0 Post – 96 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

I guess he's doing his best to not be woke

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You can now drink mayonnaise

Oh thank god, been waiting for this

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Good question, horrible post title. Keep the clickbait titles outta here.

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Russian infantry

"I absolutely love Marjorie Taylor Greene ... However, right now, Republicans have to be fighting the Radical Left Democrats, and all the Damage they have done to our Country," Trump said in the post on Truth Social as the House was voting this afternoon.

Why do stupid motherfuckers Randomly capitalize certain Words when they write stuff?

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Sentencing on July 11

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Not a news network, she will be on OnlyFans.

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By ring, they mean Donnie's anus.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.

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Stockton Rush shoulda taken all these bitches on a submarine trip

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this game is fucking trash

Sounds about right

This is the kind of self promotion that Reddit once thrived upon and which made it an interesting place to find user made content. It's fine.

All of those "no self promotion" rules seemed like they came into existence to combat spammers... but really in the end, it just turned into a way to clear the subreddits and make advertising space for big brands instead of the little guys.

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4070 is $600. That seems like total shit to me. That's why.

Aw I didn't mean anything bad by it. I know the Supreme Court loves accepting gifts. And what's a better gift than a free ride in a cool submarine to go see the Titanic?

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This is actually only part true. During the night, as the temperature in their environment drops, most species leave their den or web and seek out the mouth of any nearby sleeping mammals to sleep in, as it will help retain heat. In tests, it has been observed that up to thousands or tens of thousands of spiders will travel up to 10 miles to willingly climb into the open mouth of a sleeping human.

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Opposite of slept.

I'm not going to say what kind of surgery that was and please don't ask.

Ah, so it was butt surgery. Got it.

I won't be impressed by this extension until it shows the user's remaining lifespan too

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Was going to comment something similar. Good message... but people voting for Biden aren't the ones who need to hear it. How can we even share this message with the right? How to convince people completely divorced from reality to listen to reality?

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It sank because it wasn't better, faster or stronger

Comments section is pretty clear who read the article and who is only reacting to the title.

Helldivers 2 has weeks long campaigns where the entire playerbase has to defend certain planets. The "GM" keeps a close eye on progress of this event and manually adjusts it to make sure the campaign doesn't complete too soon.

There isn't some poor motherfucker staring at a screen watching the progress of each individual match spawning more bad guys whenever they feel like it.

Who would have thought all of our bad decisions would make us unpopular


I was wondering if this quote would look better in context, but nope:

Verified developer Bethesda_FalcoYamaoka jumped into the discussion to defend the mammoth planet-hopper. "Some of Starfield's planets are meant to be empty by design - but that's not boring," the developer says (cheers, Destructoid). FalcoYamaoka continues to say that wandering through the alien landscapes is supposed to evoke feelings of "smallness." The intention is to "make you feel overwhelmed" at the vastness of space.

FalcoYamaoka really just chose to die on that hill, a hill that is most likely on a completely empty planet. It's possible for them to have 100% achieved their design goal of smallness and making a player feel overwhelmed and for it to still be boring.

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The rest of you are all cowards. I use my real name on here.

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Yeah man I hear you on this. One of my younger coworkers was like "OK boomer" when I told him something, I was like "dude, we are ALL fucking Americans, cut that shit out." There was a brief moment of lucidity in his eyes, and then it died. I don't think I got through to him.

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I wish this guy would get in a submarine

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This dumb bitch probably asks people "oh are you from North or South?" when they tell her they are from Korea.

He sure did. He got Saudi dick shoved way up his ass.

This bot missed all the important parts of the article and cobbled together barely comprehensible, seemingly random parts of random paragraphs from the source.

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People downvoting your comment are the kids back in middle school who reminded the teacher about the homework

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I Googled Shark Bites and got this super duper amazingly helpful answer:

Are shark bites still around? There were 69 unprovoked shark attacks in 2023, higher than the five-year average of 63 attacks per year, according to the University of Florida's International Shark Attack File. Ten of the attacks in 2023 proved fatal, up from five the year before, researchers said.

Thanks, Google.

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Numbers for Haley vs Trump in any poll is irrelevant. She will never beat him in a straight matchup. She's obviously staying in the running in case Trump falls over dead of a Big Mac heart attack.

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Well, you said it yourself, the NHL is not the NBA lol.

Context for why they fought in this game:

The red white and blue team is the New York Rangers. The red white and black team is the New Jersey Devils. They are indeed long time divisional rivals. The hatred is real. Also for context, the last time these two teams played, a Rangers player injured a Devils player with a nasty hit; he was challenged to a fight then but refused. So the tension had already built up.

Context for why they were allowed to fight:

Fighting has always been allowed in hockey. Big line brawls like this used to be more common even into the 2000s. They have become rare starting in the 2010s when the NHL meta shifted from "have dedicated face punchers fill out the bottom of the roster because they are scary to play against" to the new meta of "have skilled players even at the bottom of the roster because winning games is more important."

If you're wondering why the officials don't break them up immediately, it's a matter of practicality. There are only 4 on ice officials and there 10 angry dudes punching each other. Best to let them tire themselves out before intervening. Usually they will reach a point where they stop on their own. Also, the referees never break up scrums or fights even if there are only 2-3 guys fighting - this is so they can accurately pay attention to all of the infractions and make the proper penalty calls after it is all settled.

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I'm in PA. These dipshits are real.

[ ] Rekt [ ] Not rekt [x] Tyrannosaurus rekt

Good on you for reading the mod log. If you look at it at least once every day, you'll realize which communities have good mods and which ones don't, and you'll be able to decide where you want to hang out.

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Yikes, sounds like a psycho ex

I can relate to this. I put my cat on a diet and now he wakes me up extra early every morning because he's hungry.

Big if true

Any good tips on how to sleep better?

Started drinking more caffeine lately.