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( ˙꒳​˙ ) Hello I'm dr or Grey witch ever you want to call me. yes I have autism. I like rock and stone, linux, and cute things. https://nohello.club󠁛󠀣󠁥󠀹󠀲󠀱󠁦󠁦󠀬󠀣󠁥󠁤󠀸󠁥󠁦

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a lot of people base there personality off it because they installed it from scratch and customize it exactly how it fits them. ofcorse that's not going to be everyone because everyone is different.

I'm lucky if I get more than 3 notifications in a day

it should be safe. From what I know the update only broke it as it was updating so installing a dual-boot after should be fine. You might want to test first so just install something small like mint for a test and see if it works.

Gnome. On my laptop KDE and cinimon have given me a LOT of issues. I've had a lot of linux problems due to my hardware tho but finally found a fix and don't want to change

I use a USB cable with file transfer. I also do phone file management like this because it's easier