Doug [he/him]

@Doug [he/him]
0 Post – 107 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So I just tested this. I'm not at home so I had to VPN in which is no issue.

  • I opened and confirmed it was working
  • I opened and logged in to my Ally app
  • I added to my pi-hole's black list as a regex entry
  • I opened in the browser and confirmed it was blocked
  • I force closed and cleared the cache on my Ally app
  • I opened and logged in to my Ally app

It's not the Meta connection that's giving you trouble.

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I don't know but if I did I might buy it

In fairness, Gmail had a similar invite system when it launched and that's been way more successful than G+

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Well if no one does anything it won't be better should reincarnation come around.

I think Dr. Seuss has some pertinent wisdom here.

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot nothing is going to get better. It's not.

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It's not. It's popular because it was a popular Reddit app and a lot of people here are former Reddit users.

Everyone has their preferences but that doesn't make sync better than any other app. Just different.

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Mr. Fragile Ego here may be one of the only people a "slam" might matter to.

It still almost certainly doesn't and it would be nice if the word stopped being such a mainstay of headlines

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Florida attached to Europe looks mildly like a penis.

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You've got a point. A whole lot of boomers are annoyance issues leading us millennials to not answer our phones

No, but I'm gonna run his code anyway

Thanks for picking up where the summary dropped the ball

Or been hiding their knowledge of their part in the problem longer than a lot of people have been alive

It's a fair point but I've got two counters.

  1. It was blocked in the browser, which implies there's not a cached record for it on the device

  2. The Pi-hole logs the queries it receives and I do have four separate entries for that URL today, spaced in an amount of time that does not imply automatic requests but does likely match up with my test cases.

I've had an email in my inbox for over a decade. The subject is FYI. The sender is listed as Allen Large, but in all caps. And the body is as follows

Email Mr Allen now.

Realistically it's just bad spam but sometimes I get myself wondering what shady deal fell apart because they sent something urgent to the wrong person

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A worthwhile thing to keep in mind whether it's for tea, supplements, or whatever, is that medication is based on things that were observed from "natural" sources.

For example, willow bark was/is/has been used for pain and inflammation. It also contains salicin which is similar to acetysalicylic acid, which you'll know better as aspirin.

Does that mean all the things people say do a thing work? Not at all. Do some of them have varying degrees of effect of some percentage of people? Yes.

Oh I'm not directing to complaint at you at all. Apologies if it sounded that way

Should but far too often does not.

Nothing or a lot depending on use.

If it's being used where "male" could/would be used all is well.

If not it's often dehumanizing.

Women breaking out of previously accepted societal norms were seducing (guys? boys? men?) into sexy parties that probably weren't risque enough for late night skinemax but too far for PBS.

Pearls were clutched

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Look for the little joys. Seriously. You know that light that always seems to be red when you get there? Celebrate the times it's not rather than getting annoyed when it is. Make up words from the letters on a license and consider what might make a person want that. Come up with bad answers. Absurd ones. Find shapes in clouds.

Not all of that is easy but it can be worth the effort.

Happiness can be chosen, just not all the time. Look for the places you can and try to do it. Like anything it'll get easier with practice.

*There are hard things that will make choosing happiness nigh impossible. If you find yourself in one of these places you need external help, very probably professional. It's not weakness to acknowledge that any more than it is to see a doctor if you cut off your arm.

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At least she wasn't raping her students. It's a low bar to clear but she got over it where other teachers haven't. So I guess that's something.

You never met anyone who hated part of their family?

I know some Thanksgiving dinners you could go to...

Ah but what is enough money for you or I is not enough money for the bigwigs. And since they're obviously more important, as they're at the top, we have to have sure they get enough money even if that means you don't.

But they'll get you a ping pong table so you can stop thinking about how you don't know what you're going to feed your family tonight

Are children and young adults really more impressionable than Fox news, and thereby Facebook's, audience?

I also don't know that I agree with "targeted mostly at children and young adults". There are very large parts of TikTok that would be wholly unappealing to your average kid. Not to mention that American social media started out very much targeted at children and young adults. Or have we already forgotten what the main demographics of Facebook and myspace used to be?

The problem with whataboutism here is that these conversations pretty much always involve TikTok and rarely other platforms until it's brought up in comments where it can be dismissed as whataboutism.

Either they're all a problem (it's this one) or none of them are. We need to stop drawing arbitrary lines between offenders. It's just giving a bunch of shit bags freedom to continue being shit bags.

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Sure but until they do a lot of those people need tips to get by and it's far from as easy as "just get a different job"

Source: used to be one such person

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Lot of comments here with single down votes. I wonder how salty op is

So secure even you don't know the password. It's like built in MFA.

I'm reasonably confident that every part of the inhabited world has been "lost territory" more than once.

grow up and use the block feature.

I'm really sick of this talking point. If history hasn't demonstrated to you that ignoring a problem doesn't resolve the problem then you take ought to go back and read some more.

If you can't stand to be bothered by others trying to carve out consideration for your fellow humans then I'm glad this may be our only interaction.

Lunch time doubly so

radical left


Sorry, can't help but make light of this fucker's bullshit, pardon the French.

It's no trouble at all, but I don't know what a seal has to do with any of this or how you spelled phoque so badly

That would be a spectacular idea.

And I'm happy to see another Relay user. They seemed to be left out of the lists even though they've got a fantastic app

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It's the way of things anyway. Reddit was often posting about Facebook, or Twitter, or TikTok, or Tumblr when it was relevant.

Or even just a board game night.

Maybe it just means boring guys. Drinking is a secondary activity, not a primary one.

I remember when this was the thought about Internet Explorer.

It's not too late. It will never be too late. Everyone that changes moves the market share needle. It doesn't mean Firefox is going to take over overnight, but it also doesn't mean it's pointless to suggest change.

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Also that person may have known what you meant, but another might not and may have any number of reasons for not asking.

Better communication skills are a worthwhile goal and there's no good reason to not learn and grow.

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I like short right hand myself. Keeps important buttons in thumb reach for ever increasingly larger screens

There's a lot of opinion in that last paragraph that a lot of vocal sync users don't seem inclined to see.

It's equally fine that you like it and I don't.

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That sounds a lot like

My rear passenger tire was about 3psi low so I bought a new Grand Cherokee

Also as a gentile who cares about their fellow human beings.

I'm also surprised that it says he's trying as a Dem. Hardly a perfect group but generally that kind of rhetoric is kept in the GOP, voters and candidates alike.