
1 Post – 185 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Love me some old games.

  • Duke Nukem connoisseur
  • Doom lover
  • Lemmings ally
  • Commander Keen stan

Retrolemmy Admin


Probably. I don't care.

Your skin is constantly shedding. The dust you can find In a house is mostly dead skin. Applying sunscreen could make it stick instead of fall off. If it's dry it could also be dust and sand in the air.

Try scrubbing before going sunbathing to see if it still happens then.

You can do it with the web interface of your instance if your app doesn't have the option.

Click on trending, and there is your create community button.

It's not about the type of game. The new standard should be about releasing a finished game. Not a buggy mess with day one patches.

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Still funny that valve still can't count past 2 even though this is the 5th installment

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Really? How displaced is your view if you consider the USA easy mode?

Also, fuck Mexico. Apparently.

40 more...

Nintendo is on their way of becoming one of the worst companies of the year for the fans. Fucking hell...

7 more...

History tells us this always works.

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If anyone wants to hate this guy even more: listen to the Behind the Bastards episodes on this guy. It's a 6-parter, so you know it's going to be good.

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I don't click piped links myself, but some people find them useful.

As for tldr bot, it's useful insofar it gets an idea across for wether I want to read the article, but leaves out a lot of information, often vital to the story, and leaves in fluff.

They aren't perfect, but useful for some.

I love the stock image of an ethernet cable with only phone capabilities having continuity. Good choice from whoever made that decision.

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I thought it was coincidental that behind the Bastards was covering this subject in the show this week, then I saw the author. It's Robert Evans, the host. I guess if you want more information for this, listen to this week's podcast of behind the Bastards, I guess.

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Oh this hurts physically. So much frustration when soldering with the small wires. So much wasted solder to save your fingers from burning.

Thanks. I hate it.

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I never worry about motion blur, because I turn it off. The stupidest effect ever. If I walk around I don't see motion blur. Cameras see motion blur because of shutter speed, not the human eye.

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The feature my company uses is the future of the field I work in. Not saying they are wrong, just that it's not really news that they have that opinion.

TL;DW: Mario blinks at a set interval even after level loads to prove legendary Japanese speedrunner of old, who even had a timing sequence named after him, of cheating by splicing. Even in the run that gave him his fame.

Quite interesting video showing different ways people can prove a run is spliced.

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Get yourself a microSD to Ms pro duo card, and hack the shit out of it!

Also official batteries aren't made anymore as far as I know, so just find yourself a battery from a reputable source. Mind your model number if you do.

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Post by user:

Capcom has implemented your product on their back catalogue of games and it's causing performance drops, crashes and has broken many popular mods people use to make these games run better.

The PC community is very angry and has noticed the implementation of your product. It is being mentioned in a ton of negative steam reviews.

You should be aware that there is likely a huge negative PR storm coming your way and possibly offer Capcom advice on how to implement your product properly as you've angered a lot of people. It wouldn't surprise me if big PC YouTubers like Digital Foundry pick up on the issue and make their many subscribers aware.

Reply by developer:

Curious, what action do you need from us? And why do you blame us that someone use our software? Someone use, we do not push to use it. What is our guilt you think?

And why are you so sure that all that you reported belongs to our software?

Maybe you are so angered because you can't use the cheats anymore?

Best reply is always be a dick. Fuck corporations that act like this

Edit: it seems like the thread is deleted now.

If food is as much of a time sink as sleep you either sleep too little, or eat way too much

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Not sure. But he does have a down arrow imprint on his forehead.

I get why they recall it, but let's be honest. How many people visit an URL found on food packaging? It's made for fans of the paw patrol show, and most kids that age don't come further then whatever game is popular on ios and android.

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From feeding tiny bits of solder. Not from soldering.

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How the hell is Nvidia worth more?

Why is this kind of market cap even possible?

This makes no sense on all fronts...

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"He says that the company withdrew money that was already in his YouTube payments account." this is the huge part not included in this summary. I don't think an employer can withdraw money from an employee's account. At least not in the EU.

But I'm not a lawyer.

I'm contemplating getting the fairphone 5. The usb c port on my last few phones were getting very loose at the end of the use. Making it a hassle using it in my car. One steep curve, and the phone slides making the connection get loose.

If I get the fairphone 5 I will immediately get a USB c replacement for future proofing.

It's annoying charging my phone at night and waking up to an almost empty phone because the cable got loose when I set it on my bedside table.

10 more...

Is there a way to remove having to enter my password for everything?

Wake computer from Screensaver? Password.
Install something? Password.
Updates (biggest one. Updates should in my opinion just work without, because being up to date is important for security reasons)? Password.

I understand sudo needs a password,but all the other stuff I just want off. The frequency is rediculous. I don't ever leave my house with my computer, and I don't want to enter a password for my wife everytime she wants to use it.

12 more...

I don't know, but I'm cramping up.

This all pretty much a bad idea. The garden is the best, but sticking pc cases as shelving? That's asking for falling "shelves"

The barbecue is the worst offender. With the plastic and paint this is asking for an extra dose of cancer in your food. Cancer smoked meat... yum...

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Any "boomer shooter" is a callback to the 90 early 00s shooters. For example: Dusk, Postal: Braindead and Warhammer 40k: Boltgun

Lots of indie horror games have the early 3d era look to them.

Basically if you want visuals like this, the indie scene is where you should look

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His father was in the order of the dragon. So he was Vlad Dracul, or Vlad the dragon. Vlad is the son of Dracul: Dracula or Vlad the son of the dragon. So basically the vampire is just the son of a dragon, which is pretty metal, but not as metal as the actual dragon.

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Only innocent people make laws like this.

People said that about internet explorer in the old days

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Sounds like you damaged one of the ribbon cables. They can be very fragile sometimes.

Nothing much. You?

I lived before the internet. AMA

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Google didn't have more money than Microsoft. Google those days just had a better product, and still a shitton of money. These were still the days of "don't be evil" for Google

The US!

Nailed it.

Shit on the clock like a boss. If the boss pretends he's paying a lot, I'll pretend I work hard.

I prefer adding solder while soldering. The solder itself also holds flux, and often when you do it that way you don't need to add flux yourself. Also if you solder through hole and you add solder to the tip before soldering all the flux dissappears, and you don't have enough solder for the weld.

And small amounts of solder doesn't mean short strips, which is what you get when you do what OP posted.

Source: I work in the circuit board population field. And do inspection and repairs.

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She hasn't had the need to be relevant for a while now because she's still getting those residuals from a show she did a long time ago. You might have heard from it. It's called friends. It was the biggest sitcom in the 90s/early 00s.

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