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When I look at the "pro Trump side" I see made up nonsense and impossible conspiracy theories. When I look at the anti Trump side I see videos of Trump talking.

The video on cancel looks like QVC. The "Trump Combat Knife" and banner promoting patriotaddictdeals.com just sum up the Republican party so well.

I go to Rallies with presidential candidates to listen to music and form my political opinions by listening to DJs.

Nobody snatches defeat from the jaws of victory like a Democrat.

6,000 crickets released directly in the audience. (I hope from multiple points.) This is glorious. 😁

Maybe you don't mind if a cricket jumps on you. I'd shudder and shake it off, demonstrating my lack of courage and dexterity. A lot of people will scream, jump around, or run.

Picture these assholes attending their favorite panel at HomophobiaCon. A cricket jumps on someone, she brushes it away in disgust. Another just feels something caught in her hair. She bats at it, looks into it's beady, insectoid eyes and screams. More screams. The Homophobe in Charge can't hold the audience's attention.

There is some sort of insect infestation. Are they harmful? They don't know. But they have to cancel their homophobia speech because nobody wants to sit in a room with thousands of crickets.

This is straight out of an 80's movie and I am here for it!

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I love the aesthetic. I fully support Art Deco public transportation.

A bus designed by someone who absolutely hates public transportation is pretty funny though. "I wish these seats faced each other so I could sit knee to knee with a stranger." -Nobody Ever

And there's so little passenger space, they have a "luggage" compartment in the front. So I suppose I'm just supposed to put my bag there, out of my sight, then hope nobody takes it before I get off?

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Can you think of any realistic benefit to a manned mission to Mars?

Bringing back samples would be an amazing feat, and that seems a worthwhile mission. Having a human onboard seems to complicate things far more than any data that would give us would be worth.

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That looks so much like a scam. Granted, the line is paper thin.

Didn't he say full self drive was two years away at least 5 years ago?

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"Not like that! We meant we should debate whether trans people should exist or not! Redistributing wealth is just evil."

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A cab with no driver is just an incredibly expensive gender neutral toilet. I shudder to think what will be done in these if they ever exist.

The signal to noise ratio is so low these days. There's so much information out there but everyone wants to profit from you before you can get it. Even worse, the people with good information generally can't buy as big a megaphone as the people who profit from lying to you.

Honestly, I think humans have been more likely to believe an easy lie than a hard truth all along, but it's easier than ever these days.

Yeah, that's about what I'm thinking. A manned mission to Mars could be an interesting project for our kids or grandkids. Anyone talking about it in our lifetimes is just a grifter.

Way ahead of you, buddy.

Americans will post a meme about Tianimen Square while eating a Chiquita banana.

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Tell that to Chelsea Manning.

Sure, the US is mostly freer with information than a country that is unabashedly authoritarian. But ask Ron DeSantis what he was doing at Guantanamo, or the CIA what they did in Latin America. If you don't think the US hides plenty from its citizens, you haven't been paying attention.

Our Tianimen Square was Kent State, or maybe the MOVE Bombing, or all of the documented police violence against protesters and marginalized people. Fat lot of good it does that we can talk about them when nothing changes.

I think it makes more sense to hold our government to account than point out the flaws of people we don't like.

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Or the store just got their Dasani shipment. Or they ordered twice as much because it's so popular.

Sometimes jokes are funny as long as you don't think about them too much.

i mean that's a fair statement, but she wouldn't be running on fracking if she thought it was detrimental, so it's either not a huge concern for most voters, or there is something more than being let on in the rhetoric here.

You're begging the question here. If Democrats paid attention to their voters we wouldn't be having this conversation. Generally, critics of Dem strategy believe that they are too beholden to wealthy donors.

Democrats blame Jill Stein for Clinton's loss. But Dems can't force her not to run again, or people not to vote for her. If Kamala doesn't win, it will be because she didn't convince enough people to vote for her, not because Jill Stein is running.

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a candidate should work to appeal to 100% of their voter base

Less a proposal and more of a fact: People won't vote for a candidate who does not support the issues that they support. You can't expect a voter who is against fracking to vote for a candidate who supports fracking.

If Kamala supports fracking and the majority of voters do not, it is up to her to change, not the voters.

i consider this a voter skill issue

Yeah... Democrats want to blame the voters so they can continue to court wealthy donors. If everyone in Michigan promises to "Vote Blue No Matter Who" then they can continue arming Israel without losing any Muslim votes. Unfortunately that's not how things work.

You can't even say "Nonwhite women exist."

Goal shifting? You post 4 articles that agree with me and then claim I'm goal shifting. You should be ashamed of yourself. Learn to read and then come back and talk. 🤡

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None are so blind as those who will not see ✌🏾

I'm sorry are you asking about white women voting for Republicans? Did you look at your first link? I suspect you're conflating "women" with "white women".

That conflation is really what I'm talking about when I mention the racism of this country. It honestly was not meant to be pointed directly at the people here, I mean that stories abound about how "women" are solidly Democratic as a way to hide that the majority of white women are Republicans.

Edit: But if you're quibbling that 47% is not a majority when 42% voted for Democrats, you're just wasting time. If only white women voted, Republicans would win.

What an odd question. As usual, Democrats won with a diverse voting bloc because the majority of white people voted for Republicans.

It took me about 20 seconds to find that 39% of white women voted for Obama. Why didn't you research that before commenting?

I really am shocked that "White women vote for Republicans" is somehow surprising, but that drives home the point I've been making this whole time.

Cool! Are there different Finnish accents? Geographic, socioeconomic, or otherwise?

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Ah, I get it. Really interesting, thanks!

Happy Birthday!

I suspect it would be difficult to generate enough data to intentionally change a dataset. There are certainly little holes, like the glue pizza thing, but finding and exploiting them would be difficult and noticing you and blocking you as a data source would be easy.

I'm also curious why he isn't being treated as a POW. This seems like a violation of the Geneva convention, but there's too little information here.

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Unscrupulous adoption agencies will often pay for children.

Churches generally have the same divide as the people who attend them: Urban ones are sane. Rural ones are conservative freaks. And I'm fairly certain this was a Black church. 90% of Black people are Democrats.

Thank you for your service.

Historically, dictators go hand in hand with peaceful transfers of power after their term is done!

It's wild how they just build lying into their platform. Conservatives finally figured out how unpopular their opinions are, so they just decided that they should just tell people they believe differently than they do.

LOL! Did you even read that link? Good God, man, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Meanwhile, white women seem to have maintained or slightly increased their level of support for Trump compared to 2016, with some 55 percent of them voting for Trump this election cycle and 43 percent voting for Biden according to early exit polls.

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That's not what (((elites))) mean to Republicans.

Your articles are calling you a liar. Not me. (Edit: Well, I am too, come to think of it.)

The first Pew research graph clearly says that 47% of white women voted for Republicans and 45 for Democrats.

The second makes no mention of race. If you choose to reply, repeat after me: "Nonwhite women exist." Maybe you just forgot about Hispanic women. And Asian. And everyone else.

The third just dismisses exit polling without presenting any data to dispute it.

Edit: My bad, I should have looked at your whole article. It also agrees with me. Sit your lying ass down.

The 52% statistic appears to be one of those myths. According to a later analysis that experts consider more reliable, a study published in August by the Pew Research Center, the percentage of white women who voted for Trump was actually 47%, compared to 45% for Clinton. T

By my count, we have the Post and Pew Research (And the Times) supporting me, and you have yet to support your claim at all.

Wait...you mean the "receipts" that prove my point? Ok.

Jesus Christ. Read whatever it was one more time, buddy.

Why do you keep lying? I thought it was an accident, but you've got your head stuck in the ground.

You understand that nonwhite women exist, right?

Your article is precisely what I'm talking about: taking great pains NOT to say how the majority of white women voted Republican.

While Biden made gains among college-educated, white women voters who supported him in greater numbers than they did Hillary Clinton four years ago, Black women voters carried him over the finish line.

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Everyone gets their own internet. But consider that I might have been paying more attention to this specific topic than you have?

Do you remember Proposition 8?

And the Post revisits — yet again — the blaming of black churchgoers for the passage of California's Proposition 8 during the 2008 election cycle. Indeed, even before that November vote, prominent white members of the LGBT community vilified religious African Americans for supposedly voting with a stridently anti-LGBT agenda. Indeed, church attendance has been called the main cause of black voters' support for Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage. https://www.npr.org/2011/03/04/134257733/the-root-the-misjudged-black-vote-on-gay-marriage

There was SO much vitriol from white Democrats, especially some members of the LGBT community....when it turned out that even if every Black person voted for gay marriage, it still wouldn't have overturned the white votes against it. In 2020, there were endless articles about the increasing number of Black men voting Republican for a 3% increase.

I'm not saying I've done a scientific study on who is writing articles about what. That's my take and reasonable people may disagree. But it is wild how many people are just straight up lying in this thread to pretend that white women don't vote for Republicans though.

Anybody with a good grasp of history should understand how quickly and often Black people become the scapegoats for anything that goes wrong.