7 Post – 89 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Holy shit. OP surely delivered.

the most interesting key is for elevenlabs, which gives full privileges. this allows us to:

(...) delete voices (and crash the rabbitOS backend, thus rendering all r1 devices useless)

we have internal confirmation that the rabbit team is aware of this leaking of api keys and have chosen to ignore it. the api keys continue to be valid as of writing.

So there is a chance?

As if wordpress would be the only CMS out there.

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If you ever encountered an AI hallucinating stuff that just does not exist at all, you know how bad the idea of AI enhanced evidence actually is.

33 more...

The turns! They tabled.

There is a huge difference between interpolating pixels and inserting whole objects into pictures.

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I disagree.

The more people are disappointed about reddit, the better.

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Yeah, also each query request was a human beeing. Such an unrealistic comic.

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Look it this way: If you have an unreadable licence plate because of low resolution, interpolating won't make it readable (as long as we didn't switch to a CSI universe). An AI, on the other hand, could just "invent" (I know, I know, normy speak in your eyes) a readable one.

You will draw yourself the line when you get your first ticket for speeding, when it wasn't your car.

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I don't care about Netflix password sharing policies. But I do very care about their content policy. I don't even start a new show until I know they finished it without cancelling it half way through. I also do care about the fragmentation in the streaming industry. I'm not willing to buy me in in 5 streaming services just to view 5 different shows.

Fuck you, I'll go back to the bay.

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I dont see the line "3rd party cookie blocking"

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That's quite a fair point.

I think the reason behind that is that it's a new place and people are shy in new environments. Not only they behave more cautious but they lurk more (which leads to more lurking by others).

Did you get that you fucking moron?

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23 more...


Yeah, just kill them. Them who were denied a trial. Them for just being supspicious enough. Them, because they don't stand for democracy, freedom and justice. Let's be like them.

The funny thing is, if you point out its mistakes, it often does better on subsequent attempts.

Or it get stuck in an endless loop of two different but wrong solutions.

Me: This is my system, version x. I want to achieve this.

ChatGpt: Here's the solution.

Me: But this only works with Version y of given system, not x

ChatGpt: Try this.

Me: This is using a method that never existed in the framework.


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Native speakers of the English language: By reading the headline did you know exactly who was locked in the barn? And if yes, tell me, a non native speaker, by which rule do I have to read headlines like this to not be totally confused. (I thought the parents were the ones who got locked until I read the headline a third time.)

Edit: Thank you for all the input and thoughts

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Fanboys. Happens everytime a new marvel movie launches.

On the other hand: Nobody complained about the very light skin color?

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In Taco Bell's wild rendezvous,

A group gathered, quite a to-do.

With a twist of fate,

And a guacamole plate,

I tossed up a spicy brew.

Being tickets enforced or not doesn't change my argumentation nor invalidates it.

You are acting stubborn and childish. Everything there was to say has been said. If you still think you are right, do it, as you are not able or willing to understand. Let me be clear: I think you are trolling and I'm not in any mood to participate in this anymore.

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Someone died.


Pirate drones incoming.

I also forsee some people will try to reroute them to land / crash at their disired place.

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Tell me you know nothing about nuclear warfare without saying you don't know nothing about nuclear warfare.

Either that or you really want to see the whole earth in ashes.

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Fuck legs

Why would you want buttholes though?

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I hope not.

First: You can't avoid bugs. You simply can not.

Second: There aren't that many producers of good insulin pumps and the t:slim is a great device.

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Every party that is involved in dismanteling democracy and weakening the EU is on their payroll.

We knew this before.

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You could have add that this is just one of many ways to do it / jailbreak it:

Some MOST things just shouldn’t be connected to the internet.


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It would have print if it was previously declared as function.

Also, js is as dirty as you want it to be. Keywords are indeed not necessary for declaring variables.

Oookay. Sometimes I just feel I'm too old for this shit.

No, this is Patrick.

Wherever you stand in the pro or contra of this topic: Allowing people to DIY guns at home is one of the worst ways to obtain guns.

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They started this project 14(!) years ago, planned to be finished 2019, costing over 11 billion Euros.

Nobody wants it.

The site is still under construction (thought to be finished next year).

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Only an AI would say this.

Shoot, you are right wrong. They are processes.

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Also: This is, what I will ever associate with the words Stuttgart21 and eye:

::: spoiler graphic


(Lost one eye for being so criminal to protest against something the majority was against doing it.)

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This (training/learning/exploring) and socialising are the main benefits imho.

in the UK

in Austria

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Okay, 22% is ridiculously high for ELIZA. I feel like any half sober adult could clock it as a bot by the third response, if not immediately.

I did some stuff with Eliza back then. One time I set up an Eliza database full of insults and hooked it up to my AIM account.

It went so well, I had to apologize to a lot of people who thought I was drunken or went crazy.

Eliza wasn't thaaaaat bad.