
2 Post – 246 Comments
Joined 11 months ago


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I wish everyone who works at zoom a very fruitful soft quitting.

This is all a method to get people to quit so they don't have to list layoff nor have to pay severance.

Fuck them. Go to the office, but give it your 10% at best. Stall things. Claim lack of motivated leadership if HR makes a stink. Make them fire you and get that bread in the meantime.

I am 25

Lmao. That's literally the age humans stop maturing.

You're in your theoretical prime.

Now's the time to make it happen if anything. You can be and do whatever you make of yourself.

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I would assume the top answer would be "fuck capitalism" with a sprinkle of "lmao"

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Shape of Water? Really?

I know the top comments are bringing the usual boring answers, but man, I'll take them over pretending that is anywhere close to being bad. There's way too much shit out there worth recognizing, like, the latest stinker is Five Nights at Freddy's.

If someone wants a bottom 30 contender, I suggest looking up A Fish Called Wanda. It has two jokes: Long winded rants and Homophobia. Laugh. I made the delivery better.

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Man's 3 poignant inquiries away from peddling Brave. Tread carefully folks.

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Twitch has what now? That's the first (and will be last) time I hear that

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Without even looking at anything, just the name "wealth university" tells me this is aimed at people with scam-awareness IQ in the single digits it fits the typical thematic format.

or look for another job

A threat.

Therefore hostile termination.

Therefore severance.

Amazon CEO is a dumbass and literally just lost this fight.

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Because a bigger company did it.

You'd think there'd be abetter reason but the corporate world is surprisingly uncreative. Signed: Someone who saw trillions being burned by IBM's Wattson despite a sea of red flags.

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it's all legal

Ultra gigantic red flag.

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I'm quite sure the artist is winning that one. He's riling up so many people by just repeating a single phrase.

Like, anyone who thinks he's serious is really not yet fit for the Internet.

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Sounds like you understand it pretty well. And dislike it.

That's it. You didn't miss a thing.

It should be illegal to gate content made by users with a registration.

Not the case with Medium, they have, uh, "volunteer" writers. But point stands.

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Also used someone else's Netflix to finally hit the attack on titan craze some years back.

No english subs. Have to read the local language. Whatever. The names were not accurately translated. Whatever. I could look past that since they were consistent within the subs as presented.

Season 2 - all the names changed from season 1. Even something as simple as changing a K to a C is too much and unacceptable, but the fuckers were straight up changing the name of the militaty units and shit. I had no idea who was who.

20 minutes later, I'm watching the HorribleSubs version with the worldwide-accepted English names and I never watched anime on Netflix. Piracy is a service problem.

Unfortunately, the SEO hellscape means every single windows error just yield a "Try to install our patcher tool" article.

How about both?

I will never, ever, understand why Stadia was something thay had to be "ported into" at such high cost. Specially for games that were ALREADY working on Linux. Like, what the fuck was the hold up. I read up stories that it was basically like porting to a fourth console and that just sounded outrageously stupid in my head.

Whatever tech stack they had, they could have made it way more profitable by making it generic windows boxes that partially run your library elsewhere. I dunno if there's some hubris or some licensing bullshit behind it, but fact is, if I want to do this on GeForce Now, I can do it, no questions asked, and as the costumer, that's the beginning and end of my concerns.

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They talk about Pokemon in the first date and will defend gen whatever while still calling it shit.

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Do you?


Do you justify?




Why did the genie's eternal suffering include him getting his nipple pierced between panels?

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All of those are meaningless peanuts versus

  • Owns the biggest (borderline only) web ad service in the world
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This is actually very accurate. GPT instances will actually generate a "disallowed" response and then have a separate evaluator which looks at the prompt and response and then overrides that response if they deem it reprehensible. (There's also a bunch of pre-prompts as well)

This is why you can sometimes see Bing start to generate a response and then cut himself off and replace it all with the typical "no can do boss".

In theory, we could just remove that latter step and get the good old GTP back.

Uh zlib and sci hub are both still alive.

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Floating apps. And split screen. I was playing Pokemon Go with reddit open in the corner in 2017 and it was old then. I dunno when iOS got it, but it's recentish.

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This has been the case in Asia for 7 years or more now. Every single photo of a person on a China-bought phone has had a filter you couldn't turn off.

Yeah, I basically stopped pirating entirely despite doing it relentlessly early in life. I still owe Capcom a thousand bucks if I am to pay that one alone back.

The basically part is that I still pirate what little music I need. Fuck the music industry.

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Comments like these is literally the first thing the article warns against.

YouTube is doing this in a staggered and flaky rollout. Seeing the videos fine as an anecdote is no indication of anything. The only people who can claim a method works are those who have gained access to affected accounts, know how they're affected, and have issued a fix.

There's a issue with this title, and it's not the word "AI".

It's the word "Will".

It already did.

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But, uh... I have a ROM of Sonic 2 where you can play as Sonic Tails AND Knuckles, all at the same freaking time.

Wanna play it?

I found that the best approach is to just have the link in the sidebar. This was how several communities first started introducing discords when it was basically an unknown piece of software. It became normalized without anyone noticing when.

*$70 game

*$120 complete

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Also pepes. I swear, pepes were JUST ABOUT to go away, and then Twitch of all places added pepes as default emotes and gave brain rot to a whole generation. Basically an invasive species being brought everywhere.

If a narrative-heavy game takes 60 hours and then fucks it up on the third act, it deserves the hate. Games having a bad payoff 200% warrants bad reviews.

Oh sorry, this isn't a Danganronpa thread.

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Napoleon can always win the war, he can just stop invading and then shoot himself

Weird definition of victory

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Someone please create a piracymemes community. It's best for both sides.


Lmao even.

Funny enough, if it is an API problem, then this is one of the scenarios that a scrapper could easily solve the issue and grant accurate results again. A playwright script written by ChatGTP could do it.

I read reddit with a client that uses a scrapper now. The fuck is reddit gonna do, block Chromium? They said they wanted to stop this, well, congrats, they started it instead.

The internal temperature is whatever you said. That's the temperature your guts need to live.

You have a gigantic organ providing insulation between that and the world. It's called skin. It keeps the heat in and the cold out and can self regulate for the task too. Doesn't mean your skin won't be a relatively high temperature but overall, it's slightly less than your internals. It keeps your internal temperature that way by releasing the same amount of heat that you produce yourself and capture from the outside, and that difference is usually related to how hot or cold is outside. Because see, heat transfers from a hot to a cold object constantly and passively, and the skin has to chase that value according to demand. Your body will release less heat if it's cold, and way more if it's hot out (so it feels even hotter than the air).

Funny detail about fans: Fans don't actually lower temperatures. Moving air, if anything, should increase it. But it works on us and on electronics for the same reason: We are heat emitters. Pushing air away from an electronic device usually means dragging away the hottest air from the hottest object, so it should overall be cooling down. For us, it also has a bit to do with surface humidity, but that's because of, again, skin.

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So people will stop using Chrome? Holy shit, win win.