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There plenty of things being a hobby musician that my community does but the one lesser talked about one is Musicians will makes plans and 90% of the time there is no follow through. “We will be in touch” “we should do something” “you would be good for…” “give me your number” “email me” all essentially go nowhere. The only other people who might be less reliable are contractors doing home improvement.

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I’m not sure where but I know it was a point of contention that they made up over. There was a moment where tenacious D was brought onto stage as Jack Black and that pissed/hurt him a lot. So what they are saying is kinda of true but they’ve already talked and made up so why they are bringing it up as a gotcha is a bit strange.

Stop being elitist about Linux, the amount of times I’ve had to explain that none of my software runs great on Linux just to have to hear how with trouble shooting it will. My work depends on the use of my software, it’s collaborative. If I have to trouble shoot every time adobe or Ableton updates it’s a bad use of my time and is actively taking time away from projects. Only I use VSTs for music production, they all work perfectly in windows and MacOS. Linux? Hit or miss.

Maybe I’m convinced. Now I gotta find the right one, set it up. Get all my software working, learn a new UI, hope that it doesn’t break collaboration. All in all, not worth the little I would save.

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Read the damn article you turd

there was a time where media portrayed that as a reasonable thing to do, the police would come and talk to their kid. I've heard stories about it happening. Hell when i kid we got caught being destructive and the cops who caught us took us on tour of where we could end up. We got brought in the truck straight to the cells. It is a foolish thought but a person who holds some idyllic model in their heads sometimes are blinded by it.

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It may be nothing at all but what you describe can be seen as depersonalization/derealization which is something I suffer as part of my mental illness. It could also be something as small as not drinking enough water. Check on your mental health, check on your nutrition or sleep. What’s going on in your life’s right now, any new stresses?

It seems more likely you progressed to see who he actually is rather than him losing “it”

I am basically a layman, i do music productions and in the past VSTs seemed to never work properly nor the authentication software that some us. Has it gotten better in the past few years, is there a specific one i should try? i have tried Ubuntu but nothing else to be fair. Also if i want to make a plex server on an old PC, what would people recommend? thanks to anyone who responds!

edit - Thanks to all that responded, i have some direction now. Appreciated!

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We all luckily we have history to tell you that

No? I’ve been gaming for thirty years and no I don’t remember demos being used for that.

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I was in a patient in a day program at a hospital. This program was different types of mental health information and tasks done in groups. One of those groups was about distorted thinking. You’d pick a random ball of paper and read out what it said. A guy pulled out one and read “I’m not worthy” my instinct was to to jump in and say “it’s funny, I hear that and I know it’s wrong and they are worthy but then I hear it and tell myself I’m not worthy.” I guess there was self awareness that I was trying to make them feel better while not derailing the conversation. I didn’t think much of it and about a week goes by.

It’s a rotation of a few people join and a few others leave. This person day to leave he sits next to me almost in tears and thanks me. Said he saw what I did, but it hit him so hard he had to leave to cry in his car. He thanked me.

It’s something I look at and feel pride because I didn’t do it for any other reason other than it just felt right. It’s something when I struggling I can tell myself you made ‘Jason’ feel worthy. Maybe I actually made a difference regardless if it was small.

Sometimes I accidentally up/downvote something while scrolling and I’m sure I don’t always catch it

When I write I use the right word that says what I want to say/get across. To pick a word that is less clear because it’s more common is infact doing to opposite of your complaint. It’s annoying to me you can’t expand your lexicon instead of have to “dumb” it down for people like you.

Fuck bravery, the man had a family. That’s stupidity. I rather my father be around.

I embarrassingly bought into the gamepass fantasy. I thought that we would start seeing more smaller and experimental experiences, better quality control for bigger titles. I thought that it would allow developers to have a piece of mind, a steady income and job security. When a few of my favourite developers were bought up I was happy for them, that they could feel a sense of stability. Now if a dev gets bought by Microsoft I now worry for their future and I can’t imagine being employed by them. I just hope the one who have been played off can find their footing.

Wow, what hollow platitude

Lasted a week and went back to Plex.

It’s not gonna cure you or anything but something I did was only kept out two of every plate, bowl and utensil. I put the rest away in a place that would take more time to take out than to clean. As I got more into the habit of cleaning the dishes by necessity I would add one more set. Now I have the full set and though I still struggle I am much better at getting my dishes cleaned.

You might just enjoy the process of setting things up. Or if you are like me when my mental health goes bad I tend to organize home/computer/collections and it’s got to the point when I see myself doing it I stop and evaluate myself. How’s you mental health doing?

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It helps me read better as someone with dyslexia, I hate the look but it’s useful. I use open dyslexic but it’s basically Comic Sans.

They probably likely meant they come off as a typical man. I felt your comment was unnecessary, like stop looking for it and you’ll find it less. You know? You took what was likely poor phrasing into something else entirely.

Looks like you already have your mind made up

Didn’t it turn out the items where just moved to another area of the store ?

Demos were not used that way

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I would like to see a large scaled research on that statement, like I know women hit puberty sooner but does that really mean mentally they do as well. Is it more of how woman are rear vs men. I do wonder if we thought me about emotions/feelings and teaching them younger how to deal with emotions and to be more if that would even the gap. Does anyone have any good research I could parse?

For like a minute then I watch a movie on my phone

Some of those fonts are directly inspired by Comic Sans… such as Lexia Readable and you’d be pretty hard pressed to say Dyslexie doesn’t take inspiration from Comic Sans. I have Open Dyslexic on my pc and a few people have made a comment about it being comic sans.

I bet a majority has misjudged sitting in the past, why would this even be a lie worth spreading?

I mean unless it’s another lie they now exist to clean up their mess

Yes, by definition it’s a advertisement.

I don’t see a single thing about that. Why do you think this was going to happen?

My early years crate digging, than myself diggin, than Kazaa - till eventually my library is now so vast and eclectic that the Spotify algorithm does the job for me (mostly).

Though the best trick to find new music - look for your favourite band’s favourite bands. That’s honestly the fastest way to find new and interesting things.

I once used AI to make a mock up of a t shirt design I had in my head just for curiosity, it made exactly what I wanted and now I don’t feel like it’s my design anymore. Who knows what artists it took from. Even after redrawing I lost appreciation for it. Haven’t touch AI since minus some bored conversations with dead celebrity models.

I don’t trust the search results to be accurate, its desire to please the user makes it unreliable. When it comes to image generation it takes from artists. AI is great for menial time consuming tasks like say cropping out the background of an image for example but because of the reasons above I don’t tend to use it all that much, and my respect for it is quite low.

Were they really though? Like outside out the quick joke people make about mafia vs government were they really that competent? I feel like people have romanticized the mafia a little bit, like historically that doesn’t seem accurate.

The 5th generation (ps1 mostly) has aged the worst (imo) and it’s the generation I revisit the least.

You don’t compare in trauma therapy, it’s an unwise road to travel.

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This person is respond to someone saying to play it and you respond with why are you playing it… like really?

Trump is the villain in so many kids cartoons in the 90s/early 2000s.

Killer hugs though