
11 Post – 113 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

Non binary Environmental communist

It would be incredibly stupid to switch out Biden now. Who would we replace him with thar we're so sure would beat Trump with this little time left until the election? If the plan was ever going to be to replace Biden, he would have had to step down at least 5 months ago.

What a weird and almost certainly incomplete perspective you have

We have a system, and we do not have the political will to get rid of that system. Go ahead and build a coalition towards a better system, but until that coalition is tangible, harm reduction is not complicity.

I dont

Nathan Pyle, the guy who said abortion should be illegal because he and his wife don't think they would ever get one

They would make easy retrofits into college campuses, or any kind of campus really.

They're fed lies that the country is under duress by everything and just a handful of people, namely trump and his allies, are able to save us. They think life is like the movies and they can be a hero

The thing keeping my sanity holding on is knowing that I'm not going to get what I actually want, so any bits of progress feel great because I'm not expecting the whole thing

Actually, this statistic is off. Burgerhuffing Georg who does nothing but breathe burger fumes is an extreme outlier and should not have been counted.

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The vinyl mesh seats you can get at staples have always been good to me. They're simple but they last forever and they feel great for hours https://www.staples.com/union-scale-flexfit-hyken-ergonomic-mesh-swivel-task-chair-black-un59460/product_990119

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I don't pay attention to rap and even I know that Kendrick is cool, and Drake is a predator

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The cattle industry is horrid. Boycotting or avoiding leather goods is not the lever that will harm the industry. Using leather goods means less waste from the meat industry. Leather items are good

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See I would have thought nasa would reach out when they heard about it and straight up offered to pay for repairs. This case will surely settle outside of court for between $60k and $100k

Yes all of this. And also, even if Palestine was in no way on the ballot in November, that doesn't mean it's not worth it to vote for the guy who is much better in all the ways that are on the ballot

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There's no clean way to talk about it

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Irresponsible? Pugs are incapable of breeding normally because their body is too fucked up

It's not just about president, but also cabinet positions. And Bidens cabinet is pretty decent. Trumps cabinet is awful

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I feel like I'm bouncing back from losing some bad friendships, I feel happier and more hopeful

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Well I got into beehaw and I'm having a reddit-like experience for the first time in a year, but this time more wholesome

It's a super luxury item with not just dedicated hardware but also carpentry and extra art

Bruh there are a multitude of issues that the cabinet handles. As much as what's happening in Palestine is abhorrent, there are in fact other important things happening everywhere all the time. If you look at only one single issue, then you are blind to a great many things. And if you neglect the fact that one side would also handle that particular issue with even more bloodlust, then you're just not a serious person.

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I'll be sure to save this for when my trans ass is thrown in a gulag by trump and I can show the immigrants in there with me that you thought everything would be same either way.

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Language changes over time, and that's the new etiquette. Though No Problem tends to feel less compulsory to me and so I feel more genuine saying it. Enjoy the world as it changes, because it'll change just as much if you don't enjoy it

It's in Boston, but could be coming to a concrete plant in your town in the next 10-20 years. It's big infrastructure so it doesn't change often

The Biden administration has done surprisingly a lot to reduce the little things that really add up for the average American

It hurts at first. But now I have more time for better things and I'm so much happier

I see something fine, and now your meme is mine!

You can either choose to give a little support to the better part of our awful system in our awful world

Or you can stay in your fantasy land where the 2 parties are absolutely identical and your Itty bitty push back is more effective

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You know that there are international treaties he must follow, or be actually impeached. He's actually given Isreal the bare minimum and done his utmost to limit Netanyahu

None of them will receive votes from the 3

Wild ride. Glad you're being better. You're probably gonna want to do some therapy to unpack all of that because there's probably some shit still kicking around that you don't even know about.

From my experience, Mastodon is limited by interaction being more limited. On Twitter, I used to have the luxury of not needing to always know who I wanted to interact with. I could follow 30 celebrities I was interested in, go to their posts and find a plethora of people to interact with about something I cared about. That got me started until I found corners of Twitter that I liked.

Here on lemmy, there's a front page that's bound to have something worthwhile.

Both are helped by instances. If you're in the right instance for you, you already have an okay starting point.

I've had one for years, I game for long stretches in it with no back pain. It doesn't really wear down.

Well this is disappointing. I wonder what % of games will be lost media in 15 years

Sounds kind of like my first time a couple years ago. Sex can be a great way to bond with awesome people even if it's only for a night. I cant say I know your life, but if you take each experience as a bonding opportunity, you'll have a fulfilling experience I tbink.

Thanks Biden

There's a Cinco de mayo (2016?) photo of trump in his home office where in the background is a drawer open containing a British allergy medication. A med that is illegal in the USA because it contains amphetamines. Suspicious at best

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Must be for Ted Cruz

Trying to recover from ending a couple bad friendships and the fallout that cokes with it

Gotta disagree on that. If you make a lithium battery, it lasts 10-15 years, and the recharge process is pretty simple. You plug it in at night, a wind turbine fills it up with ease.

Bio fuels are pretty intensive to make, and every time you need to refuel, you have to make new stuff, transport the fuel to a central refueling site, bring the thing in need of fuel, or your own container, to that site. And then the carbon from that bio fuel goes right back into the atmosphere.

The only advantage is that it looks similar to the status quo. But I think the status quo sucks

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