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Your UI looks like you're using iOS. In the app store, at the bottom of the page for each app is a list of items available for purchase in the app. You can look at that list before even deciding to download anything. Sometimes the listing's are vague and just say something like "membership". In that case, for a language learning app, you can assume it is to unlock "certificates".

Speak for yourself

To be fair, this happens with the release of every soulslike

I'm an orderly in an OR that does organ procurements from donors. The patients are already brain dead or otherwise intubated, but still technically alive. When the doctors open them up and get to where the organs are, there is a brief moment of silence and a prewritten letter in their honor is read aloud. After that they are taken off of life support and the organs are ready to be taken. The most interesting part to me is watching the color fade from their intestines. It's actually very fast from pink to gray.

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TIL Liquid Death is water lol. I always assumed it was one of those coffee/energy drink hybrids from the name and price.

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For a lot of people, buying a watch IS buying jewelry. However, I do agree with the rest of your comment.

My grandfather died with a bullet in his foot that had been there for about 40 years. He was cremated and there was nothing left of the bullet.

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I don't use TikTok but wasn't it heavily criticized for censoring pro-Hong Kong content?

Art Style > Graphics. Kingdom Hearts (2002) looks wildly better GTA: San Andreas (2004) and Fallout 3 (2008).

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I don't think budtender was a typo

I agree he should receive a higher compensation, but have no idea what that should be. I can't look at it in terms of dollars per hour and think of an appropriate amount worth giving up 40 years of life. If I was in that position I don't think 1billion would be fair.

I had to look up what you were referring too as a mandolin. I was thinking of a small stringed instrument.

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The hospital I work is not a trauma hospital, so those types of patients dont come to us, but as far as I understand patients must be alive. Organs become unusable fast.

I don't care for the Beatles, but I love the white album

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I think there is a bigger market for them now though. What was the most popular video game in the 90s and how many copies sold vs the biggest games now? And now with steam and other sevices you don't even have to manufacture as many discs. Even freemium mobile games are making billions in revenue.

Who wants to pay premium for prices?


I'm glad it's going easy for you. Unfortunately after 3 hours of trying I still haven't gotten mint cinnamon installed yet. Bitlocker has been a pain to disable. I'm determined to get it working though, I'm really tired of microsoft

I hope that experience hasn't kept you from trying it again, Kenya has some amazing cuisine!

You're right, your example isn't a demonstration of brandishing. But it also has nothing to do with what the article describes.

Its very similar to ark survival and the open world Conan game. There's love you can find in hidden diaries and there are goals that involve upgrading your base and killing bosses. What makes it stand out to the others is that it is basically Pokémon. If you're into the previously mentioned games, I think it's great

Found the series when 3 released. Like many people I thought fallout would he awesome with coop multi-player. 76 is not the experience myself or I'm guessing most people had in mind. I'm not saying there is anything inherently wrong with the game. Just not what I was looking for when thinking "multi-player fallout".

What is top right from?

My big issue with paying for an ad free experience is that there are ads on videos of stolen content, and that doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon. I have this issue with SoundCloud as well. Random people will upload mixtapes of other artists that were originally released for free, but SoundCloud will run ads over it. It's obvious the creators aren't getting paid. I don't understand how that's even legal. Even if you argue that the service of using the website shouldn't be completely free, they are profiting off of stolen content.

Just curious on what you think the benefit of pre-ordering a factorio dlc would be instead of buying after release?

There's an episode of Nathan For You where he tries to test if a pizza oven will cremate a body but he gave up after a few hours lol

I love Terry Gilliam's movies. I always try to recommend Zero Theorem to people who haven't watched it

I've been on sites that track how many articles I've read and wait to hit me with the pay wall after some amount

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That's what we thought, but when we asked to keep the bullet we were told it was reduced to ash with everything else.

When I was in high school, my 11th grade biology teacher was let go after 1 week because he didn't have a teaching license

I think there are some good reasons for servers restricting content. programming.dev is one of the biggest examples of this by not allowing users to create communities, however if you wish to moderate a community or ask for someone else to moderate one, and it falls within the interests of the server, there is a good chance it will be created. It might be obvious with that server, but it is almost all content relating to software development. It doesn't really make sense to create a community of cooking recipes there, especially since several others exist within other servers. The biggest advantage to this in my opinion is that there aren't dozens of empty communities. If you look at some of the bigger servers that allow users to create their own, there are tons of communities with 0 posts. I think its good that some servers out there allow users to create any community, but it makes sense for many servers to not.

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I wasn’t trying to create an argument, just pointing out not all of those instances are bad. No I didn’t assume that was all of what you meant. To me, it seemed like you didn’t understand the goal of instances like programming.dev. I try to keep in mind that many people are still brand new to Lemmy and wanted to offer counterpoints to your original comment. I wasn’t trying to nitpick your comment, sorry if you got the wrong idea.

That's like saying Twitter isn't social media because its a microblog. Lemmy is definitely social media. We have profiles, can add each other as friends, send private messages, etc. It's not structured the same as most other social media websites, but it is social media

Idk what you mean by mobile elements aren't being loaded. Does the title of the article not count? I can see it behind the paywall banner

I believe the name has now changed to Voyager, which might make it easier to search for.

Even if only 20% of songs made are worth listening to, artists don't release every song they make

I started working as a patient care tech in an OR a year ago and I got to sit in on an organ procurement of a brain dead patient. They did the procedure on a stretcher that was meant for outpatients, so it made me feel weird to know a person had died on it. I threw away the pillow though

Reminds me of The Office when Michael Scott implies he brushes his teeth faster than a guy in a wheel chair lol

Maybe you can use a calender app and set a weekly reminder that goes forever. If you want to add or remove items from it, all future reminders can be edited as well

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I don't understand what the country is in your analogy

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