Diva (she/her)

@Diva (she/her)@lemmy.ml
0 Post – 303 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

I make electronic music. (she/her) 🏳️‍⚧️

Хацунэ Мику издание Уралвагонзавода

Biden still owes me $600

Putin actually is on the record that he prefers Biden as he's more predictable.

Downvotes aren't gonna stop me posting this lil guy 🐢

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This has always been about controlling poor people, everything else is window dressing and rhetoric.

Considering this is a war of attrition, "winning" such as it is doesn't look like conscripting every man, woman and child that can hold a gun to get blown up in trenches. They should have just negotiated a year ago.

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America has 9/11s of covid deaths monthly, long after Biden "ended covid" with Trump's strategy of "just stop reporting the numbers". That's what our journalists also do with all of the people murdered by Israel. Keep them out of sight, out of mind.

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Wow they just like me fr 😔

I'm sure that it is, but it's not just elderly dying, plenty of kids and their parents are suffering. I just read a NPR puff piece about a landlord who finally got their investment property 'back' by evicting their tenant... a recently widowed healthcare worker with a child. It's almost like we shouldn't be trying to just return to 'normal' with an uncontrolled pandemic raging.

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Yeah fucked up that Biden is enabling those genocidal settlers

I wish it wasn't paywalled, I remember being hopeful something might happen but then Boris showed up- people still talk about it, just not always in english.

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Mods are tankies? Waow

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This is just xenophobic

STEM (both technical university and workforce) has been a cesspit of misogyny from my personal experience.

He's doing the thing where he calls a temporary pause a "ceasefire" with the only leverage getting handed over.,. So the genocidal ethnostate can continue the slaughter at its leasure.

Sounds like a shit deal.

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Clearly the same standards don't apply to pushing the political opinions of lemmyworld, hence all these threads.

I think I made it pretty clear, but when it comes to Israel's genocide the above poster is outspoken defending the Democrats supporting it, but when its US state enemies they're getting extremely mad about anyone not repeating the US state department line on things.

The CIA routinely uses USAID as a cover for operations and Osama bin Laden was caught by vaccination workers that were surreptitiously checking everyone's DNA.

Things like this only endanger civilians and the aid workers themselves.

You can call me a cynical but I saw this coming from the outset.


Fortunately if there's one thing I'm consistent about it's that I will never thank a troop colonial enforcer for their service.

genocide deniers who very clearly use their power over the community to push a narrative of genocide denial.

You are the premier genocide denier I've run into on this platform, you're more concerned about the Democrats election chances than the people they help kill.

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Sound based, you'd probably fit in better at the bottom of a pit

The extremely American experience of writing a letter to your congressional rep with a 0% chance of it ending up anywhere other than the trash, unread.

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the things i consider bad and not polical stance are : for instance i just don’t like trump because he is against t lgbt and being racist etc. Which are geniunly bad in my opinion and not just difference in opinions

I haven't run into anyone with a racism or anti LGBT stance on .ml, or grad or hexbear, unless you include shittalking white people. The only time I've seen Trump come up is to mock him, they just hate Joe Biden for his long list of crimes too.

Those instances have been the quickest to remove transphobia, meanwhile in other places it will often get straight up ignored/denied.

You sound like a shitty person from everything I've seen

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lmao yeah, people only every show the wide angle thing and act like he died. bruh the video exists and he gets in the way, and climbs on the fucking thing and the guys inside fucking stop the tank. If it was american pigs or boots in the same situation they would have just run him over. Speaking from experience almost getting hit by a pigmobile at protest.

You probably think a white genocide is actually happening

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It rules being able to just look in a database what has you so mad

You clearly just hate dissent and want an MSNBC bubble

'moderate rebels'

We've given up on all testing, masking, vaccination and even quarantining at this point. 9/11s of people are dying monthly from all manner of respiratory diseases (after getting wrecked by covid). What exactly would uncontrolled look like to you then?

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I've received numerous fuckoff letters back from aides, signed by my (dem) reps. I don't see the difference between that and my original letter ending up in the trash.

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Anthony Blinken has reaffirmed the United States’ “unique bond” with Israel, and rejected calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza but

go fuck yourself Tony 🙄

I've been doing plenty of antiwar organizing, the routine is you organize getting hundreds of letters sent, working hard to make sure it's actual constituents, I've even gone to hand off in person to the aides. You always get a letter like 6 months later with a non-response, vowing to keep doing what they've been doing.

They are not tracking anything for anything more than PR management, it takes actual leverage to influence their decisions.

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this is where our conversation ends colonizer- I hope a brown person fills your mouth with shit someday

Tankies are people who fill a jug with piss and empty it into a pickup drivers gas tank

And that's why I voted Uncommitted and am urging everyone I know to withhold their votes from these people

Our local elections only happen on off years to suppress turnout, and it's overwhelmingly dominated by landlords and NIMBYs, trust me I'm involved, but that shit is absolutely calcified.

Hamas is a creation of Israels own actions. They have a history of erratic behavior politically including fighting alongside ISIS. They are still the elected government such as it is. It's absolutely sickening seeing comfortable westerners acting like they have some kind of right to pass judgment on people living in such a situation. They fight back however they can, and it's not going to be pretty because war and colonial occupation is not clean.

There is a simple solution, but it would either require Israel to stop being an ethnostate or stop existing so that a government which represents everyone in occupied Palestine can exist.

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Your one routine is to smugly pass judgement on colonize people for resisting their own extermination, also you're British 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮

the modlogs are public, anyone can just go on hexbear, plug in your name and see why you got banned:

here's one of your removed comments:

mod Removed Comment Actually Palestinians started the violence. They fought a war, they lost. That doesn't excuse anything Israel has done, but credit where credit is due. Hamas are not freedom fighters, that isn't their goal. Their goal is to eradicate anyone that doesn't share their beliefs. Freedom for the people of Palestine and peace in the region, but the likes of Hamas and Netanyahu can suck a bag of each others' virgin dicks. by TWeaK@lemm.ee

the reason you were site banned was because you were having a meltdown over getting a comm ban for your genocide apologia (lmao)

mod Banned TWeaK@lemm.ee reason: convicted on purgery (malding over a comm ban :farquaad-point:)

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The one happening now.

after the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestinians That’s a neat way of putting it:

Fuck off

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