's no channels anymore—it doesn't work. You used to have marketing, communication, and PR. Marketing was essentially a retail theory—you were trying to get your box on the right point of the store shelf, and you have partnerships with retail stores. Those pipelines are gone. Now you've got the internet. Nobody is looking at ads anymore … all of the channels that we would usually market through are no longer really viable. So their function is also reduced by the fact that players just want to be spoken to. They don't want to be bamboozled—they just want to know what you're making and why you're making it and who it's for."

the media is doing a really bad work on covering it.

Yep, that's pretty much by design. Most large media companies rely on these same companies (or parents/subsidiaries) for the bulk of their advertising revenue.