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I mean.. yeah layoff a whole bunch of people and start treating your employees like replaceable commodities.. then go ahead and arrogantly deploy technology you don't understand and :surprisepikachu: everything breaks.

But management get to do things without personal consequence, as they'll just lay off more workers to cover their absolute incompetence and things will continue to get worse.

Perhaps we should be replacing C-suite dipshits with AI's instead.

Yeah, kinda funny how it's OK when there's a bunch of neoliberal gangsters like larry summers behind it, right?

Yes, Eugene Debs, please.

  • who was basically jailed on political pretexts but still..

I wish they'd give SteamVR on Linux a long overdue upgrade.

And by upgrade I mean "Make it look like it's a project which is even alive"

Well, except scumbags like eric adams, NYC's bought-owned-and-operated-by-real-estate-interests mayor.

NYC and the costs are NOWHERE NEAR offset.

Then again, that is primarily because landlords are disgustingly greedy.


No, most people would not.

Most people would share, or hit a point and think "OK, that's enough for anything I really want personally... I'm gonna try and help out now.."

Nobody in their right mind should want a world where they are privately wealthy, but publically impoverished.
Because then, you have no security.
Someone will always be gunning for you.
You can stave it off by layering brute force, and laws, but there is no such thing as 100% secure. Eventually something will make it through, and wreak havoc. And because all you now care about, over everything, is whatever paltry "wealth" you've managed to secure, the catastrophe is magnified orders of magnitude. You have no real friends or community to turn to, nobody who would support you if you didn't have the most, and the rules didn't make you "king" because of it.

It's a sickness.

Remember when one of the OWS agent provocateurs got outed by riding his motorcycle like a dick a few months afterwards?

I managed to migrate all mine to libvirt when I dumped esxi. They dropped support for the old opteron I was running at the time, so I couldn't upgrade to v7. Welp, Fedora Server does just as well and I've been moving the VM hosted services into containers anyway.

Ofc... well, we'll see what IBM does with RedHat. Probably something like this eventually. They simply can't help themselves.

I really don't care until I can buy one. In the meantime I have a few hdd's and an old LTO4 drive...

1 more...

CGnat is an abomination.

..yet another reason to not use that pestilence.


I recently had to hold my nose to see a band I've been following for a very long time.

The venue utterly sucked, treated like cattle, tighter security than getting on a plane flight. Pathetic.

Ticketmaster/livenation can go die in a fire.

Billionaires should pay 100% tax over $999,999.99 of personal wealth.

Some people still get to be wealthy. Problem solved.

"I paid for this traffic light, therefore I want to use all three bulbs at once"

They are making money off a literal public good. EVERYTHING they produce, including the profits, is public property.

It might help if they didn't put all their efforts into killing Nitter and other useful frontends.

isn't riccitiello the same fuck who was behind EA's sharp turn bitchwards? and who even Sleepy Joe called "A creep"

The sun will start increasing in luminosity within a billion years, at which point it will be intense enough to cause rocks to begin soaking up CO2 to a point where photosynthesis will become difficult, and the planetary food chain will collapse.

The hour is much later than we think. Maybe another supercontinent cycle or so?

"Today nothing happened, and everything is fine. (Fear it, fear it)"

The hour's growing late there. We needed to solve that problem before this technology became available. Just need useful life-extension technology and then it'll just be a bunch of rich psychopaths running around the planet, and everyone else will be disposed of.

Someone tell that to NY state's gov.


But seriously.. i burned out of EVE many moons ago, just too grindy.

I'm rather hoping RISC-V comes up and eats their lunch before it happens.

My reasoning for this is that I've lost too many hours trying to kludge finnicky ARM boards into supporting proper mainline video acceleration. It's awful. It's horrible. It's a waste of time.

The silly x86 SBC I got worked out of the box with OneAPI with no complaints at all.

The ARM boards ran the gamut from gibberish/garbage rendering, dropped frames, washed out images because of cheap tricks to up performance.

I know this is more down to the weak (and proprietary) video cores included on these boards.. but after spending a significant amount of time playing with them, I'm going to say "No, thank you."

That has little to do with whatever political machinations are occurring and more to do with housing and necessities inflation driving labor pressure as a lagging inflation indicator.

Think of it as a tectonic/landscape thing rather than the stupid games people happen to be playing on the landscape.

Of course if any of them had their heads out of their own asses, or the asses of their owners, they might recognize this and start adapting...

The DNC has literally argued, successfully, in court, that is has every right to rig its own primaries.

Voting in primaries is pointless unless that changes.