6 Post – 55 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

The KDE Plasma 6 open-source desktop environment

Makes me wonder, are there closed-source desktop environments for Linux?

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I didn't mean we should stop improving, what I meant is we should focus more on the efficiency and less on the raw power.

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My emotions just stopped, so I can now think straight.

There are really only 2 changes that - in my eyes - should be made:

  • 8 space-long, hard tabs.
  • 80 character limit instead of 100.

I don't think a tool like rustfmt can affect most of the original guidelines, and it's generally compatible with the OG style by default.

Edit: I - surprisingly - never actually used rustfmt, so I will go now and test before I say something stupid.

Edit II: I just found this on their repo:

Rustfmt is designed to be very configurable.

Edit III: I tested rustfmt with:

hard_tabs = true

max_width = 80

It's great!

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(I didn't read skimped through the article)

Just make games with older graphics; it's cheaper, reduces visual bloat, and encourages player imagination to fill in the gaps, and investing xxx million dollars in a video game is dumb.

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I don't think there's a way to remove it, even though there are 3 different ways of accessing that menu.

No running away from getting another head it seems.

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A semi-rolling distribution, with access to Ubuntu's many PPA's, and easily removable extensions that reveal the lovely vanilla Gnome experience, it's great!

Also they are making a Rust desktop, which I am currently running, though not daily driving.

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I don't think higher graphics requirements hurt creativity, you can have an unrealistic looking game that is very GPU-intensive, I was mainly concerned about the costs and wasted money/efforts.

But lowering the graphics budget - and the budget in general - can make creativity/risk-taking a more appealing option for AAA studios.

Edit : I just noticed both sentences kind of contradict each other but you get the point.

"updating (the controls) for modern audiences" can be good.

My only experience of that is when they removed grid based movements from New N' Tasty and forced players to use the analog, trying to walk felt horrible.

But something like the first 2 Fallouts on the other hand can really use a controls overhaul.

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This one in particular I am against. (it's not like it's possible in rust anyway)

1 - Proton experimental is a moving target and is rapidly evolving.

2 - What exactly is your GPU, and maybe tell us your pc specs (even if it's just through the info tab in the settings menu) (also put it in your post for others)

3 - that sometimes happens to me when using gnome-software (which Ubuntu uses? or something really similar?), I usually just surrender and use the terminal, not like I install more than 1 thing in a normal month anyway.

4 - if the issue is with proton, then other games wouldn't work. (try running a very light, single player game to test proton, many F2P games under 20 mbs exist on Steam)

I understand you, but I felt deep emotion seeing a 640x480 scene of a sprite (kidnapped female slave) punching another sprite and using some edgy language. Yes, it did require me to stop for a minute to imagine everything for it to hit this deep - which the game's turn based mechanics helped me with.

I also feel the less detailed something is, the more HORRIFYING and VIOLENT it appears, as it stimulates imagination much more than HD scenes in games and movies, where most of the times that won't be able to create something more SHOCKING that what you imagined (The modern +13 goal in games and movies plays a role too, so there might be bias)

There was a pirated TV channel that specialized - mostly - in horror movies, it had horrible audio and video quality - especially the bitrate, everything that appeared on the channel was horrifying, the lack of clearness induced a feeling similar to fearing the dark, the low bitrate in particular meant that you - the viewer - was practically blind in every fast scene, which dramatically increased the suspense.

You might tell me to just go read a book if I want to use my imagination, and actually that's a pretty nice suggestion.

PS: the game in the first paragraph is the first Fallout if anyone's wondering. I also barely heard of Ghost of Tsushima (or most modern games outside of FF7R)

The kernel had a consistent style before rust was even an idea! Who do you think has started this inconsistency? (Maybe not, what does someone like me know about the kernel anyway)

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having five times more work to use tabs for indentations and spaces for alignment and thus having to use visual whitespace of some kind.

Excuse me. What does that mean? (also see my reply to 1rre)

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Flatpaks never worked properly on Fedora for me.

++ Compact view (as Nemo calls it)

I have a download speed of 3.5 mbps.

I never did an actual benchmark but that's what my system monitor looks like whenever I download something.

As someone who has pirated many games, and who lives in a 3rd world country that barely cares about most minor physical crimes, I am not worried in the slightest.

everything after this point is closer to a rant and unrelated.

minor includes, but isn't limited to: corruption, driving opposite side, hitting someone with your car as long as they don't get seriously hurt (It happened in front of me once and it was kinda funny to be honest, the man got hit and kinda slept on the hood), damaging public property, blocking the sidewalks with your shop, Using a drill to draw a heart on the middle of the street to celebrate your marriage, blasting music hearable 3 blocks away several hours a day, and 12-year-olds driving cars

Piracy is 100% unpunishable where I live. (also atleast 90% of the population doesn't know that software - aside of no-body-uses Google play apps - costs money, including Windows 7 and office 2010*)

*This is why I cannot share .odt Libre Office files.

Agreed, and upvoted.

It's actually a Powercolor low profile one that I "overclocked" to a normal 550's frequency, never passed 70C° though.

I am using Debian 12, which uses Gnome 43, now you might be wondering why Debian, well, let me tell you.

Until recently (less than a month ago) I was forced into using Debian 11, as my desktop's GPU - The Quadro 600 - had a very old driver, incompitable with any modern distro, But I have since upgraded to an Intel HD 630 IGPU (putting an IGPU after "upgraded to" feels very weird), and stuck to Debian out of habit.

I am looking to download Fedora (it mainly a gaming machine after all) once my data plan's usage stabilizes a bit, now you might be asking: "Why did he tell me all of this?", I honestly do not know, I just wanted to share my story.

They do not seem to have added it.

I can not elaborate on that as I am unqualified - remember, I have never played newer titles.

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I agree that I shouldn't have set the arbitrary 50 watt thing, I just saw my GPU and bigger ones and came out with that number.

If they support Macs then whatever these things' market share is, I suppose.

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I am pretty sure we just want to run the games we want at ultra without fearing stutters, even if said games have PS3 level graphics.

The lightest, this makes makes me think, what actually constitutes a gaming laptop, I have an old Intel 530 laptop, I can play Abe's Oddysee on it, and probably fallout, which makes it a gaming laptop, why do gamers chase the latest hardware when for mere cents they can get a good experience, an experience which was a dream to many.

You press play and it goes off after a while, you have problems with vulkan, you have an old PC.

I had this exact issue before, try tuning an older version of proton, as newer versions require more recent vulkan versions, which your PC most likely doesn't support.

steam auto updates to the latest proton version usually, that's probably why.

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Regarding internal use, if all the users of a piece of software can access the source code by asking to access it, then it's open source, according to GNU.

Circular phones.

Ok, I see your point.

How about sending trained soldiers and cooperating with Hamas?

Or more easily, stopping trade with Israel?

Or more easily and more profitably, stopping weapon donations to Israel at the very least?

I am not speaking to you personally, but if people stop talking about things they become forgotten, so here I am speaking.

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US defaultism detected on Lemmic soil, lethal force engaged.

I find diplomacy hard when one side has been going for complete annihilation of Palestinians, which is only a logical continuation of a 3/4 century long conflict.

And that one side includes almost every governemnt, including the Palestinian "governemnt".

But sure, diplomacy's great, if they stopped attacking tommorow, retreated, and said they want to negotiate, and somehow had sufficient evidence to prove that it isn't a trick, and that they reflected and regretted half a century of genocide in 1 day, I would advocate for their diplomatic attempt.

Random rant of the day: A few months ago I read an article that said: "after Hamas killed thousands of civilians on the 6th of October"; at the time Israel was doing its thing for at least a week and their 'reported' kill count wasn't even a thousand yet, I hate these liars.

Flatpaks never worked for me though, last I tried was 38.

Also didn't something happen in relation to some encoding?

Pop!_OS would be my recommendation, semi-rolling for sweet driver updates, Ubuntu based for easy searching (how to do x on Ubuntu) and Large software support.

I just remembered that Pop!_OS doesn't ship with vanilla gnome, sadly, which degrades its position as a recommendation.

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I am on Pop!_OS, I ran sudo apt install cosmic*.

Don't worry, you're not missing out on much, running video games, or any OpenGL thing including 2D games and GPU-accelerated terminal emulators is a bad experience, and alt+f4 isn't implemented, and f11 to fullscreen is janky, and theming for buttons and such is clearly alpha.

The promise of an Arabic-supporting, Rust based, GPU-accelerated terminal is too attractive, however, as I was teared between multilingual terminal, Wezterm, Alacritty and Kitty for a while.

The first is horrible at everything but supporting languages, the second is really janky, the third doesn't support tabs, the fourth has bad theming and customization.

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The problem solving though?

If the open AI guy made the training data, the hardware, and every electron, then yes.

running video games, or any OpenGL thing including 2D games and GPU-accelerated terminal emulators is a bad experience

The thing you replied to; I don't open social media often enough to reply on time, so I sent you a late reply.

That's what I hear Pop people say.

There is a theory that games release like that to punish pirates, as anything but the launch version - and DLCs - rarely gets pirated.

No, it is not, people have been using 8-space tabs even back when terminals were limited to 80 characters.

Also, sloppy focus aka focus-follows-mouse

It's one of those features I always wanted to try, but always forget to look up how to actually enable and start using it, so I never actually tried it.