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Joined 1 years ago

Nothing replaces common sense, but I've been using ESET for years now and have been really happy. Just the AV mind you, none of the other security suite bs.

What is their cited reasoning for bailing? A unified effort to prevent voter fraud sounds great - why in the world would any of the states want out of it? Makes you wonder about how serious those states are about eliminating fraud in the first place...

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Don't use Google products or Chromium-based web browsers.

So... Firefox? Are there even any other viable alternatives?

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Y'know, if he hadn't fired all of his staff for this kind of thing then someone could've told them this is going to get meme'd to "ex" in about 0.06482 seconds. Oh well, time to grab the popcorn!

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The only reason I stomached all the bs of Overwatch 2 was for the promise of PvE. As soon as they announced they weren't doing that anymore I uninstalled the game. The fact they squeezed out some half-assed story missions for a price was just the final nail in the coffin. It's sad bc I loved OW1, but this game has become nothing more than a soulless money vaccuum.

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On top of what's already been said, to your question specifically of what the devs are doing - a lot of the time it's nothing out of the ordinary as the Ops teams are the ones conducting the maintenance. There will likely be a dev or devs on call, but that's routine anyway so it's ultimately just another day for them. Sure, when big patches are pushed they're typically more attentive to the process - but even then, they're essentially informed observers.

If I say "no," does that mean yes?

The literal elephant in the room is Mastodon, the open source, decentralized social network that’s been around since 2016, years before Bluesky existed. While the platforms share similar goals, they use different protocols, making it difficult for the platforms to work together.

Quick, someone link the xkcd

His excuse was some bs about, "companies should be allowed to decide for themselves without having the government mandate it for them".

This, from the same guy who wants the government to decide what aspects of history schools can and cannot teach, or what books libraries can and cannot include.

Very consistent, Ronny.

I feel like it's pretty clear:

  1. eat pickles
  2. whistle

Does he not have any accountants?

Probably fired em. When you have more money than nearly the rest of the world combined, you don't need to keep track of things like "finances" and "books".

So how screwed are we? Obviously this isn't good, but I don't think it's going to stop here - and at least in the US it doesn't seem like the political landscape is going to change any time soon. So is this bad enough for people to start having to do something like move away from the equator? Or are we approaching a legit "move to Mars" scenario?

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cloud hyperscaler

I know you're technically right, but their "cloud" is the weirdest offering I have ever seen

Well c'mon, if they write a legit privacy bill it's going to hurt their Stateside vectors. This way, they can tout "yay security!" while funneling more traffic to Instabookapp where they can still access it.

I wouldn't worry about it too much, the concept cars always look sleek and then the manufacturers poop out something that looks way more standard. See: the Chevy Volt.

Given what this week is, that's remarkably appropriate timing to bring that up!

Geez, that was already 2 years ago??

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Chicken dinrar?

QoS was my first thought as well. OP is ready to build a faraday cage to brute-force this common 3rd party router feature!

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Pretty sure that was more than one time

Yep. I also block that source from future feeds if I can.

So first Blizz dangled these missions as the whole reason for OW2, then after pushing the new game they announced that "sorry, the single-player game was too hard," and now they're selling us the scrapped content they abandoned as a one-off?

Is this real life?

Do the tools that re-write your comments still work after the API changes?

I think it's slightly more nuanced - not all OTAs are recalls, and not all recalls are OTAs (for Tesla). Depending on the issue (for Teslas), the solution may be pushed via an OTA in which case they "issue a recall" with a software update. They're actually going through this right now. For some other issues though, it's a hardware problem that an OTA won't fix so they issue a recall to repair the problem (ex: when the wiring harness for their cameras was fraying the cables).

This is 100% from the NHTSA shenanigans, though.

Oh don't worry about that - as a vegan, they just need to let you know they're vegan.

I've been on this train for a long time, but this election is really making me question that position. Personally, I think both the major party's candidates are dismal at best so it feels terrible to consider voting for either - I don't want to tell either party, "hey, I like your guy and your platform." For literally decades, I've been of the option that is a party wants my vote then they need to present me with a platform and candidate that I agree with - regardless of what party that actually is.

The problem is, if I vote 3rd party this time around then my greatest hope would be to contribute towards some party finally reaching 5% of the vote in order to receive federal funding for the next presidential election - in 4 years. There's zero hope that my 3rd-party vote is going to somehow result in a shocking 3rd party presidential election victory though, which means the winner is still going to be one of the two major party's candidates. I don't care about voting for the "winning team" or whatever, but I do get the distinct impression that one of the two major party's candidates has a much higher disregard towards our form of government and could pose a more significant threat to our daily lives as a nation. Thus, for the first time ever I feel myself gravitating towards voting for the "lesser of two evils." Don't get me wrong, I think there's a lot of things the Democrats get right on various party positions (and I think there might be a couple Republicans do, too?) so the "lesser of two evils" phrase isn't meant to suggest both options are depraved - just that I don't personally particularly align with either. I am definitely feeling like I have to choose a side though, lest a "greater evil" pull off a win and jeopardize our entire democracy.

From BNL,

I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve

I have a history of taking off my shirt

You just need 9 more PCs with the same motherboard on em!

I lost my grandmother and dad to Alzheimer's. I feel like it's probably in my future, as well. It's a miserable disease that makes me question a lot of end-care practices and my wife & I are absolutely going to have some strategies in place, but to answer your question we already have 3 beautiful children that I can't imagine life without (pretty sure there's an Alzheimer's joke in there, somewhere). I certainly don't want to put them through what I saw with my Dad, but I also wouldn't want to have missed out on all the wonderful experiences I've had/will have with them on account of a "what if".

Ultimately, the choice is yours to make but you're clearly putting a lot of worthwhile thought into it and I'm sure whatever you decide will be the best choice for you. I'm sorry about your dad & sister, and if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here.

Kind of a roundabout answer to your question, but I got into tech bc of my love for gaming and specifically LAN parties. My buddies and I would get together and knew that hubs were needed (this was ~20 years ago) but didn't know much else, so I ended up figuring out your to build super basic networks. That led to being a quasi TA to the IT teacher in high school and then to a very basic tech support call center job out of HS.

I've been in the industry for over 20 years now, and while not every job has been great there's always more to learn and ways to grow, and I still love what I do. I even came full-circle and for a while got to work for the game developer of one of the games my buddies and I used to play at those LAN parties back in the day!

Right? I do it all the

I read a while back that Bobby Kotick was trying to drum up investors for it.

Yup, I was there as well. The bride moment of dead silence followed by booing after they announced it will forever be etched into my brain. To be fair though, poor Wyatt was set up and was never going to land that pitch in that setting.

I'm not holding my breath for it in the US, unfortunately

Florida here. They have adequate coverage, but there are caps in some extra options or high-end tell estate. The bigger issue is that all the other instance agencies are pulling out of the state so Citizens (the state insurance) is having to cover more and more to the point that the state is just one direct hurricane hit away from insolvency.

Thank you for doing this so I didn't have to

Going off of what others have said, Google Translate recognizes the bottom line as "mother's fine" in some form of Chinese, but it doesn't recognize the top line at all.

Pretty sure I've RMA'd a few pieces of hardware where they did just that