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Joined 2 months ago

Only 63%?

It would be so funny if the EU decided Sony was a gatekeeper on the consoles without disc drives and forced them to allow 3rd party app store on them.

Hey, a guy can dream.

4 more...

Wear earplugs at loud concerts and parties and at work if you have a noisy job.

People will make fun about you, but believe me, permanent tinnitus really sucks.

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Wear hearing protection.

Look at Germany for example. Lots of FKK (nude) areas. No one really bats an eye.

We still don't appreciate our nudes posted online, fake or not.

If they actually live on it instead of owning a house, I'd still not consider them part of the rich who should be eaten.

Crunchy peanut butter is superior peanut butter.

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If you are selling three sizes of something, the sizes are called "small", "medium" and "large".

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If my workplace is in any way representative, it's because decisions are made by close to retirement out of touch old geezers who want to virtue signal very hard that they are not out of touch old geezers. So they push the "new thing" for lack of any actually innovative ideas of their own. Then, when the younger team members who do have some rough knowledge of the "new thing" try to explain why it might be a bad idea, they call them afraid of progress and double down on the "new thing" even harder.

I couldn't do half of the DIY stuff that you seem to put it. Just here to say that sounds damn impressive.

I guess you travel to follow warm weather? Or how is life in winter?

You remember when Islamists were outraged over some caricatures? Remember Christians on their high horse telling you "Christians aren't like that, we'd let them say their piece and turn the other cheek"?


We function just fine. Seeing images or hearing voices in your mind is not required for any task I'm aware of.

We don't.

Preposterous! Nobody has ever accused Donald Trump of doing a good thing.

40 more...

"How to lobotomize your car" could become a whole new genre on youtube.

The person evaluating the poll will take away "person likes option 1 most" not "person absolutely wants none of these in their browser, ever". That's the issue. You should not phrase questions in a way that assumes parts of the answer, at least not if you want useful results.

A better way would have been to let us rate features 0 to 10 and just accept if people thought their feature ideas are all shit.

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They got navy, air force ... what's gonna be the infantry?

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I don't see any reason not to take that Action.

The reason is that the government is now subsidizing poverty wages and encouraging those business models instead of letting them crash and burn for a lack of willing wage slaves like they should.

Which is funny because those strict rules reduce the number of combinations an attacker has to guess from, thereby reducing security.

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The keyboard itself is great, I just feel like the auto correction keeps doing everything in it's power to fuck up what I typed, more so than before I switched.

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"You appreciate good food."

Even in your example above, with only two letters, no numbers / special characters allowed, requiring a capital letter decreases the possibilities back to the original 676 possible passwords - not less.

No it doesn't. It reduces the possibilities to less than the 52x52 possibilities that would exist if you allowed all possible combinations of upper and lower case letters.

You are confused because you only see the two options of enforcing or not allowing certain characters. All characters need to be allowed but none should be enforced. That maximizes the number of possible combinations.

that passwords should all require certain complexity, but without broadcasting the password requirements publicly?

No, because that's still the same. An attacker can find out the rules by creating accounts and testing.

He gets accused of wanting to deescalate conflicts, pull out of NATO, and generally refusing to uphold the constant state of war that every single US politician wants.

Just going off e.g. the stunt he pulled with moving the embassy to Jerusalem, I would say this sentence is giving him way too much benefit of the doubt.

The way see it, what he is mostly accused of is claiming to want to do those things (and most candidates would claim they wanted to "solve" e.g. the middle east conflict) but not actually having any kind of realistic idea of how to achieve any of them. Possibly besides pulling out of NATO, which, given the current state of the world, is a stretch to call this a "good thing".

Also, when it comes to stupid pointless conflicts, I think we can rest assured that he will always be invested in them on the side he believes he can personally profit off the most. Which is an ideology too if you think about it.

18 more...

Try it for a few days. You get into it real quick and it has a lot of useful features.

I can get faulty physical goods fixed/refunded by the store up to 2 years after purchase (EU). It's the store's problem to get a refund from the manufacturer. The same should be true in case of Valve and a publisher.

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By adding uppercase letters (for a total of 52 characters to choose from), you get 52 * 52 = 2704 possible passwords.

You don't add them, you enforce at least one. That eliminates all combinations without upper case letters.

So, without this rule you would indeed have the 52x52 possible passwords, but with it you have (52x52)-(26x26) possible passwords (the second bracket is all combinations of 2 lowercase letters), which is obviously less.

The only way you would decrease the number of possible passwords is if you specified that the character in a particular spot had to be uppercase

Wrong. In your example, for any given try, if you have put a lowercase letter in spot 1, you don't need to try any lowercase in spot 2.

Any information you give the attacker eliminates possible combinations.

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Yes, they had no other choice than to come up with their own story in this case. Still, it went downhill hard once there were no more books to cling to. Either their writers or the people directing them weren't up to the task.

"The Winds of Winter" because that'd mean he fucking finished it.

Is it?

I don't have a ps3 controller to try, but the internet seems to say no pretty unanimously.

That's already suggestive. What if you want none of them, and strongly so?

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Yes to both (English/German).

There are differences of course. Still, Steam's policy, which is often internationally praised as consumer friendly, is very restrictive from a European perspective.

Cable breaking from being bent in a weird way for too long.

I can still be confident that when I buy a game for my PlayStation it'll actually boot, I won't need to use third-party software for controller support, and I won't need to tinker with drivers.

Sounds like your last pc gaming experience was in the 90s.

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Now you're jumping from "deescalating conflicts" to isolationist goals. That's not the same thing. However it beautifully illustrates the point of my original comment. It's highly debatable if "isolationist goals" are a good thing he would be accused of.

(Actually) Deescalating conflicts would be a good thing, I think most would agree. He just won't be able to, because his idea of deescalating is submitting to dictators. His interest isn't solving anything, just blocking out the noise and taking credit.

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It takes way more effort from the user and leads to more people dropping out.

Then make it 0 to 3 or 0 to 1 for all I care. You missed the point, which is: If I want or don't want feature A doesn't influence if I want or don't want feature B, and linking the two distorts the results of the poll.

in the end, the result is the same in Aggregate.

Not if you include the human factor of the decision maker, who can twist "wanted less" into "still wanted a bit" as a justification if they want a certain feature for different reasons than user benefit (like, say, a "privacy friendly" but indeed not at all privacy friendly mechanism to give data to add networks). That doesn't fly with "0 points".

Well, you CAN actually use that 18 years old hardware with a PC. Try it on a PS5.

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People should know basic concepts about tools without which they can't do any part of their job.

Your colleague will learn this terminology at some point. I'm sure her job isn't litterally juggling these three terms all day every day, otherwise I'd expect her to already have come in with that knowledge too.

I'm not gonna debate this here further. The fact that we obviously disagree proves my point.