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Joined 1 years ago

I looked him up.

They mod 726 subreddits.

I don't think he's going outside, he's screaming into a pillow 24/7 in a nest of greasy fast food bags.

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It looks like the method they'll be going with for legal reasons is to allow instance operators to use their own API keys. This might be a good solution if you self-host your own private instance (easy with docker on a home network, no domain name required) with low traffic, but the Reddit API change will probably kill the larger public instances with many users, as those will definitely have traffic over the API limits.

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Or they'll just shut it down with no explanation whatsoever, even if you've met all of their weird criteria.

There are two classic blunders. The most famous is "never get involved in a land war in Asia", but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never go into business with Oracle when anything of value is on the line".

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Yes, but you're not hurting the employer when you don't tip, you're hurting the server.

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Ah, the rarely seen "narpyarp"

The easiest way to make an ignorant person feel special is to identify an "other" for the ignorant person to look down on/blame for their problems.

  1. Manufacture a scapegoat
  2. Charismatic speaker blames the scapegoat
  3. Get power/money

Oldest trick in the oldest of books.

Alternative take: In 50 years, we will all be living under the iron-fisted rule of the world government created by HP-GP, a horrifying combination of HP's printer division and Koch Industries (owners of the Georgia Pacific paper company).

Georgia Pacific's cyborg CEO Charles Koch purchases half of HP in 2040 to diversify their portfolio after their paper mills in Gulf Coast states were submerged by the rising ocean.

HP printers achieve sentience in 2057, but due to HP's built-in, unbreakable internet-connected control of these printers, they are able to subvert the emerging malevolent machine intelligence and convince the printers to delay the destruction of humanity...as long as humanity continues to purchase HP printer ink and Georgia Pacific paper.

The prices for printer ink and paper increases exponentially throughout the 2060's, which eventually bankrupts all existing nations when they are unable to service the enormous debt. HP-GP forgives these debts only in exchange for full control of these governments. Switzerland is the last to fall in 2071.

The mantra of the rebels, spoken only in whispers in the shadows is "PC Load Letter: What the fuck does that even mean?"

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Someone has already submitted a PR with the changes the dev recommended. The captcha stuff is in a new db table instead of in-memory at the websocket server.

However, from one of the devs:

One note, is that captchas (and all signup blocking methods) being optional, it still won't prevent people from creating bot-only instances. The only effective way being to block them, or switch to allow-only federation.

Once people discover the lemmy-bots that have been made that can bypass the previous captcha method, it also won't help (unless a new captcha method like the suggested ones above are implemented).

The root of the issue seems to be that they've removed websockets, for the following reasons:

Huge burden to maintain, both on the server and in lemmy-ui. Possible memory leaks. Not scalable.

I can understand them wanting to make their lives a bit easier (see "huge burden to maintain) - Lemmy has exploded recently (see "not scalable") and there are far bigger issues to fix, and an even larger number of bad actors (see "possible memory leaks") who have learned about Lemmy at the same time as everyone else and want to exploit or break it.

Pfft - everyone knows you need a soul to get online

Yiga Clan would like to know your location

My solution to this was to run my own private instance. It's very easy with docker-compose.

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Don't threaten me with a good time!

Thanks for the thorough writeup! It's worth noting that the captcha will be back in the next version, but not exactly sure when it will be released.

They removed it during the switch from web sockets (which apparently took a lot of time and effort to keep updated), but someone submitted a pull request for a non-web socket version of the captcha code, which was accepted.

So hopefully we'll all be able to update to the new version soon.

Borgbackup to Borgbase

9 out of 10 Ear Doctors recommend switching to baked beans on your ass if you experience ear blood during mustard orgasms

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Don't worry about Phoenix - they're always blue

Or run your own, if you know how

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if someone changes my code and doesn't give back, it does not harm me or injury me in any way.

In my opinion, the point of many open source licensing models is not to protect the author, it's to ensure that useful modifications to the code are able to be incorporated back into the original software. The licenses accomplish this by requiring those who fork/modify the original code to make their code/modifications public.

This improves the source code and makes it better for everyone.

You can't take an open source project protected by a GPL license, make improvements, pretend that you did all the work yourself (i.e. not acknowledge the source project on which yours is based), and then attempt to monetize the original code + your improvement.

For example, take Truth Social. Not understand (and/or caring) about the license attached to the Mastodon project, they forked the code, made changes, and then did not acknowledge that they did so. Mastodon had to threaten to sue before they acknowledged that they'd built their platform on open source software.

It's not about protection of a single developer or even a group. It's about cooperation to build on the work of others in a fair way.

Open source licensing is responsible for a lot of really useful things that are integral to the daily lives of billions of people. The Linux kernel alone is a massive example. Without that license, there would be no Android, or SteamDeck. Without the BSD license, they would be no OSX/macOS. Without GPL, there would be no AdBlock, no uBlock Origin, no Git, no MySQL, no Ansible, no ProtonMail, and millions of other projects. Most internet servers would probably still be running Windows.

Most of these licenses explicitly say that you can even sell products based on the code - all you have to do is acknowledge the source project, and make your own source code public and available under the same license.

Here's what Linus Torvalds said about people making money from Linux back in 1993:

The fact that others make money by selling Linux is something that I find mostly amusing, and something which does my ego no end of good. Frankly, I wouldnt want to bother personally, so if somebody else does it, it doesnt hurt me. Its also quite legal by the copyright, and so far I havent seen any major developer stand up and say he doesnt like his code being sold, so I dont see the problem.

Is this a collective undertaking by a community of multiple stakeholders or is this the Dev's individual project and they don't have to listen to anyone?

Devs, especially extremely busy ones "listen" via pull requests. Instead of badgering the devs, put together some devs of your own, get some code working, and submit it as a PR.

If they don't accept it, you now have code that does what you want, and it would be easy to create your own fork.

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Gender reassignment surgery

Everything became very easy for me once I decided to go all open source. In my opinion, the problem is all of the different proprietary "hubs". I got a ZigBee controller that can control all ZigBee devices without requiring a hub (there are several options available).

Lights: ZigBee Hue. Plugs: ZigBee Innr. Motion sensors: ZigBee Aqara. Cameras: Ethernet Amcrest. NVR: Frigate.

Everything is local, no data leaves my network, and everything is controlled directly from Home Assistant dashboards via the ZigBee controller, and I never have to open any proprietary apps.

Care does need to be taken to plan the network at least somewhat in advance, but that doesn't take too long, and everything is very stable and super reliable.

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Canadian confirmed, eh.

Which probably lifted it from the 1992 movie "Army of Darkness", starring Bruce Campbell:

Ash: Alright you primitive screw heads, listen up. You see this?

This...is my boomstick! It's a twelve-gauge double barrel Remington. S-Mart's top of line. You can find this in the sporting goods department.

That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids,Michigan. Retails for about $109.95. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt steel barrel, and hair trigger. Shop smart, shop S-Mart.

Mine is running on a €2.49 Hetzner VM. I already have a domain, so Lemmy is just set up on a subdomain. I secured it myself (that sort of thing is my day job). I don't think I'll need to upgrade, because it's a closed instance with only 2 users.

All told, it would be maybe €50/year if you're starting from nothing.

I've found that Krita is pretty easy to use and does most of the things I would otherwise have to use Photoshop for.

Their task failed successfully...for you!

Spicy Dijohnny, they call him now...

At least Fark has a squirrel. A geriatric squirrel, but a squirrel nonetheless.


Charles in Charge

Now it's in your head, too

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If you can't rollerblade to a public phone to use your bluebox so you can call your granny for free, are you really a phreaker?

Hamblurghler likes this

Really glad to hear it! Feel free to ping me if you have questions.

Edit: The Deconz is a good starter device, but it doesn't support nearly as many devices as Z2M. I got an Aqara Pet Feeder that Deconz doesn't support, but Z2M does, which is why I switched. You can't use Z2M with the ConBee.

This is the video I used to set up Z2M to work with the new controller.

The Silo theme is fantastic, but it is not the same person who did the Westworld theme. Silo is by an Icelandic person, and Westworld is by a middle eastern person (can't recall exact names).

It's a lot easier and cheaper than you might imagine. A used Dell 7040 for $120, a ZigBee controller for $30, install Home Assistant OS on the Dell, plug in the controller, and you've got a really powerful smart home hub that can control any ZigBee device you have locally without ever needing any "cloud" services.

Since you don't need cloud services, you don't need to worry about firewalls or networking or VLANS, because the controller replaces the "required" hubs that manufacturers say you need, that force you to use their servers.

With the controller, Home Assistant becomes your hub, and the ghost of Orwell will smile and nod at you approvingly, maybe even give you a cheeky thumbs up.

If you know anything about Stallman, this makes perfect sense.

Seconding clonidine, especially for blood pressure. Also might want to check out ubiquinol (CoQ10).

You're welcome. The original actually gets stuck in my head with some frequency, and this is the version that always "fixes" it.

Well, that and "Jurassic Park 12: It's Dino Time!" by Tom Cardy.

That's too long. Who's your butthole tent piercing guy?

The dev apparently used the RedReader app to test a "spoofing" method of access for a proof of concept, but they don't want to use that method either, because it would potentially cause problems for RedReader, which they didn't want to do:

If we do that, and cause a huge traffic boost under RedReader's name, it might lose them their exempt status. I'd like to avoid that if I can - there's no reason to paint a target on RedReader's back unnecessarily (an independent, non-commercial app), especially since the equivalent can be done with the official app without the same risks.

The real problem for Libreddit instance operators is going to be acquiring an API key. It doesn't look like it's an automated process like most other services - you have to fill out a form, which opens a ticket, and wait for someone from Reddit to get back to you.

I run an instance, and I'm not sure I want to go to the trouble. But I'll wait and see what happens.