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Joined 1 years ago

Man this is all so interesting to see so many unique situations testing the Fediverse to see how it holds up.

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I think the most insulting thing is that reddit wants to monetize off of things like YOUR efforts and YOUR content. Stuck it to em' and made us proud! Nice work! Hope your new community does well.

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Can we not inflate his bullshit on this new site though? Like... This is just him saying whatever random stuff to stay in people's minds. There's no meaning behind it and there's no action either. It's just actual clogging up of more important politics and news.

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Either both platforms restricted Passes to harder validation after Cyberpunk 2077 or XDefiant is BUGGIER than Cyberpunk 2077

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This company sucks. It's like they throw so many ideas and things at a wall and then never foster or care for any of it. And then they take away the wall so anything that relied on it gets fucked when the app isn't available or works correctly anymore. And this is CONSTANT!

They deserve each and every loss. Pretty sure the only new developments sticking around are the Google Pixel phones. Who knows, maybe they'll delete features for the old ones in the future too. Or remove support for their phones entirely and randomly leave.

Hello, I am people

I think the difference here is that we know the interface and trusted developer choices of those apps.

I'm currently using Connect for Lemmy right now and I'm still excited for Sync because I've used it for years.

But each update for Connect so far has been extremely good with quite a few features added. It's also incredibly straightforward to use. So at this point I'm curious how Sync will step into the ring.

Hell, it could have all the same features as Connect, but add previewing with a hold and that'd be an amazing thing for compressing posts. But also Sync can cater to left-handed people like me with its customization.

"Consumers demand more and better graphics" Nah, we want optimization now thanks to the Deck. Games like Armored Core VI that are able to downscale fo. The Deck is REALLY nice while games like Remnant 2, which is an absolutely wonderful game, is completely unoptimized and only now can run on the deck ok after a big update for "Potato mode" graphics.

And yet some of the best AAA games of the past that can look better run at 60fps.

If anything, developers have gotten out of control with specs required to run their games. Jedi: Survivor is just ridiculous and more games seem to follow suit. Nintendo is obsessed with optimizing for lower end hardware, but imagine if they made a game squeezing out each and every ounce of what a game can be nowadays on newer hardware. We'd see some seriously amazing new optimization techniques as well as showing off the buffoonery that is the current specs situation. Hell, they already did it with Tears of the Kingdom anyways.

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It really just might be idiots with too much money. Musk makes changes willy nilly without much peer review in the similar way the Titanic sub rich guys did before it imploded.

Then Steve Huffman was like, "Hey, I wanna get investors and money! Screw the people, the whole site is mine to play with like Elon does."

Money corrupts, man. It's overly worshipped by society because of its necessity and now here we are. It's a whole other system for the rich vs the poor.

But to go along your route of thinking, I'd still say no because powerful social media is even powerful when the people who use it are heavily propagandized. (especially by Russia) So when communities fracture into safer sites, propaganda loses its grip and has to work harder to spread influence.

I feel like Lemmy is on its way and its main benefit is that it's not as cynical as Reddit to EACH OTHER.

So many people on reddit gripe about the smallest shit, especially the Steam Deck reddit, that conversations become either you're with my ideas or you're against my ideas. Like even though you're just trying to help others play a game, "I'm insulting you for free because of the way you said lowest fps is 33 with drops down to 29. I don't think it means what you think it means." (of course shoving a meme in there because that's their identity at this point)

I clearly meant average, but oh here comes -20 comment score when I explain that.

I see nicer comment chains from people on opposing political sides here even though I know a usual reaction these days would be to tear at each others' throats. Lemmy isn't devoid of it, but Jesus at least it isn't like how Reddit predictably uses a scalpel on your comments to find something to complain about.

But I think this might be the result of tailoring my experience over time with instances I want to see from and communities. That level of customization is awesome. But it does suck to see so many instance drama things happening in a much more rapid pace than reddit.

Here's the thing, you do these things more for self maintenance rather than for it to feel good. Brush your teeth and floss now so they don't rot when you're older. And that comes faster than you think. Like I was eating dinner at my neighbor's house on his 60th birthday and he was dealing with painful root canals. (But my sister had to deal with those in her teens)

Homework SUCKS, but it teaches you discipline for yourself. Doing parts you don't quite enjoy just to get the job done. Which is insanely important for every single work ethic you do in your future. I know so many 3d artists who are incredible, but have the attention span worse than rats. So they don't go anywhere and constantly need to be told to stay focused.

A clean room is a clean mind. Having a messy room to wake up to is fine at first. But it can tend to get worse and spread throughout the rest of the house over time and 1 small task each day turns into a mountainous multi-day cleanup. (My mother is a hoarder of projects and stuff. 2 rooms completely unusable in the house and she leaves her tools all over the place without making a habit of putting stuff back. I never know where anything is)

It's the same for food. You eat the damn vegetables now to get a palette for them or you will suffer obesity by fast food or whatever. Which leads to lack of energy and always feeling fatigued. (Which I'm currently dealing with and only now just got to liking Broccoli. I'm 29)

As someone who decided to only live for things that I actually care about and even made my own job as a 3d animator, maintenance and discipline show up in places you don't expect and you'll be thankful you built it up beforehand. The things that make me feel good are my choices in what I work on, the dream that I strive for, and the fact that I carry a sense of quality and discipline at some points to be able to be more ambitious than others because I will carry out tough tasks rather than avoid them even when they don't make me feel rewarded.

Lastly let's talk about the schedule. Super important to even have one despite friends being all, "Let's go out late at night til 4am". Let's see their attention span when they're older. Well the schedule helps you get food in your body that you might forget to do because you're so focused, or even overly eat. Sleep is incredibly important, but you know something is wrong when you wake up and already feel tired. You may break the schedule to however you want after school, which is really nice, but if you create your own job in art then you'll have to apply one to yourself or weeks or months will fly by and you're stuck on the same project without focus.

Also, take notes YOUR way. Forget standardized notes. Just write down whatever helps you remember things in the way you do. School usually forces tests without notes, but all work and even important conversations outside of school is all about taking notes and rereading them. Learn any way you can to enjoy that part! I have my own Discord server for all kinds of notes I take that get categorized. I also have a fast notes page in my phone's home screen because my memory is just bad. And that's OK, because I take great notes!

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As someone who recently got hit by a silver Honda in the middle of heavy rain. Look left as many fucking times as you can because there might be an invisible car without headlights on in the rain.

Definitely a Pic to make me subscribe to this community!

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Combat was the incredible highlight of this game.

Seeing most of the fixes go towards that instead of immersion kinda... You'd think they highlight those immersive aspects more. The mods are sure as hell all about immersion including working stock markets and such.

This is one for the bookmarks! Amazing!

All about indies at this point for me! I found these after slashing my wishlist in half!

. Rusted Moss . Roboquest . Protodroid DeLTA

There's 3 people working on this game and there's hundreds of cheaters popping up every other day. It's a massive load.

Especially when they also have to deal with DDOS attacks as they try to keep their servers alive for so many people too.

It's 100% warranted and I'm glad they still saved a path for Linux. Even if it's like, "You must be on the STEAM Kernal" or something, it might unlock a path for other anti-cheat to have some sort of access on Linux as well.

There's an important moment where you have to ask yourself...

"Is this story so bad I'm not invested in it anymore?"

"Is the gameplay bothering me so much that it feels bad or unfun to me?"

If the answer is yes to both of those, you may feel free to drop the game with full confidence you're not gonna play it again.

It might be because most of us Americans lick the boots of corporations for free or get in line to.

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Gyro on the LEFT stick is interesting. I usually have mine always on, but I guess with the track pad and everything you don't need to reach for the d-pad?

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Just try to find extra ways to extract enjoyment out of the tougher tasks. Turn it into a game AND REWARD yourself for getting through it.

SBMM has the fatal flaw of expecting players to want to constantly improve with every match. Sometimes we want to play to relax, but that's never on its mind.

I view it as like 2 different movie theaters showing the same movie with one of them streaming it from the other, but then we all get to experience it together as if one big audience live chatting each other. Maybe not a movie analogy.

2 different worlds and their people say hi then start sharing their content and communities with each other. Signing up is like choosing a world to start from, but you can leap to see any planet wherever. Just your starting home is always home.

I absolutely love the rug pull at the end! Swept the hell outta me on my first read!

"This is my official formal letter to ____ topic/game company"

Gtf outta here. It's just a damn post. There are no official letters on a forum post putting you above anyone else and a multi-million dollar company is not gonna look and think seriously about your opinionated changes. Because that's all it is no matter which way it's written.

Just like a movie theater, people are used to 24fps in a movie and anything else makes it seem weird and less dreamlike to transport them into the world. (But games aren't 24fps movies, I know. Not the point)

When you clean up all of the visual post processing, the game will look extremely clean. Which makes it feel like it's missing some kinda extra polish. People are so used to all of these elements added for a grounded and dirtier experience that without them it looks, and more importantly, feels too game-y for Ubisoft. (Counter-Strike is super clean, for example)

Look at Resident Evil 2 Remake and you see every single cinematic option in the book, down to lens distortion, being used and being able to be turned off in the settings. It's the look and feel the studio wants to go for.

It's truly disappointing when the good guys want to "fight fair" against quite literally the 1 situation where the founders put a backup plan in case of massive corruption of the system.

Spark the Electric Jester 2/3 are sick af!

Protodroid Delta is super fun!

Hotshot racing is a blast from the past despite requiring being online to even start for no reason.

Battlebit Remastered, but I do have a work pc incase they introduce the new anti-cheat to protect servers from DDOS.

I'm also thinking of getting into Ridge Racer for the first time, but MAN the car turning is WEIRD. Makes me want to start NFS Underground.

Their app is terrible so I keep to only checking my favorite communities that sadly haven't moved over at all.

Well even if the software is functional, the underlying OS doesn't support it in ways that are important. Like suspend and resuming games. Then when Windows can have a random update, the extra software may break or run into serious problems until the devs can get an update up for it as fast as they can on reaction. Nvidia STILL commonly runs into these problems with just Gpu updates. Things always break and they gotta have multiple versions of stability going and staying on top of updates for the latest games.

In other words, nobody has a problem with Windows until Windows suddenly spawns one for them to have for seemingly no reason and at the worst times. The more Beta the software is, the more commonly this happens.

I do gotta say those controllers may finally be a replacement for Joycon on PC. They look great!

Sadly, yeah. A lot of team moved to Gravity Well to start something new.

Shooters are wonderful with Gyro. Like Roboquest or Gunfire Reborn with just the right settings can feel amazing. But online shooters like Battlebit Remastered I definitely recommend using a bigger screen for such smaller details in the distance that could kill you.

Also the d-pad, although I have a very early release version, is atrocious. Only useful for inventory and not for actual older games or fighters because the diagonals require ridiculous squeezing to input. I might need to do a tape modification of something.

Other than that, the Deck is absolutely amazing!

Remnant 2 is brilliant at this and bad at this at the same time! The in-world stories that are told along with the environments are absolutely STUNNING! Everything clicks together so well and a slightly different story is told when re-rolling the map!

Main story cutscenes tell the worst story I've ever seen executed. (Worse than Monster Hunter World's Handler story stuff) I'm glad they're skippable on another run. Because literally everything is is some of the most classic gaming experience one could have.

Games that don't do this: infamous series. The first time on the first one is incredible. But afterwards as a trend, loading the game goes straight to your most recent save with zero menu.

Killzone: Shadowfall. No intros. Straight to the main menu when you boot. Unique and wild every time!

Nah, literally played Goldeneye at a party yesterday and it's still damn fun! We also played Smash 64 AFTER Ultimate and had fun too!

If it's shaders, you could potentially turn off downloading shaders in desktop mode. I don't actually know if things are a Stutter mess anymore after many changes in 3.5 if you do that. (That async stuff)

You could try turning up the haptics in the controller settings?

Sounds like a case where they'll shut down the entire location and move across the street.

That's also because they deleted thousands of negative reviews. I think the numbers was like 7,400? 7.5? There's a review talking about it.

That's pretty damn neat to see it cross-formatted here!