Don Piano

0 Post – 6 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Or they are geodesics in non-euclidian space.

I.. don't know what this implies.

The fastest way do get from A to B is not a straight line but to bone C.

This seems to be a rather weak argument for a strong position. Languages as well as nationalities share with gender that their meaning is at least partially (maybe fully?) derived from shared understanding of the thing itself. The structure of this argument here would only extend to genders already understood by the recipient - often progress already, as accepting binary trans people already is something many people fail, but if this was supposed to be a wider argument.. eh.

Hey now, LLMs are AI!

... So is the code that makes those ghosts in s super mario approach you when you look away and cower when you look at them.

You're mad that someone investigates and elaborates on causes of why using llm marketing bullshit is a bad idea? Weird.

You used a Germanism. Do you have a Betriebsrat?

Also, don't make introversion your entire personality.