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Joined 13 months ago

Clearly this man has never

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Depends on what club he's hanging out at?

5 more...

Well said!

*roll a nat 20

"Get fucked, shitbird. I didn't buy your bullshit even when people thought you were techno Jesus."

Ones a vampiric blight on society, and the other is a beloved drag racing grandad from a 60's sitcom.

He should stop threatening us with a good time.

May his loss of power be swift and embarrassing to him and his ilk, and cause the RNC to sink further into self destruction.

This is the best showerthought I've seen in ages.

I think I'm going to like it here!

I must confess to missing the vastness of Reddit, but I'll never go back. The company I keep here is better, by far.

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You serious, Clark?

Meth lab oompa loompa is the best new meme I've seen in a long, long while.

Interestingly, the pic used is a diamond discovered in Crater of Diamonds State Park in Murfreesboro, AR. It's a unique 83 acre kimberlite site where you can pay a small fee, and take the kids to search for a diamond that, if you find one, you get to keep. I lived 42 years in Arkansas, and we took our kids and had a fun time digging and teaching the kids about geology.

I say all that to make the point there are good sides to understanding diamonds without the BS surrounding shitty business practices and human exploitation. That park is a decent step in the right direction.


Thanks! I appreciate the information, and I apologize. I guess I could've looked it up.

I can't blame her, but damn. Is it too cliche to say that's why she'd be a great candidate?

Here's some money. Go see a Star War.

A Gary divided against himself cannot stand.

Me: *turns 51 in a few days

Also me: "fuck"

::: spoiler spoiler BEEEANNNNS :::

Narrator: "They didn't."

I was a better person having never seen this.

You forgot the "/s" bro

I would take those and the adhesive rubber feet that you would get with switches and make coasters out of them to give away.

Yep. Duck those ducking duckers. I'm out.

Unfortunately, propagating ignorance is useful as a tool to keep change from ever occurring.

I'm a white dude that lived in the South for 42 of my 51 years. I was fortunate that my parents were flower children that didn't fit in with the hate scene of the time, and they taught me to respect everyone.

Their biggest hurdle was the limit of their knowledge. Like me, they weren't taught the history of atrocities that we're perpetrated against our citizens. The advantage that I had as a parent, over what my parents had, was the good fortune to live in an age of enlightenment through information.

I did my best to make sure that I passed on that part of my parents legacy to my, now adult, children while also making sure they understood what the actual history looked like in our country. I'm hopeful they'll levy their advantages to continue to help break the cycle.

Who's your friend? Asking for a friend.

He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slur! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slur that day, I can tell you!

"Do things awesome"


Apologies for my ignorance, but just why hasn't she run for office?

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Oh no. No, no, no, no, put it back!

The hive mind is strong with this one.

Asking for a friend?

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Would it help if I said "please"?



He gave him a dolla...

Is he legit trying to steal Uncle Baby Billy's look?