0 Post – 82 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You’re promoting your closed source, non activitypub platform on Lemmy. Good luck with that, I’ll give it a free, federated downvote.

Maybe it’s me, but that post title just hurts my brain.

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Seems to be back up, just seen a new post there

In all mobile phones. Not just iPhones.

We did not kill 72% of the Germans, or even 72% of the Nazis in WW2. I do not support Hamas, but I don’t support genocide either.

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It is not the only railway connection. And there is still the original route from before this tunnel was built. So not sure how big the impact is.

Source wikipedia

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Poor spez. If it wasn’t for bad luck, he’d have no luck at all.

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While there are some bubbles that need popping, especially in board rooms - i work for a large tech company that has not fired anyone because of AI. Rather the opposite, we have been expanding our AI team in the last 5+ years and have delivered succesful AI products. There is a lot more to AI than ChatGPT. Which, while impressive as a proof of concept, is not actually useful to business.

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You want communities for related news to meta, twitter, tesla as well? Where do you draw the line?

Define army. Do kids without training or equipment count?

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Thank you for sharing that. Personally, I am unlikely to start my own hosting, but hopefully it helps others to make the fediverse stronger

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I was hoping not to see these shitty post titles here on lemmy. The rules apply to all mobile phones (and other small devices) not just apple.

Of course they are bad at solving problems. The I in LLM stands for intelligence.

(Credit: )

It’s not a world wide ban is it? How hard is it to add (in Ireland) to the post title?

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I don’t think it will ever be mainstream. It’s confusing enough for IT literate people with a basic understanding of the concept, I can’t see it ever getting popular with the wider public.
My main concern is the overlap between lemmy instances, meaning me and my mate can be looking at for example a channel named ‘news’ and see different contents because we are on different instances. So you either subscribe to all news channels on all major instances and see lots of duplicated posts, or miss out on some posts.

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EU is an American construct? Please elaborate.

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Can we just keep this idiot out of the news? I’m really not interested in what he has to say.

Date, time and source would be nice.

Old news, and two similar posts by OP in this community. So take my downvote

Downvoted for paywalled source and lack of summary

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Not everyone who speaks Russian wants to be Russian.

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Old news. Posted several times already

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Thanks, enjoyed reading that

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Not OP, but every now and then I will view all to discover communities I may want to subscribe to. Blocking ones that appear a lot in the ‘all’ feed but are of no interest to me (memes, anime,…) sanitises the list a bit

Or it’s cousin BGP

How do you think I worked out that this applies to Ireland? I just don’t like having to check the source to find out that the post is not relevant to me. I accept that the post title is a true reflection of the article’s title, but lacks the article’s context. On a par with click bait titles as far as I am concerned.

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Agreed. And the electronics community suggested above has 2 posts in the last six months. So not really a better place to post imho.

Almost certainly more reliable than what Russia says

There will be a law soon declaring government backdoors do not weaken end to end encryption.

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Not sure why you added “there’s just a difference between missiles and rockets”. There is a difference, but is not particularly relevant here. Many people mix up these terms anyway: the post you replied to mentions missiles but Hamas, as per linked graphic, probably only has rockets. It may matter to the iron dome system, as that relies on a predictable path of a rocket to decide what to target.

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DMCA isn’t particularly relevant here though.

Not sure what exactly you are concerned about.

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They also claim destruction of three patriot complexes. If you buy that, I have a goldmine you can buy.

Maybe you should read them. They are not claiming ownership. They are claiming that you licenced them to use your contributions for whatever purpose they want. Different thing.

PHEV , plug in hybrid electric vehicle.

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I have two Epson ecotank printers, one at home and one for small business. Not cheap, but the ink that comes with the printer lasts for years. That is at 30 pages a month or so. Avoid all inkjet printers with replaceable ink cartridges.

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There wasn’t a mass explosion of heads. Not a scientist, but I don’t think empty things can explode.

It’s not considered a primary source. Nobody said it is. But it’s a good starting point for further research in most topics.

Luckily, users like you can be blocked really easily. Two clicks in the voyager app and sanity is restored

+1 for yattee on IOS. Until we can get ublock origin on iphones, but that’s another story