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Joined 5 months ago

Yyeap that is how it feels to be a conservative today..... Cant say you are a conservative cause people will call you "rasist" "bigot" "sexist" "transphobic" and so on. Just because you think a 9 month old baby should have the same rights as a newborn. Or because you think we should have rules (and we do) behind how people cross the border. Or because you think people should pay money back if they barrow money.

Just some thoughts that will get you banned from social media.

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Not not saying its fine, all Im saying its you should be responsable its all. Seems like its not a popular opinion today....

No, this is what I mean: [ Viability: 14 states ban abortions after the fetus is considered viable. Some laws that don't specify a limit say it's up to the abortion provider's "judgment" to determine whether a fetus is viable. Third trimester: Virginia is the only state that prohibits abortions in the pregnancy's third trimester, which starts at around 25 weeks, per Guttmacher. It's also the lone southern state that hasn't banned or restricted abortion since the end of Roe.

No limit: Six states and Washington, D.C., do not impose any term restrictions. That has not changed since the overturning of Roe.](https://www.axios.com/2022/05/14/abortion-state-laws-bans-roe-supreme-court)

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Yeap that is correct. Creating irresponsable individuals (in my opinion you should be responsable for your acctions)

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You are somehow correct. I do mean nine month unborn baby, its not my opinion if they are killed or not, depends on the state some will allow you to kill your 9 month old baby.

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Depends on the state, some mothers are able to kill their 9 month baby (does notmatter what the father opinion is)

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A quick google search you can find out the states where is legal to kill a 9month old baby

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I wish nobidy had to work and everything was "free", but as they say everybody has to " eat". Profesors, personal, etc... Not to take in to account the equipment needed to run the clases (labs etc...).

Nothing is "free"

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Sounds good. Sounds like flat earth it is.... Sorry we could not have a usuful conversation.

Nobody wakes up at the 40 week mark and says fuck it, let's abort this bitch. That's pure fox news fiction.

1% of people who kill the baby do.

What about the 93% perform before week 13. Is that not "I didnt want the baby but I was horney last weekend and I fucked without a condom so now Im killing the baby" acctitude?.

People are just not responsable for their own actions its all.

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Why stop at education? Why not housing, or food, or cars, or vacation? Why work at all?

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Nope, you can have sex. Just be responsable. If you for sure dont want a baby the straigh response is dont have sex. But if you want to have sex then do it responsably. Soooooooo many options of protecting you and your partner, killing a person should not be part of the conversation.

"Punish woman for having vaginas" what are you talking about?

From wikipidia: Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy

If the baby is dead the pregnancy has finished already.

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A 3rd thing you forgot to mention People will take a loan and study a carriers that dont pay enough for them to be able to pay back. Meaning people will not study the market when they ask for a loan. If you need such a big loan you better be sure that you are going to be anle to pay it back. How much money do people make right out if collage from the profession Im intented to study? Not enough? Then its nit a good invesment of time and money....

I wish you were correct. That is not thw case :( (No limit: Six states and Washington, D.C., do not impose any term restrictions. That has not changed since the overturning of Roe.)[https://www.axios.com/2022/05/14/abortion-state-laws-bans-roe-supreme-court]

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There is no restriction on some states. No matter if there are medical danger or not :( Really sad to be honest https://www.axios.com/2022/05/14/abortion-state-laws-bans-roe-supreme-court

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I wish you were correct. But that is not the case. "No limit: Six states and Washington, D.C., do not impose any term restrictions. That has not changed since the overturning of Roe." No matter what the case is you dint have restictions.

Qe have to understand that the reason we have some laws is to protect the most inosent, specially those who cant defend themselfs. We do this with the older, handicaped and kids. Kids are not able to drink, why? Why cant they smoke? They are not mature enough to make desitions for themselves, so we take that responsability upon their parents.

So, should laws be put to protect the unborn babies? Is their life worth more or less then yours? Why can you kill the baby before 9 months but not after? What is different? "If the baby continues to develop it will kill the mother so lets kill the baby so the mother can live" is the argument before 9 months but never after 9 months.

If the babie is death then its not an abortion. If the baby dies by natural reasons its not an abortion.

Drink blood? Hail gay? What are you talking about

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What are you talking about?

I hope you get the help you need.

Keeo it up, be responsable, enjoy life!

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Gdefinitions matter, and yes states that have banned abortion even have exceptions. Defining what abortion is is the main point. Cant put something in to law if ita not define.

But what does it matter if some people would argue that "woman" does not have a meaning.


Totally agree. If you are not ready to have a baby dont have sex. Hard to do but simple as well. Its a big responsability. Just like borroeing a lot of money, easy to do but complicated to pay back. Need to be responsable.

Own it, be responsable for your own actions.

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Hahahh so work so you feel good about yourself? Oh God....

Fuck no

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I would suggest you get a pixel, why get a cheap xiaomi in the first place?


Lol, woman dont want those positions. Ask them ;)

So.... Grapehene is better but lineage is sopported on more devices?

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Again..... One is just better than the other...

Yea!!! I borrow money and then I dont pay it!!! Great!!!

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Every smart person will have one with GrapheneOS installed

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She is a girl, easy to jump up like that when you have boobs

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