
0 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Y'all going to be real pissed off again.

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That is so cool. Elon is just trying to help.

I think he got this.

And that is ok. Find a new hangout. Or start your own.

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2000 mules.

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Wow you must have come from reddit. Don't be hateful. Good vibes.

Well my pay check does a lot less. I work in oil and gas industry. We are not starving but the cost of everything has went up.

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We could be oil independent of other countries. We export way more food than we consume. We are the Us and A.

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Got to buy those votes some how.

Well we are a golbal power. We have enough energy and resources to supply our country for 100 years.

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I thought we didn’t like sex trafficking. Sorry what’s the new narrative.

Calls me a child and resorts to name calling. Classic

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Aren't you just a ray of freaking sunshine. You must be fun to hangout with. You probably get pissed off before you go to a comedy show.

That's because it wasn't.

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Bruh. It's almost like you are writing a script that someone else gave you. Look I'm not going to change your mind and you aren't going to change mine. It would.be cool if we could have a chilll conversation. Peace out.

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I hope so. The economy can't take much more.

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I believe he is doing a great job. If you can do better buy your own company. Also he is running several other companies.

11 out of a 100 ain't so bad.

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Not cool for either party.

No I try not to see the bad in every thing. I think people for the most part are good. I don't let every thing trigger me.

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Slavery is way more important than old fashioned morals. You just want to fight and not fix anything.

Well it should say don’t start none won’t be none. End of story.

Good for you. Go do some volunteer work. Help out your fellow man. See the good in people.

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Are you always this agitated?

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Never have ricco

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No problem just watch out for.the booty traps.

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Way to jump to the extreme. At some point in history every skin color was enslaved. Instead of sitting here fighting with me. There is actually real slavery going on in Africa as we speak. Maybe try to help out on that front.

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Work hard to support your family. The Nuclear family. Modesty. Small government. Resect each other.

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Calm down keyboard warrior. You are the only one.to.shut down free speech.

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You won


Well you asked the question.

Probably the same idiot who released the charges early.

Partly false. Was he convicted?