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Joined 11 months ago

This is of course a non-US view, I’m not sure how different the laws are there. But marriage is a great one-stop shop that lets you get a lot of legal kerfuffles sorted in 20-30 minutes with nothing but a couple signatures. I don’t think it is a stupid reason, the stupidity comes from all the other bullshit people want to dump onto marriage.

They had a month to level to 60 and gear up, most normal people aren’t into wasting a month to enter a tournament with practically no odds of getting anything. If you die in the tournament your character is done, so naturally the contestants are largely going to be people with some confidence and time to spare.

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Fuck this, I can’t stand the idea that in the 21st century you can still have involuntary servitude.

My country recently reinstated mandatory military service. I mean obviously, how else can we get people to sign up. There is of course the idea of actually paying well and giving proper benefits to people who voluntarily sign up, but this is clearly lunacy.

And this is the single biggest reason I am emigrating from my country before my three male offspring are 18, unless this decision is repealed in the next 5 or so years.

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The point is to make adblocking so tedious that only fairly tech literate people would do it. That cousin whose pc you set up and installed uBO on? They won’t figure out how to update the filters, they will just whitelist (or realistically just turn off uBO) or premium.

Basically nobody will actually abandon YT over this and those who do will be so low in numbers it is ~0 to YT.

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On top of knowing the needs, such groups, generally, have the means to utilise the money more effectively dollar for dollar than an individual because they can buy wholesale and have deals with different companies.

This site has the most infuriating privacy popup I have ever seen, theres a tab for 1400 partner consents. Like what?

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Someone not posting on X is surely not enough to qualify as tech news. Come on…

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By what metric will they lose miserably? They do not care about you if you block their shit. This policy will do 3 things:

  • Make a miniscule amount of people who generate no revenue stop using the platform (basically noone).
  • Make existing adblockers slightly inconvenienced for a little bit (again, google doesnt actually give a shit)
  • Make some of the less tech savy people who block ads either whitelist or premium up (this will happen and is the intended outcome).

Google only gains from this.

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So just don’t upgrade the kernel

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I would add that a pair of good ones is a world of difference for everything you might use them for - music, gaming, movies. Now good != expensive, good headphones can be had for under 50 bucks, great headphones for around 100-200, anything beyond that you are venturing into audiophile waters with very diminishing returns.

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World is probably overwhelmed again. I switched from world because of frequent outages. I don’t think you have to worry about UK scenario however, since the problem there was that the instance owner went awol.

Using “it” for an animal is perfectly reasonable. An argument can be made for using they instead but we even use it for humans occasionally (e.g. Jack checked on the baby, it was sleeping peacefully).

Yea, no. The supermarket I shop at, I just scan everything with my phone as I go, scan a QR code at self checkout and pay.

Worst case I have to wait 2 minutes for someone to do a verification scan (5 random items crom my bag) or wait for them to verify my age.

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The idea that people in USA have to strike for pension and healthcare seems so absurd to me as someone from the EU.

If a president really stands in solidarity, they would be pushing for this on a federal level, ensuring this for all.

I get the resistance to social policy, using tax dollars and all, but then could you not simply mandate a minimal package that the employer has to guarantee?

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Don’t like them, they are annoying to deal with - CLI naming is odd, files are stored unintuitively and if your whole system is not on flatpak, chances are the sizes are going to be absurd. One of the main reasons I wen’t with Arch is Pacman + AUR, never have to install a flatpak, because the package management is so good.

Last I looked into it, Toyota was still supposed to have some of the most efficient combustion engines out there, with something crazy like 40%(?) thermal efficiency.

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My brother in christ, you can customize the add-ons.

Tree style tab > tab groups.

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If it is new, assuming a relatively recent CPU and adequate RAM, it hardly matters.

The reason is often that writing forces you to already process and abstract the information. Especially if you are taking notes real-time like in a lecture. You will naturally want to shorten the info to write less so you have to process and understand what is the important info, you have to take the info in context of previous knowledge etc. Typing is often much more mechanical, you just need to process the info as it is coming in and transform it into mechanical keypress.

I also remember something about handwriting processing being a nuanced and very separate process from typing, although I am not certain on this. There was also some stuff about reading your handwritten notes triggering memories better than typed notes.

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I almost lost my glasses to the MRI. I was assisting anesthesia for an ICU MRI and as I leaned in to adjust something for the patient my glasses started lifting up. That is when I remembered i have 4 small neodymium magnets in the frame for addon sunglasses.

I quickly pulled away, but had I leaned in I would have probably lost them.

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Ads don’t even bother me inherently. It’s part the maximum obnoxiousness of them these days, of course. But most of all, if I do manage to see an ad (like in a mobile app), I get irrationally annoyed at the fact that it is supposed to be tailored to me and yet here I am looking at a 20 second unskippable ad for something I would never in a million years care for.

Bouldering and running are the things I find I want to sink most of my free time into lately. Secondary to that it is general strength and yoga excercises.

I’m a sucker for a good book, recently read the Dune series, it was fantastic.

Then of course music (rap, hip-hop, rock), podcasts (too many to list or keep up with properly, really).

Video games used to be big, but these days nothing really tickles my pickle. I used to be mostly into PvP (first few seasons of league, speedrunners, MW2, Battlerite, Omega Strikers) but these days it is rare to find good ones, single-player stuff rarely catches my attention enough to sink hours in. Usually nothing I try these days lasts more than 2-3 times playing it.

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What if I just don’t care about the people though? What if I want to see cool places and climb cool mountaints, etc?

Dont leave a bike that is worth stealing, if you mind it being stolen, for daily commutes just get a second hand bike for around 200$ and fix it up, pick up a 50$ kryptonite NY lock and ride stress free.

Generally it is literally called a “tip-of-the-tongue” state in psych literature. Presque vu is the “fancy” french term for it, and means almost seen, similar to deja vu (already seen).

E: as a sidenote, I am fairly sure Vsauce had a video on this.


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Nice, what bouldering grade?

You will most likely have to run wayland to get the most out of your new monitor (in a dual monitor setup), other than that should work just fine.

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Turn signals are literally called warning lights in my language.

  1. Our childrens hospital (besides the ICU that uses a phillips solution on windows, which integrates with the monitoring and anesthesia equipment) runs linux, however they do this in a virtual environment on windows, the reasoning I am not sure about, potentially to sandbox the electronic system they are using.

  2. Its almost exclusively to do with the software they need, it often wont run on linux or will have limited support.

If you have AMD, for most titles it is as simple as installing a distro and then installing Steam. Then on Steam you will have to enable the compatibility tools, that is it. For Nvidia, setting up the drivers is a bit more finicky, however some distros will preconfigure it for you (such as Nobara, although personally I had a couple issues with this distro, YMMV)

You can search for games status on Linux via ProtonDB. In my experience they just work.

For WoW you might need to look up a YT tutorial to figure out the file paths, but the tldr is you need to install Battle.Net as a Non-Steam game, then launch it through Steam. This is generally a good, easy method for most non-steam titles, just installing it and adding it as a non-steam game.

According to ProtonDB flight sim should work, I habe no personal experience here.

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So does archinstall.

They are probably mean including mastodon, which is larger and generally federates with threads

The endoscopists at our childrens hospital also echoed that magnets are a super common foreign body ingestion, any two magnets swallowed is a huge hazard with a high potential for lifelong consequences. And the little balls are supposedly the worst as they have a small surface area in addition to being fairly strong, so they cause perforations quickly.

Also warnings on a magnet box or other toys will be ignored far more commonly that on household chemicals. I don’t know any people who keep bleach on their office desk, and even then it is in a childproof bottle. But many will have these little magnet balls on full display or somewhere a child can reasonably reach, some parents give these to inapropriately aged kids to play with even. Nobody gives a bottle of bleach for their kids to play with.

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One of the main reasons I stuck with YouTube Music is that I find the algorhitms superior to spotify. Maybe this is placebo, but I think between the 7 mixes + discovery + artist / song radio I always have something that does not feel the same, and I feel like any intentionally searched listening updates the mixes fairly quickly.

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Judging by the coverage of Starfield, Bethesda should not be allowed to do ‘hands-off’ development. They release a broken buggy and incomplete mess, then let the modding community finish it for free. I mean maybe from a business perspective that was a good move, can afford to drop some devs and reduce dev time I guess.

But even though Starfield roughly combines the genres I am most interested in, there is no way I am buying it until (if) it goes on a sale for around 10 bucks.

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What are you all backing up? My SSD is just my OS, some programs and Steam, a fresh install without a backup has me back up and running in about 2 hours.

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Wait, what the heck. Why does that graph look so much like an ECG?

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My brother in christ, yes they do, for the most part they just do.

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I just store recovery phrases of all kinds on an encrypted USB stick (which is obviously only connected to my PC when I need to put a new one in or use it (which so far has happened never)), I feel like that is secure enough for me, although if I could laminate at home I might print and make small cards in a separate a card wallet. Any other way I feel like I would eventually lose them, the particular USB drive ive had for over 15 years, it is 512 MB lol.

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