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Joined 1 years ago

Hey OP, I hear your frustration. Sometimes, she will simply not be into you like that, and that’s okay. But there are concepts that can significantly improve your dating life if you learn them.

The most important thing is to intentionally be romantic. You have to flirt. The way you describe this interaction doesn’t sound very flirty. She was nice and you had a good conversation? That’s great, but she could probably get a similar experience from a friend.

Flirting is about making things exciting. Taking a risk and making your intentions known is often attractive. Think playful banter. Having a low stakes, interview-style conversation is just boring for most women.

Practical ways to be more flirty:

  • choose a venue where you can sit side by side
  • maintain great eye contact when she’s talking
  • don’t rush to fill every silence, let it breathe
  • use statements more, rather than just questions
  • respectful and appropriate use of touch
  • playfully challenge or disagree with her at times
  • humor is great, but don’t constantly joke around

Basically, being a nice guy with a good job is great, and actually a prerequisite for many women to date you. But it’s not inherently sexy. You gotta learn how to embrace your romantic side to show them you’re capable of that, too.

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I genuinely can’t grasp why anyone would die on the hill of defending pit bulls. There are countless other dog breeds to choose from, why can’t we just ban pit bulls entirely when they’re demonstrably dangerous?

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Interesting, I've only ever seen it mean "not trans"

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Literally everybody asks for more from the democrats. Who the fuck is excited about Joe Biden? Nobody, it’s just that the alternative is such complete shit and voting third party helps the poop

Kinda true but we also know that advertisers can be very picky about having their content displayed next to sensitive content or even profanity. So seeing a guillotine and fuck spez written all over Place on Day 1 was pretty cool

(Obligatory comment asking why you Lemmy in the shower)

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I thought they were only temporarily defederating from World because the mass influx of users was fucking up their servers and capacity to moderate

Just remember that you don’t see the negative parts of these people’s lives. Not taking anything away from their accomplishments, and it’s great to aim high. Anything that can inspire you to take action to improve your life is a good thing. However, I promise they still have things they regret, time they feel was wasted, and moments of feeling unsatisfied.

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Stree… me… oh…

Agreed, if OP is getting dates then women are clearly interested, just something not clicking on the first date. And yeah, texting on apps definitely sucks. I try to do it as little as possible. But I think many questions can be reworked into statements, like "Where do you work" is boring, but "I'm getting lawyer vibes" accomplishes the same thing and is more fun

In my experience most super destructive cats are either not getting enough attention/play, or grew up as strays with such harsh lives they never fully relax in a domestic environment

Also between the two I’d say porn is decidedly more advertiser friendly

job losses due to automation

Oh yeah this has never happened. Brb, gonna go tell all my fellow assembly line workers this concept is total propaganda

Can only speak for the US, but I’d expect $3-5K if you go for a high end video

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God that’s fucking dystopian

We'll have to see what the long-term looks like. This was never going to be an instant death for reddit, but it absolutely could be the beginning of a slow decline into irrelevance. Digg never went offline, it just became useless

Plus this already was the case on reddit, you would often have the biggest mainstream sub for a hobby and then a dozen+ smaller, more specific ones. More choice is good imo, and because of how federation works it will never be hard to find the most popular version of a sub

When I see the notifications popup in the top right corner, it surprisingly reminds me of old FB. Back when instead of an app buzzing in my pocket 24/7 with notifications that are actually just ads or BS, I intentionally choose to log on, see the notification, and think "Oh, someone interacted with me, let's go see what they said."

TIL there’s a show adaptation

You probably already know about wefwef.app but I'm going to mention it here for anyone reading. It's cross-platform and already shockingly close to feeling like Apollo

I don’t get how threads would interface with Lemmy, I thought it was a microblogging service like Twitter?

I don’t understand your point. Are you saying if we ban pit bulls people will choose other violent dog breeds, and those people are shitheads? Or are you saying people who want to ban pit bulls are shitheads and banning pits will open the door to banning more violent breeds?

I need to do better because I feel the lack of it, isn’t this valid enough?

Like I said, anything that motivates you to improve your life is a great thing imo. So yeah, if you feel unfulfilled, of course that’s a valid sign that you should absolutely do more challenging or meaningful things. My point is just that when you compare yourself to others, you’re comparing your whole self with their public self. You know your own doubts, insecurities, etc, but not theirs. So it’s not a totally fair comparison. In the same way, other people could look at you doing well academically and envy your position, because they don’t know that despite that success you are feeling unsatisfied.