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Joined 8 months ago

You can look up the hamas charter, they advocate genocide.

You are ignorant of history, pals have been offered statehood numerous times throughout the years and their position has always been there can be no Jewish presence in Israel.

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The UN is not the arbitrator of morality.

Before 1967 the arabs refused to accept the state of Israel and launched a war to destroy it in 1967 so they lost the land. The land is not held for them in perpetuity to attack and attack... If they want peace they have to give in peace, if they attack them they should be attacked, it is simple.

No one should be kept in prison but you keep a murderer in prison because of what they've done.

At this point you will say, well what about what Israel did... And I promise you if you go back pals have instigated every conflict. They are unwilling to live in peace with non Muslim, they follow a fascist Islamic ideology and are explicit about it. The jews , who are the natives of the land, have repeatedly shown a willingness to live in peace with arabs, with a pal state and with arabs in the Jewish state. During the Oslo peace negotiations they talked about putting Arab areae of Israel under the PLO and the Israeli arabs absolutely refused, Arabs living in Israel have better quality of life than anywhere in the Arab world, Arab countries are corrupt theocracies, Israel is a liberal democracy , this is why the fascist Muslims hate it, this is what they are talking about when they say 'european colonialsim', that it's not a fascist Muslim theocracy

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Maybe better than Europeans but not 'well' there have been discriminatory laws in many Muslim countries over the years and most Muslim countries have ethnically cleaned their countries of Jews, Jewish communities in Iraq, syria etc... Pre date islam.

And of course under ottoman rule their were laws against Jews immigrating to palestine

A bronze era fairy tale? It historical fact that Jews lived in Israel for thousands of years and built all the cities from there.

Jews started immigrating to Palestine in the 1800s and it's that point that many of the current arabs immigrated as well as the Jews developed the land. The arabs did not care if a Muslim immigrated from Iraq but were against a Jew from Iraq because they are fascist.

At the behest of arabs the British who controlled Palestine restricted Jewish immigration, and yes WW2 refugees lived in camps in Cyprus for 5 years because no one would take them. That is why there had to be a specifically Jewish state. In 1948 the UN partition plan taking a small piece of Palestine for a Jewish state where arabs could live freely and equally and not be displaced was accepted by the Jews and the arabs went to war over it.

Jews are the natives of the land, it is so asinine that Muslims who have entirely Muslim countries from Morocco to Pakistan would be in hysterics over this thing. You see the way they destroy historical artifacts in Afghanistan, Iran, these are the most belligerent, fascist and anti semitic people.

What other example in the world is there an example of people who are native to the land being barred from living there?

Because if you know the history you know that it is the pals who are belligerent and have instigated every conflict guided by islamic fascism, that their can be no non Muslim nation in the middle east (and later on for the world)

Obviously Jews have a reason for living in the land, Jews are the natives of the land , you can see in Jerusalem there is a mosque built on top of the Jewish temple, I don't think it's hard to figure out who the colonizer is.

Most of history is reaction to another thing... But if you look up the 1948nparririon plan you will see that Israel was willing to accept a tiny Jewish state on land which was largely uninhabited and the inhabited part Jewish. The arabs went to war against it under the premise there can be no Jewish state. Preceding the state of Israel there were laws against Jewish immigration and discriminatory laws against Jews in every Muslim country.

Palestine was not a nation in any sense, there were many groups of people and one side of the land had nothing to do with another. Jordan was part of Palestine as was given the the 'heshimite' family which is not from there and no one seems to mind.

So it is clear the opposition to a Jewish state on any form is based in bigoted Islamic fascism, I don't know how this couldn't be clear to someone when you see what the Muslims have done to Christians in Lebanon and syria, Hindus in India, and to each other in the Syrian cival war, iran-iraq war etc...

You can see over the years Israel has made many concessions for peace, offered Palestinian states many times, has RESTRAINED military responses. What steps have the pals ever taken towards peace? They receive millions in aid and use it to build rockets. How asinine can you be to claim to care about the 'history of the land' and seek to exclude Judaism? Jews are the natives of the land, arabs and islam are from arabia. It would be like being in genocidal hysterics over indian reservations.

The people supporting pals are Islamic fascists and slogan yelling clueless teenagers

No hamas has not

And regardless of what they say their actions speak louder than words and they lie about absolutely everything, how naive.couod you be? Didn't you see hamas on cnn this week saying things like they did not target civilians on 10/7, they are decrepit.

By internationally recognized you mean recognized by the Muslim community.

Up until 1967 Egypt controlled gaza and Jordan the west bank and there was no talk of peace, the line has always been there can be no state of Israel in any form. Within the last 20 years pals have been offered states on the 1967 borders and refused. The Oslo accords which included incremental steps to peace led to nothing but terrorism, all the aid pals receive they use for terrorism. They have explicitly unanimously said for decades that they will fight Israel to the death and have not made any offers or concessions to peace and you want to just these Islamic fundamentalist to behave if they let them into Israel? Do you know the history of Lebanon. You are native if you think you can trust hamas', ISIS... Did you not see hamas on TV saying they didn't target civilians in their attacks?

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Arabs are native to Saudi arabia, Islam is an Arab religion but not all Muslims are arabs. It's like the difference between being Italian and Catholic. Judaism is an ethno religion, they don't convert and they don't force people to convert as Muslims do.

Some pals may be defended from Jews but many groups traveled through the region over the years and there was never a cohesive Palestinian identity. Under Muslim rule there were laws against non Muslims immigrating. Under British rule Jews were allowed but so were Muslims and many Muslims immigrated at this time as Jews developed the land.

The arabs sided with the Nazis in the war and sought to restrict Jewish immigration. The British mandate of Palestine was all of current day Israel and Jordan. The Balfour declaration divided Palestine into Jordan and Israel, with Jews only allowed in Israel and Muslims allowed every where. Jordan was given to the 'heshemite ' family who is not native, the entire country was given as a kingdom to a single family not from the region..... in 1948 Palestine was further partitioned into areas where Jews were allowed and where they were not with a small Jewish state of mostly desert and swamp in Palestine, the Jews accepted and the arabs went to war. Before that point there was no Arab displacement or intention to but after the war many arabs were pushed out. Look up the 1948 partition. So at that point the Jews who were refugees from Europe were able to immigrate to Israel.

The arabs launched wars against the existence of Israel in 1955, 1968, 1973 , while Jordan controlled the west bank they never thought of making it a Palestinian state... When Israel controlled it they offered the pals states numerous times but from the beginning the pals refused because they will not recognize a Jewish state of any form as they have from the beginning, as it's part of their fascist religion

I don't see why there can't be a Jewish state, and furthermore why Jews can't live freely in the west bank, in Jordan, and even in Iraq , of Muslims can live freely in Israel why it the reverse ? Even under the occupation pals in the west bank have a better quality of life than most Arab countries and Gaza was way better off before Hamas. Israel has made rons of concessions to peace and that was their mistake, because they were naive leftists who believed that if they make steps towards peace the pals will reciprocate. What happened was they gave pals an inch , the pals used everything for terrorism, Israel clamped down and now the Islamic fascist regime uses thata as a pretext for terrorism.

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Jews faces discrimination in every Arab country. When the ottomans controlled Palestine there were laws against Jewish immigration, and of course not Muslim immigration. Yes Islam has been fascist for many centuries. Jews were restricted from immigrating and then when they were able to they attacked and responded to various degrees. It's ridiculous to think that it's not Muslims who instigated the attacks... Do you think small numbers of Jews immigrated and immediately attacked Muslims ?

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Are you old enough to remember the Olso accords and the peace process? Pals have been offered states numerous times, they don't want it , they want to fight, every resource they use for terror. Israel is just supposed to make concessions until the pals come around to peace ? They will not.

You don't understand the mindset, if you lived in any Muslim country particularly in the Midwest you would find things very difficult, particularly if you are a women, or gay, or a non Muslim. They will kill a woman who doesn't wear her scarf, forget about talking to men... these people are fascist in a way that you do not understand

The Jews weren't put there, they went there because that is the land they are native to. The Muslims for a long time had racist laws against Jews immigrating but allowed Muslims and even forced Muslim groups like the circassians to immigrate.

If the Muslims in Palestine are so offended by having the native people of Israel live there peacefully and generate tremendous wealth, why on earth should Western countries accept the Muslim foreigners who hate the west, are criminals and live off welfare ?

Again, the Jews have always been willing to live with arabs, it is the arabs who have always explicitly said no Jews

It is explicit in the quaran to violently conquered the world for Islam and you see there barbarism in many places

Murder is deliberately targeting, it is a war crime, it is what Hamas did, it is what Nazis did.

When terrorists hide behind civilians and civilians are killed inadvertently in the midst of a war it is called collateral damage, they are not intentionally targeted and it is not Anwar crime. Again hamas is the war criminal hiding behind them.

In every war civilians die because of collateral damage, in WW2, the civil war, every war. The difference is hamas targets children and hides behind them, Israel takes steps to avoid civilian casualties

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Wow you should be embarrassed , 'the people living in Palestine aren't muslim' 😂😂😂, you don't think Hamas is Muslim, holy crap.

A religion follows it's interpretation but the quaran is the poetry of a medevil warlord who advocated Islamic fascism and genocide, you can see many Muslim groups throughout the middle east (Iran, ISIS, Hamas) who take it seriously. It is very serious for the women executed in Iran for not wearing their scarves, for the gays executed in Palestine.

In Israel the Muslims live freely, Israel wants a peaceful and prosperous Palestinian state. Palestinians elect hamas, Hamas cancelled elections, Hamas does not want.peace and prosperity, they want to genocide Jews, they are who Israel is fighting, Israel are trying to avoid Palestinian civilians to get Hamas who is hiding behind civilians. Many of the civilians are horrible people who support Hamas but none the less Israel is not targeting them.

Yes pals.civilians are treated unfairly, every Islamic country is a brutal dictatorship, there is no self determination anywhere in the Arab world, if the pals succeeded in genocising Jews they would still live under a tyrannical regime

We killed many Germans civilians in WW2, that is what happens in a war.

They bomb where there are terrorists and there are definitely terrorists in the west bank, they hide behind civilians for propaganda and safety. Civilians will definitely get killed, it's a war and this happens in every war

It's not disputed that this is what they do

These are dumb teenagers who are yelling slogans

The simple reality is that islam is a fascist religion and are willing to live in peace with a Jewish state of any borders, look up the 1948 UN partition, whereas Israel has made numerous offers and concessions to peace over the year.

I promise you any thing you say for why pals are justified in their actions because of their oppression is a distortion of history, that pals have started every single conflict.

Unless your position is that the quaran was revealed to Mohamed by God and Hamas has interpreted correctly to say that there can only be Muslim nations in the world then you are supporting fascist idiotic terrorists.

Jews are the natives of the land, you can see there is a mosque built on the Jewish temple, Islam is the colonizer, islam is intolerant, and it's not just in Israel, it's in many countries

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They're not being killed because of who they are, they are being killed because they launched a war. They are 'genocidal' against Jews, it says openly in their charter.

You can look back at history and see Israel has been willing to live in peace with pals, offered numerous states, arabs live freely in Israel, pals have waged war against any Jewish presence in the land, they are genocidal.

Israel is giving notice before they attack to flea, the pals intentionally target civilians. Of course the people attacking civilians are going to lie about everything. It is the most pathetic and disgusting people

It's fascinating. Every war has collateral damage and Hamas deliberately hides behind civilians- a war crime- and Israel gives them opportunity to leave

And hamas deliberately targets civilians and you say nothing

Read up the kahanites? A fringe group which was outlawed... Read up on hamas, the government of gaza. You sound like a lunatic, the Nazis didn't prioritize coming for the Jews ? You must be 12

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The partition was voted on in 1948.

No pals were displaced before the war. The area in the south of israel- the negev- is a desert where very few people lived and no one lived at the time.

There have always been Jews in Palestine, your assumption is that vacant, uninhabited, never developed land is somehow reserved for arabs when Jews are the native people of the land.

The Jewish position is that there be some land for Jews in israel- the land to which they are native- and the Muslim position is that there be none, not 1 inch, that it is all a Muslim state like all the other Muslim states which have had discriminatory laws against Jews for centuries.

All the further partitions are in the context of Arab wars against Israel, until 1967 Jordan controlled the west bank, Egypt Gaza, yet they did not make a Palestinian state... They launched wars against Israel in 1956, 67, 73...

Yes inside israel arabs live freely and don't want to leave are be a part of Palestine, pals have been offered states on the WB etc... Numerous times and have always rejected.

Hamas fires thousands of rockets at Israeli, if it didn't have iron dome they'd have to prevent Gaza from firing the missiles, which means bombing Hamas and the civilians they hide behind

They were expelled because they started a war, Israel accepted the partition whereas pals did not. Israel was explicit they did not want to displace anyone. Many arabs live in Israel to this day. If there was no war there would have been no expulsion.

Pals have been offered states numerous times and even offered right of return for some refugees with compensation to the rest.

And even though you did not answer my question I will answer yours- no I do not think the arabs who were forced out in a war and who have been fighting a war since then should be allowed back en masse when they openly say they wish to destroy Israel. And if you want to re visit past injustices to say there are some arabs who should return, have land given back, then you also need to consider the Jews which were kicked out of the west bank like from Hebron and the Jews which were kicked out of Arab countries and of course the Jews which were kicked out of Europe. If you launch a war, lose , you can't ask for a do ever where you get everything back and keep everything you took, it is ridiculous. At the outset the Jews were willing to accept a tiny state, that they were fleeing from the Holocaust, that Jews were living in refugee camps until 1948 when Israel was established. That Jews are the natives of the land, were making it prosperous, are integral to the history, and the arabs sided with the Nazis in WW2. They are truly disgusting, is it really so horrible to live around Jews , in their native land. You think the fact the pals had to move 50 miles down the road is some horrible injustice ?

From the start of the conflict and throughout the modern era Israel has always been willing to live in peace with the pals despite their belligerence making numerous offers. Jews never asked for welfare like the Muslim immigrants coming to Europe, they developed the land and caused many arabs to come. It is the pals who have belligerent, following fundamentalist islam saying there can be no Jewish state, everywhere has to be a Muslim state.

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Kahane is illegal in Israel, no Ben gvir did not threaten to kill rabin 30 years ago when he was w teenager. I ignored it because it is ridiculous.

All Muslim states are dictatorships , pals support Hamas, maybe they are brainwashed but then everyone should be calling for the removal of Hamas right?

The Nazis did not allow Jews to flee, everyone knows this, the things you say are childish.

You sound like you're 12 and have no knowledge of the history of the conflict, just yelling slogans with the mob

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Jews are the natives of the land. So if you could imagine the British not allowing celts in England. Or white people not allowing native Americans in the US.

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Pals despite there constant war live as good or better than most other Muslim countries in the region

He's right, it's not like they are living in tents

Jews originated in Israel, this is a fact. Jews have always been willing to live with arabs in Israel. It is the arbasnwho have launched war against any Jews in the land, the land to which they are native.

It would be like all the non Irish groups in Ireland saying that the Irish can't live their etc...

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This site is teenage slogan yellers, too ignorant to know they're ignorant

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There are druze , circassions, Muslim immigrants who came hundreds of years ago,.some came when the Jews came, there are many different groups but everyone knows that Jews are native to the land

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Why doesn't Egypt let in the gazans ?

Don't you realize this is where they put the tunnels ? And this 'refugee camp' is a city

No, they've had days to leave and many of them did. Not sure why Egypt doesn't open the rafah crossing

There grief is that Israel exists. They are Islamic fascist who believe every country should be Muslim. They'd kill you if given the opportunity

Obviously you are a slogan yeller and it's broken your brain.

The IDF targets militants, if they were targeting civilians they could kill millions. Everyone can see hamas specifically hides behind civilians

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If there is a military target in a civilian household then it is ok to destroy it, they give warning and it is a war crime for Hamas to place the target their anyway. Terrorists and criminals would take over the world in a day if they could simply hide behind civilians. Do you know how many civilians were killed in WW2, in every war? Hamas is the one trying to maximize civilian casualties in gaza, Israel is trying to avoid them but it is ridiculous to think Israel would not respond to this. Why is it you people have nothing to say about pals when they deliberately target civilians and say oh their land is occupied but that Israel should not retaliate even when doing everything they can to target militants? It is disingenuous tactic to cry when civilians are killed as collateral damage but say nothing when they are deliberately targeted. Or maybe you are a victim of propaganda.

You are ignorant of the facts, it's not that there 'might be' a military target, it's that they are known military targets in civilian areas, it is not disrupted that this is how Hamas operates. You keep employing this trope 'aimed at children' ... It is the pals who endorse and specifically attack civilians, the IDF tries to avoid civilians.

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No I'm not, the IDF targets hamas, maybe sometimes they miss. Hamas has been launching hundreds of rockets a day indiscriminately into Israel for years.

The gazans should go into Egypt, Hamas is the government and controls where aid goes

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