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Joined 1 years ago

Would be a great move to pick someone new but right before the nomination. Lots of independents want anyone but these 2 old dudes. If either party picked a different candidate, I think they would easily take the White House.

(Unlikely) but if the dems really just had biden out there to take the brunt of trumps attacks up until the nomination, then a majority of trumps platform (biden bad) goes out the window, while the dems platform (trump bad) gets to remain in place.

Would be a galaxy brain strategy but I don’t think anyone in politics would be smart enough to pull something like that off.

Not seeing how it isn’t criminal charges, and instead a settlement with little more then a sorry we got caught.

“I feel like I have to do it otherwise there will be a target on my back in my own district for the chair,”

What a coward.

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Kinda glad they did? Makes it easier to know their priorities.

Sidney Powell was one of millions and millions of people who thought, and in ever increasing numbers still think, correctly, that the 2020 Presidential Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN, AND OUR COUNTRY IS BEING ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED BECAUSE OF IT!!! MS. POWELL WAS NOT MY ATTORNEY, AND NEVER WAS. In fact, she would have been conflicted,

That was a challenging first sentence to read.

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Contact HR. Ask for clarity. They won’t want a potential class action on their hands depending on the size of the company/state law.

If not satisfied with the answer, contact the state board of labor. They should be able to give better answers then random internet strangers.

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho did seem more entertaining at least then the circus we’ve had for the last few years. At least we can look forward to that?

Plus Ow! My balls! Does seem like some good tv.

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This goes well beyond mildly.

Polls just create talking points for media to run around with. You could easily find (or discard) data to create any narrative you wanted. Remember when Hillary was the runaway favorite? Remember when Jeb Bush was the front runner?

Just go out and vote. End of the day no matter what the early polls say. Go Vote. Make your voice heard.

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Right? The media matters article screenshots clearly prove it’s allegations. Unless he tries the angle that they were photoshopped (and obviously he needs proof for it) this gets dismissed immediately.

Hoping it doesn’t cost media matters anything or that they can recoup any fees they may incur from this. Nice to have real reporting with proof to back it up like they showed.

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Take 100mil off his comp for employees, divide by their 57,000 UAWs listed above, divide by 52 (weeks), then 40 (hrs). Gets you an 0.84$ per hour per employee.

In reality, based on latest filing, CEO’s comp for 2022 was 21 mil so 0.16$ raise per employee if you didn’t pay the ceo.

Ford did 484mil $ in buy backs in 2022. Would give each 4$/hr raise

Seen this a few times. Rarely does the ceo taking less really make much of a dent for people living paycheck to paycheck. Yea 16 cents is better than nothing but also not what these people need.

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Also American checking it. I preface all my geographical knowledge with the fact that I’m American, along with an apology in advance if the person I’m talking to is from the area.

Or I just keep my mouth shut.

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The title reads in my head that he made the request to himself to recuse himself, and he denied himself.

Anyway, good, average citizens don’t get to pick their judge, and without a real reason, he shouldn’t either.

How is creating a proprietary service anti competitive? There are many other methods of messaging and Apple is not stoping anyone from using them.

Kids being bullied in school has nothing to do with being anti competitive.

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If they have legitimate evidence a crime was commit. Good, question him.

Republican or Democrat doesn’t matter, show your evidence and if they are doing something illegal let’s get rid of em. Biden shouldnt be immune, nor should any other person.

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‘The result generated by the test would almost never happen in the real world, Musk’s complaint alleged’

Think this kills the case quick. So he is saying it does happen, and doesn’t seem like the media matters report mentions frequency.

The discovery in this case will be interesting, if they even get there. Media matters could end up with even more dirt on twitter.

Day 7: 6,350,000

Day 14: 819,150,000

Day 21: 104,857,550,000

Day 28: 13,421,772,750,000

Day 30: 53,687,091,150,000

A fun fine from the judge.

And welcome to the JAM!

True, but given his cabinet, is 1 out of 6 that great in selecting?

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You can turn off iMessage in settings and disable the phone number from messages. Then use whatever messaging service you want with the phone number.

Still not sure how it’s anti competitive to not allow others to use your own proprietary software when there are alternatives available, and they are not being restricted.

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That jeep is awesome.

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. "‘Oh, what’s foreseeable is that things can change, and therefore, if there’s a change, it’s 'foreseeable.’ I mean, that argument is truly remarkable."

Judge is having none of it haha.


Yea lots of detail lacking from the article. What is their expected life, and how many do they lose on average per month/year.

Interesting the solar activity could be knocking them out, but without a baseline, does anyone know if this is significant/beyond what’s expected?

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Didn’t know! Interesting many “were understood to be” disqualified. Most without trial, but they also didn’t attempt to run under that understanding.


Rock climbing and bouldering combine the fun of a puzzle with a workout and very real goals/improvements you get to work towards. It’s also not just “I did 5 more pounds!”

For me I hate a squat rack or bench but climbing never really feels like working out.

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Will be interesting to see if he maintains his not guilty plea with the criminal charges against him. Might be looking for a deal now.

I like nitro for the audio and stream quality benefits. It’s not much money and makes the experience with friends better.

Doesn’t seem much different than streaming services asking for more for 4k streaming.

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Going with C. Without explicit language to the president, they will need to interpret this to mean the president included, which may be up to anyone’s interpretation.

I feel it should, however it could be argued it doesn’t.

who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof

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Thanks. Already too many with so many different communities too! I like number 2. If people want their link out there can post it in the first one. Thanks for the work your doing!

I don’t think any party would do it. To go further, why would any of them? When the votes become public knowledge from congress to impeach, what’s to stop the president ordering anyone who said yes from assassinating them before the senate goes for conviction?

Either the president scares the senate away (in case they don’t convict and the president will know who said yes) or he goes to jail/is executed no matter how many they had killed.

Even kill anyone you know will say yes before they vote to impeach. IMMUNITY!

Path of exile is another example. Many many years of new content, base game is free. You can buy increased stash size, which, while difficult, isn’t necessary, but massive QOL. You can also buy cosmetics.

Someone like me likes to support them for the hours I play, so when they release new context every 3-4 months and new leagues start, I usually buy something from them.

Yea that’s the point. At some point could just be lazy and not take it and divert responsibility by agreeing with the lower courts, a lot easier then actually hearing it.

At work I do a lot to avoid having more work come my way. If I can push it off. 9 times out of 10 I’m pushing it somewhere else.

Usually when I try to think of it all I can remember is space force. Still a stupid name, and I can’t believe they couldn’t come up with something better.

Not sure if that’s achieved though, but was prolly a good thing to have a dedicated group to it then funneling through the Air Force

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Yup. Every company will follow the same model. Why wouldn’t they when it was clearly successful. Not everyone accepted it, I canceled Netflix, more because of a lack of content that didn’t justify the price if I couldn’t share it.

Slowly more and more will be raising the black flag and soon some new service will come out, and the cycle will repeat itself.

Nepotism, as I think the secretary of education was his step brother? So still a little corrupt.

It doesn’t explicitly require one, but that’s what the Supreme Court could argue to strike it down. While you and I can say it’s obvious based on what happened, I’d rather have a conviction to take someone off the ballot, otherwise it would be exploitable.

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Could still say he was not convicted of giving aid or comfort. Seems obvious he did, but without a trial not sure it would count. Although that would be an interesting trial as they track down the funding of these groups and how they are interconnected. Probably reveal some interesting players behind the scenes.

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Grandmas boy and role models.

From wiki

The first discussion of a U.S. Space Force occurred under President Dwight Eisenhower's administration in 1958 and it was nearly established in 1982 by President Ronald Reagan as part of the Strategic Defense Initiative. The 2001 Space Commission argued for the creation of a Space Corps around 2007–2011, but due to the September 11 attacks and war on terror any plans were put on hold. In 2017, Representatives Jim Cooper and Mike Rogers' proposal for a Space Corps passed the House but failed in the Senate. In 2019, the House and Senate resolved their differences to pass the United States Space Force Act. It was signed into law by President Donald Trump, establishing the U.S. Space Force as the first new independent military service since the Army Air Forces were reorganized as the U.S. Air Force in 1947.[9]

If you want to credit it to Eisenhower sure, but still technically it was established under trump so that’s the best I have for remembering what he did in office.

Get 800kwh to 1mwh a month depending on sun coverage. Cost me 23k paid in full.