
0 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If people are looking for alternatives that won't be shut down, you... recommend they look to Google!? Ahahahahaha!

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Man, I hate when companies play the victim and try to tell us why we did/didn't like something. I wasn't following a fad, I was reacting naturally!

You're allowed to rush out an incomplete game, destroy your reputation, and lie to your users; none of that is illegal. But I'm allowed to not like your game, vocally, and stop buying your products in the future...

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Don't forget that the API won't provide access to any NSFW sub. (There's a lot of reasons a sub might have NSFW posts besides just pr0n.) So Reddit literally expects people to pay for less content. It's absolutely bananas...

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It might be more efficient to list Google projects that haven't shut down.

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Undoing decades of precedent to make political agenda-based rulings that will drastically change the lives of people in this country forever... That's fine, just don't criticize the court, or expect them to adhere to any ethical guidelines...

The image of the poor developers working in a cave, struggling to make money is only in our mind.

GNU/Linux made this software in a cave! With a box of scraps!!!

Yeah, and they also said "the API isn't going anywhere". Liars and cowards...

Why would they to give up some of their territory to the invader? Right now, they're holding off the much bigger nation's aggression just fine, while bleeding Russia. Tell your country to continue supporting Ukraine!

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Your Right to "Freedom of Religion" ends where it infringes upon others'.

That's right: Other people with different views exist and they have Rights too...

I get the desire to strengthen the eastern edge of NATO countries like Poland and Lithuania... But I think Russia/Wagner have bigger priorities at the moment. I don't think they went to Belarus just to ignore Ukraine and launch a hopeless attack on the entirety of NATO.

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It's like talking to a toddler: "My feelings are more important than anything, I have no impulse-control! Ahhhhhh!"


Downloading now... I can't wait to watch Avatar 2 on my GE ColdBox 3000!

HAhahahahahaha, that's a good one!


I started wearing them to the airport when I was traveling a lot because it's so easy to take them off/put them on while going through security in a rush. Now I just wear them everywhere!


Of course you're allowed your opinion, but what exactly are you referring to with by "more garbage"? Are you sure you're not taking about bloatware installed by phone/carrier companies that's completely separate from the actual operating system? Also, just like PC operating systems/there are OSes designed to be extremely lightweight, with low system requirements.

Security-wise, using any older OS is a terrible idea, IMO. As long as any personal information will ever pass through that phone, that is. Even if someone discovered a way to remotely hack your phone, eavesdrop on all your interactions, and steal your information, it wouldn't be patched, even if the vulnerabilities were published. These old OSes literally aren't supported anymore.

With that said, I wish you good luck in what you're searching for...

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He's rich AF. The laws don't apply to him!

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Where can you trade in your phone?

Interest rates? Reddit/Twitter/YouTube can't just exist perpetually being unprofitable now, they have to actually have a pathway to revenue, since Venture Capitalists won't just throw money at a hundred different projects, hoping one is successful...

I have a minimum of 5 (pants) pockets filled all day, every day while I work. It's literally inconvenient to wear non-cargo pants!

I don't know what I expected...

I don't give a shit how old she is... I love her!

I mean... I don't think we should kill them?

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What am I doing? Anything but pooping. But seriously, apparently I'm going to be eating a lot of protein and minimal fiber...

Wow, he must have incredible grip strength, to be completely horizontal like that...

If that's true, it's very, very dumb...

This opaque, niche meme will attract new users, and make them want to stick around? Of course not...

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There's more exceptions to it than follow it.

Well, that's definitely not true. It is an unreliable "rule" though...

I forget the legal term, but it's because they are commenting on something. So they're allowed to take someone else's content, add very little to it, and still host it on their channel.

Some would argue the workers make the companies all their money...

I agree, but there's no way that's going to work after tomorrow, right?

We spell it different too!? I literally thought it was spelled "aluminum" the world over! My opinion may do a 180 on this one...

My OG Game Boy? Runs VLC.

Of-fucking-course CNN and the dumpster fire they've become wouldn't even mention that Huy Fong did this to themselves by lying to and defrauding their exclusive pepper grower:


The peppers are what made the sauce, literally. Without them, there's many better chili sauces...

I'm not quite sure what your point is, but they aren't "two different markets".

Sure, one is a (mostly) subscription model, but at the end of the day, they're both digital Elder Scrolls games sold by the same publisher.

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If I've gone to the trouble of undressing, turning on the fan, etc, then I'm gonna actually wash everywhere, even if it's quick. Otherwise, it's basically just a rinse, which seems pointless.


That's what I did! Put the kbin "app" in the same spot 'rif is fun' app used to be in.

But there's not another vowel between the 'n' and the 'u', why would you pronounce it "AL-yoo-MINI-um"!?

It's similar to people who pronounce nuclear "nuke-yoo-lar", those extra letters just aren't in the word!

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The only "reddit" thing here is whining about downvotes. Everything else you've said has been fine and seems like it was well-received...

But I'm not in-charge here, so what you want!