
1 Post – 102 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That man is repeatedly showing the world how stupid he actually is and how little he actually understands about running a company. He has never been in a situation like this where he wasn't surrounded by a bunch of people playing babysitter and doing all the leg work to try to actually get his shit ideas to work. IIRC I saw somewhere this morning that he hadn't even figured out what to call tweets and retweets, he really hadn't thought any further than changing the logo and repeating the same lame idea he had 30 years ago.

ABAM (All Billionaires Are Morons)

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I wish more of the larger subs were still protesting and didn't roll over so easily. But regardless the site has taken a massive hit to its reputation and one can only hope that recovery won't be possible moving forward and it screws them out of their chance to go public.

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We've known this dude was a piece of shit since the Anita Hill trial in the 90's. This motherfucker has been corrupt since the start, he doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself, just like every other rich fuck in this country. So hes not the exception here by any means, he just didn't really make much of an effort to hide it.

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Who in the fuck do they think they're fooling? There hasn't been any sort of large corporate antitrust breakup since Bell Systems in the early 80s. They expect us to believe that after 40 years of inaction, suddenly they're going to do their jobs again? This is nothing but pandering to pad approval ratings. I would love to be wrong, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

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Those assholes should have never pushed the shit in the first place. Giving people the freedom to work from home and still live their life at the same time, then trying to snatch it away and force a return to the office, is clearly going to cause some serious push back. But these fucks were more worried about justifying their expensive office leases, than actually listening to and respecting their employees. A lot of those shit companies got what they deserved, empty offices, weakened workforce, and less overall productivity. Good job assholes.

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I’m not excited to vote for a corporate Dem again, but if that’s what it takes to keep a twice impeached fascist out of the White House, we’ll then, sign me the fuck up.

This is Biden's entire re-election strategy in a nutshell. I'm gonna hold my nose and vote for him too for the exact same reason, but I'm tired of having preselected candidates rolled out in front of me and being forced to vote for the less shitty person.

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I know this is all just Elon's ineptitude on full display, but there is still part of me that thinks he was paid by certain governments to tank the platform.

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Tons of crap like millions of "Fuck spez" all over the place, big ones and small ones, at one point they took up almost a 5th of the visible area. There were multiple statements about never forgetting what was taken from us or joining other social media. There were insults about spez in other languages and a guillotine with a snoo in it labeled Spez

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".....because you have a side that cannot change. Because then that means the admission that their beliefs have been corrupt all the time.”

The projection is strong with this one.

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Oh man, this sounds like a repeat of the whole debacle with AT&T and their "5Ge" bullshit. As soon as the whole 5G hype started, AT&T decided to claim that their entire network was now "5Ge" and capable of faster speeds. When in reality the "5Ge" label simply meant that the network in that area was flagged to be upgraded to 5G sometime in the near future, there was zero increase in network bandwidth or performance, just a little "5GE" symbol on your phone. IIRC they were taken to court over it and ordered to stop using the "5Ge" label, but they figured out a way to weasel out of it and never followed thru.

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But Dixon wrote, rather cryptically, that remaining employees will put “more emphasis on our social channels as we accelerate our discussion with partners to take our content to where it will be viewed most broadly.”

In other words, the in depth reporting and niche shows aren't making enough money, so we're going to dump all that shit and jump on the reality TV bandwagon.

This was exactly my thought. Most people skimmed over the part of the article that talks about the insane amount of water used annually by these fucking wastes of space. No golf courses should fucking exist, they carve out hundreds of acres of land and wipe out tons of local flora and fauna, all so a bunch of old rich fucks can get drunk every day and hit a stupid fucking ball around.

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Actually no. That quote is from the bible.

Zapp's quote is "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised."

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"The assholes doth protest too much, methinks"

I honestly think there are now a few of those "Weekend at Bernie's" scenarios playing out in congress. McConnell comes to mind as the most obvious, he has already had a couple of public examples of him losing his cognitive abilities, but everyone pretends not to notice and they keep tripping over themselves trying to cover for him, similar to how they did with Feinstein.

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If you read the article its the entire phone that gets hot, not just the "insides". While a slight increase in temp under heavy load is normal, becoming too hot to even pick up is not.

I mean come on, this is a design flaw without question, you can easily get burned by a 115°F metal case.


I've played with this idea in my head on several occasions. It does seem rather insane how all social media sites are self destructing and making business decisions that are questionable at best. Given all the uprisings across the globe in recent years, it would not surprise me if there were various investors and governments who would pay good money to destroy those platforms. Also the sudden and complete self destruction of both Reddit and Twitter right as we're about to head into the 2024 US presidential elections, seems rather suspect as well.

The other idea I've been considering is that both Musk and Huffman are raging malignant narcissists who are throwing a massive childish tantrum and burning it all down simply because the users on their sites made fun of them.

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Yeah, we've passed the tipping point where fear of prison outweighs the fear of retaliation from Trump and his MAGA idiots.

Wu Tang LAN

Please please please stop giving this dipshit attention. Thats all she really wants. Shes pissed trump is getting all of the attention right now so she continues to say stupid and outlandish shit with no understanding of its meaning, solely because it gets her in articles like this. This dumb bitch needs to fuck off already.

These big name actors are fighting for the people that are part of SAG that are extras or do stunts who make jack shit from most productions. These people are fighting for members of their union, this has nothing to do with anything else.

Google would have to burn the browser market to the ground before I'll consider subscribing again.

They're sure as fuck trying.

Jon Stewart 2024 "It worked for Ukraine"

I doubt he knows the first thing about American history. Hes has several old teachers admit he was a fucking moron and IIRC there is documentation that Trump Sr paid his son's way thru school. So that moron probably knows less about US history than most middle school kids.

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Can we not give this moron free air time? This idiot, like Trump, just wants to remain in the limelight and bask in adoration. She doesn't give a damned about NATO or any other foreign policy, she just likes seeing herself on the news.

IIRC there was a sub on Reddit that was dedicated to reporting bot accounts. Maybe we could have something similar here too so it can be a group effort to keep these bots in check the best we can.

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The thing that everyone ITT seems to be forgetting is that while yes making rice or beans or something similar can be cheap and also very filling. When someone is working 40+ hours a week at multiple jobs to keep a roof over their heads, depression is inevitable. Living paycheck to paycheck is stressful, anxiety inducing, and depressing. So when someone is exhausted and depressed, sometimes all they have the energy for is to pour a bowl of cereal, because anything beyond that is just too much.

So to further simplify, stupid people are unwitting test subjects that the rest of humanity sometimes benefit from because they do dumb shit no one else would have thought to try.

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Meh....sorta? I'm pretty sure he can legally use campaign funds to pay legal bills relating to the election interference cases, since the cases are sort of tied to actions made during his 2020 campaign. But AFAIK he cannot do so with the classified documents case, since it has no direct connection to his election campaign.

But even if part of it IS legal, given his propensity to break the law whenever possible, it probably should warrant another investigation if nothing else.


Specifically reef keeping. I will spend hours browsing coral on aquarium sites, looking to find the perfect one for my tank.

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"No, I don't want to read post titles and use my logic skills, I want to scroll mindlessly clicking on everything and have other people do all the work for me."

I think random threats of violence from a bunch of morons who have no understanding of how the world works is still a better option than full on fascism, were he to run and win.

Why do people still listen to this fuckstick? He proved long ago that he has the mental capacity of a bag of rocks, so lets just leave him in a corner to be ignored and move on.

Nope. The mere fact that they are intentionally arguing in bad faith is proof of that. Their entire reason for making the offer to "discuss" is to trap you in one of their "gotcha" moments, so they can use it to prove their claim. They will never acknowledge their mistakes and will simply talk in circles. Typical grifter/troll approach to politics.

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This was one of Cyrax's original Fatalities from MK3.

Whats fucked up is this type of bullshit has been a damned meme for over a fucking decade and they're just now allowing a class action to go to trial. At this point lots of other printer makers have followed suit in some form or another.

Yup, troll!

Move along people, nothing to see here.

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Yeah, most people never actually grow up, they just get older.

Money laundering, or rather I should say payoffs. Trump is a pay to play type of guy, so someone is paying him for something thru deceptive shit like this. This is no different than someone paying several million for a piece of art that clearly is not worth that price.