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Joined 1 years ago

Accupuncture. It is a placebo at best. At worst it is the ccp’s way of expanding its influence In the world. It is medical astrology is what it is.

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Russians are more dangerous than land mines. Even if you had to make that area impossible to live in, it is still better than having russians there.

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The irony of posting this here

Everything is possible if you lie.

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They are barely holding on. Russia fires 7x more shells than ukraine. The absolutely need and should get more support from the free world.

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Its on par with bringing the dog out when merkel was visiting. Thats all they have.

Good luck finding an MRI machine in countries like burkina farso. If you live in the west, you are rich, dawg.

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If you want to download cracked apps and torrents avoid the iPad.

That said, I love my iPad. I have a number of pay-one-time apps that I use and I have a linux server at home for torrenting. I stream it all to the TV and occasionally to iPad. You see, iPad (iphone etc) are not made for data storage.

Lol. Good troll

How many layers do you use in your tin foil hat?

Edit: /s

You are probably not horny every time you fap. That means you fap/watch porn to feel better or distract yourself from something.

Figure out why you fap/consume porn when you are not horny. Deal with that problem.

Go cold turkey with porn/fapping. There will be ups and downs but after about 3 weeks you will be ok. If you can last 2-3 months you will feel 100 times better (like gettig a hard on whne you see a (not even a very hot) girl on a street). After that you can go back to normal but only fap when you are horny. Dont look at porn, it will mess you up.

R?dui? D ?ocja iote?

The bullshit text right here is the main reason I am on lemmy. Thanks, you made me lol

Not to mention that if everybody listened like thak guy spotify would just increase prices.

My point exactly. Why launchbrockets at your enemies when you can throw trash.

Start by making a simple image and make a container of it (I started with a simple python webserver)

Once you grasp basic cli commands and the docker lingo, try pulling portainer and use its web ui.

Next step would be to customize an image.

There is a lot of information on SO, and you can ask specific questions on sites like this one. YT videos are 99% shit. Avoid.

I think docker is so stupidly awesome I nowdays dont want to do anything without it.

I second promo only. Never been a dj but used it to find new music. Pirated ofc.

Quantum entangled particles

Actually ordinary household vacuums are notoriously bad at sucking ashes from human remains. There are special vacuums for fireplaces and such that do way better job, Id recommend one of these

Space termites next?

Shotgun, camera, 2 servos and and an esp32 is all you need

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It aint free if you work for it.

Thanks asshole, now I can only fap to richard simmons.

There is no effect. Any serious study shows zero effect. And even without that, just by looking at the origin of it, it is astrology.

Dont forget about faster than light neutrinos

Firefox dockers are amazing. I have one running on my home network. I use it to access my router settings when I am away from home.

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He trusted putins word. Rookie mistake.

Not trying to be an AH but that is not suitable for an ENV. Instead pass the year through the URL

As someone else said, you cant really trust digital devices. Any digital device has potential to spy on you.

The best solution is to air-gap everything. But that also makes it practically useless.

My solution is to selfhost everything I can and have those services in containers and behind a vpn. Its not perfect but light years ahead of anything else I came across.

There is (was?) a ”nosillysuffix” sub that would aggregate all those *porn subs.

In one of the old episodes of replay all they discuss blippi. Apparently in one of his early videos he took a dump on his friend.

I still let my kids watch blippi, its not like I havent done some crazy shit back in the day. Blippi is ok nowdays.

Why on earth would you want an MRI machine at home? They are huge, the noise they make is untollerable, you cant have any metal objects nearby lest they turn into projectiles and you need to be an MD to use it.

Yes. I am used to appolo and is a life saver.

There is pretty much zero risk of russia getting any teritory from ukraine. Russia will break apart before that happens.

East ukraina = \ = whole planet. Yor logic is faulty.

Besides, it is much easier to remove unexploded cluster munition than russian vermin.

Star wars movies are boring af. I tried to watch several movies multiple times and I couldnt. I got bored to tears.

Any study that shows positive effect is funded by the chinese goverment. Like 100% of thise studies show positive effect. Nothing else on the market that isnt snake oil shows 100% positive effect. Pushing TCM is chinese goverment way of increasing its political influence around the world.

I loled so hard at this I spill my beer.

How could we live without this?